Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1378: I’ve finished playing with you.

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"Nature will not." Ye Haodao.

At that time, the people of Ashura came to the fearless alliance and let the flat-headed brother tribute. As a result, Pingtou brother directly killed the coming person. This matter, Ye Hao knows naturally, how can the real Pingtou brother go to the tribute? .

"Haha, refreshing, good... since it's okay, then I will go first." Transan said, stood up.

Ye Hao is talking too much, but secretly looking at the seven stars.

At this moment, the whole seven stars are like a piece of ice, cold and boneless.

Ye Hao secretly frowns, there must be something wrong... Perhaps, she may have exposed something because of this Transs...

Soon, she saw the seven stars open the phone and started sending SMS messages.

Ye Hao hurriedly approached the past silently.

Through the mirror in the conference room, Ye Hao finally barely saw the contents of the text message.

"This woman is not a maple sister at all... I want her to die, Beidou, you are cheated."

The recipient is the Beidou.

The words behind are not clear, but it is enough to see the first sentence.

"Not good..." Ye Hao's heart was tight.

She started from entering the conference room and said nothing in a word. It is impossible to have any exposure.

Moreover, this person of Terence is really there, not the seven stars and the three elders fictional to test themselves...

And to rule out all this, there may be only one problem.

The Western man in front of him is not Transans at all! I was cheated!

"And slow."

Before the seven stars sent the text message, Ye Hao suddenly sneered and stopped the Western man.

"Bai Meng, how... what else?" Western men gave a slight glimpse.

Hearing, Ye Hao walked inadvertently to the western man, his mouth slightly raised, and outlined a smile of evil charm. He said: "Game... I have finished playing with you, then... Should I come to ask you? Some questions."

"White Alliance Lord, what do you mean." Western men said.


Without giving everyone the opportunity to return to God, Ye Hao’s right arm rose, almost between the beggars, a slap in the face, and the slap in the face of a Western man.

Immediately, the Western man, without any precautions, was slapped by Ye Hao.

"You took me...what is it...stupid?" Ye Hao sneered.

"White Alliance Lord, what do you mean, want to provoke a war between us?!" Western men suddenly became angry.

"Come on!"

Ye Hao screamed.

In the next second, dozens of fearless allied elite members walked into the conference hall. These members were dressed in white, with the words fearless behind them.

"Help me ask him, why do you pretend to be a special agent? Who is behind the scenes, if you don't say it, kill him." Ye Hao underestimated.

Not waiting for the members of the fearless alliance to act, the Western man angered: "What are you talking about, I am Transs!"

"You are Transs?" Ye Hao sneered: "I have known Telance for so many years, how can I not know, is Transs a Westerner?"

As Ye Hao said this, the smiles on the faces of the three elders suddenly froze, and the seven-star scorpion also showed a touch of twilight.

Seeing this, Ye Hao was relieved.

In this independent state, few Westerners are infested, and one party does not lose to the leader of the fearless coalition. How could it be a Westerner? !

Moreover, Fang Wei, Ye Hao also suddenly remembered that the independence of the independent state is the highest in all places, no one, how could it be possible for Westerners to grow up here? !

Before, she did not think deeply, but after pondering, there are indeed many unreasonable places.

So she is betting, gambling that Transkes is an oriental, this is a gamble...winning is the birth, losing is dead!

Simply, she won the bet, the look of the three elders and the seven stars is the best proof.

[July 26, the end of the update? PS: Independent state is a brand new map, it takes a process to set the background of the person to set the relationship, these are very necessary, otherwise the plot can not be expanded, so everyone slightly Anbe, the story behind is absolutely more exciting~]

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