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When he spoke, Yan Xiong had recovered, and in the large box, suddenly poured into dozens of people.

"Bad table, today, Laozi will let me these brothers feel good and cool, give me the light!" Yan Xiong sneered.

At this moment, Beidou finally understood what happened.

These people, from where they jumped out, live impatiently, are coming to seek death, troubles to their heads? !

On the sofa, Ji Huang even did not look at the people's eyes, just toward Ye Hao said: "Look for you?"

Hearing the voice, Ye Dagger, said: "Several unopened dog things, I don't want to care about them."

"All his mother is doing something, not giving me the light! Who dares to gossip, kill directly!" Yan Xiong evil voice.

As Yan Xiong’s voice fell, dozens of black men rushed toward Ye Hao.

However, at this time, Ji Huang glanced at the dozens of black men.

The gloomy and cold dawn, I don’t know why, but it makes people feel trembled.

"Mr. Xiong is it... I don't know if I can give a thin face and leave for a while." Ji Xiurai looked at Yan Xiong in front of the door, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Hey, where is the little brother, it looks good." The red woman stared at Ji Xiu and took a moment, and immediately said: "Little brother, know each other, get out of the way... This woman offended our male brother, Tonight, don't let me be so cool, don't want to go out alive, I have to see how much she has!"

"In addition to this woman, unrelated people, I will go out to Laozi, otherwise, I will die here tonight!" Yan Xiong shouted coldly.

"Xiong brother... This stinky watch dares to offend you, and must not let her live alive!"

"Xiong, you are really compassionate, let the watch be cool before it dies."

The two dressed up the enchanting staff, smiled at Yan Xiong's face.

Beidou and Qiushui, etc., look at the flow of Yan Xiong as if they were stupid. These people...what is the point of ignorance, they can’t recognize them, and they are fearless, and they have gone through many years, and their appearance has changed dramatically. I can't recognize it, but I can't recognize the European underground emperor Ji Xiuzhen. This is...

"In this way, this face is not given." Ji Xiu dyed and laughed.

The sound of the sound, Yan Xiong and the red woman and so on are a sneer, this little white face really will be a root? Give him face? !

Not waiting for Yan Xiong to open, a man in a white suit with a cold face, walked into the room from outside the private room.

"My lord." The cold man went to the ruling ceremony.

"Blood bones, it is going to rain, but it can't stop." Ji Xiu dyed and laughed.

Hearing, the cold man nodded and said that he understood.

It’s going to rain, it’s impossible to stop.

The latter sentence corresponds to ... people who want to die, no one can save.


A mustache, a dagger, appeared in the hands of a cold man.

I don't know what happened, the whole bone has disappeared into the place, and the next second is the strange sound of the sharp weapon piercing into the flesh.

At least a dozen breaths, at least a dozen of the entours brought by Yan Xiong were pierced into the neck by the dagger in the hands of the dead bones.


The remaining ten people, seeing this scene, was shocked.

"He is... Ji... under the Emperor... one of the eight great gods... the night is dead!!"

"What... dry bones!!"

I heard the name of the bones, and everyone’s look changed.

At this moment, the people who come from outside the private room are also gathering more and more. It is known that the bones have changed, and it is unbelievable.

Under the Emperor of the Kings, there are a total of eight great gods. The combat power can be described by metamorphosis. One of them is the bones!

[July 21, the end of the update?

PS: "Gentleman's Grace" (original name: "Mr. You are good," the third volume has begun to pre-sale, the baby who wants to buy a collection can go to Tmall "Da Zhou Book franchise store", or Jingdong reservation, Tmall before 3000 to send signature postcards, a family of three to set up cards, custom bookmarks, etc., Jingdong is a signature version, you can go to my Weibo top posts to view ~

PPS: Say something to the babies. Everyone knows that whether it’s in "Have you shine," or in my book, I have mentioned some songs. Now basically all song apps have comment functions. After reading a lot of texts, I will go to brush the songs and communicate in the comment area of ​​the song. I am very happy that everyone can like the songs I mentioned in the text, but I hope everyone will pay attention to it. Don’t post easy-to-lead content under the songs. Similar to "the song is fired by the novel", it will cause fans and passers-by of the song to resent, causing unnecessary misunderstandings and quarrels, thank you~

(The contents in parentheses are not billed.)

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