Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1364: If it is really the night

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The man walking in the middle, although there is only one back, but this back... is too familiar...

For a moment, the appearance of the Secretary's night cold appeared in Ye Hao's mind.

Although it is not certain, the back is really like...

However, if it’s really cold, how can you come to this place to find joy...

Ye Hao never imagined that he was still in the belly of the abdomen. It was the night of the cold, what kind of mood she would be, and the result was that she saw the familiar figure when she went out.

"Sir is cold!"

Almost subconscious, Ye Hao shouted at the back.


In the center of the team, the man got a black car, but just closed the door, but he heard the sound of letting himself stay for a long time... and the voice seemed to be calling his name.

"Nine brothers, what's wrong?" Lin was sitting next to the man, and he looked wrong. He asked.

"Nothing." The man's indifferent voice spoke out of his mouth.

"Nine brothers, what happened?" Lin seems to have a heart when he sees a man, and he does not give up.

Hearing, the man was silent for a moment, then he said: "Have you heard it?"

"Hear?" Lin lacked a slight glimpse: "What have you heard... nothing has been heard..."

"The voice of sly..." said the man.

"Ha? Ye Hao?" Lin lacked a smile: "Nine brothers, you are not a lovesickness... How could it be Ye Hao... Here is the independent state, Ye Hao is in China, the difference is ten There are more than eight thousand miles, and you really want more than nine brothers."

"Maybe." The man looked through the window and headed for the nightclub.

However, in front of the nightclub, there is no figure he is familiar with.

"Drive." Lin is missing.

As Lin’s lack of voice fell, the team had already set off.

"Nine brothers, after we came back this time... and everything in Huaguo has been broken... This is what you said personally, can you really let it go?" Lin looked at the man.

However, the man is in silence and has not said a word.

"Nine brothers... I know that you can do this, there is no way. In order to protect her, you take her back to China, and even clear her memory... Now, I will leave with pain... but this is good, only in In China, she can be safe, start a new life, and never remember the independent state, which makes her horrible." Lin lacked a sigh.

After a while, the man’s deep scorpion looked out the window, and the night was deep and the pattering rain fell slowly on the ground.


In the nightclub, Beidou stared at Ye Hao, who suddenly became lost, and his brow slightly picked up: "Feng Jie, what happened?"

When I heard the sound, Ye Hao converged my heart and said, "Nothing."

She is afraid that she is not looking for someone to be crazy, but when she sees a back, she feels that she is a cold night...

"Just kidding, I know you the most, you must have something... Yes, you just shouted the secretary outside the door... What is the Secretary, right? What is the story of the night cold... Who is the night cold... It’s not going to be missing. I’m looking for a good outside in the past few years...” Beidou stared at Ye Hao.

"Sir is cold..."

On the side, Ji Xiu snarled the name in the mouth, and there was a hint of inexplicance in the inside.

"I said nothing, you are not jealous." Ye Hao did not look good at the Beidou.

"Does this have anything to do with 瞎, shouldn't it be embarrassing?" Beidou looked arrogant.

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