Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1385: I know that you are the best.

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"Cut." Beidou screamed: "Feng Sister, in fact, I think so, but I didn't come and say it."

Ye Hao looked at Beidou and said with a blank expression: "I know, you are the best."

Hearing, Beidou nodded again and again: "Feng Jie, you really understand people!"

At this moment, Ye Hao didn't bother with Beidou, and his heart sighed. This is a fearless alliance. It really is a pool of water. Maybe, only after his death rose is strong enough... I have enough capital to climb out of this mire. .


The death rose is headquartered in a manor, while the manor is a smuggling scam that threatens to be a member of the Fearless Alliance and buys it at half price.

At present, all the recruits are all arranged in the manor.

At the moment, the vicinity of the manor was deserted.

Not long after, a young man dressed like a Taoist man, with an inexplicable smile on his face, came to the manor.

"There is no gods... Is anyone at home?" The Taoist shouted in the manor.

"Someone is at home, hurry up!" After shouting for dozens of seconds, no one answered, and the look of the Taoist began to become impatient.

"Who!" After a moment, a black old man walked out of the manor.

The old name is Jiang Cheng, the first batch of people recruited by the death rose, and belongs to the top first-class master.

"Infinite God... I just want to ask, is this the headquarters of Death Rose?" The Taoist smiled.

When I heard the sound, Jiang Cheng was slightly stunned, and the brow was suddenly raised: "How do you know?"

"Friends introduced..." The Taoist spoke.

"Oh?" Jiang Cheng thought thoughtfully.

Recently, the death of roses has indeed recruited a lot of strong people. If it is a introduction between friends, it is normal.

"Little brother, it is not so simple to want to join the death rose... Have a look at your skills, whether you are qualified to enter my death rose." Jiang Chengdao.

I heard Jiang Cheng’s words, the Taoist thought, and finally nodded: "Nothing is ok... I just ask, confirm that this is the headquarters of the death rose."

The Taoist said, turn and leave.

However, Jiang Cheng’s face suddenly sinks.

The performance of this person is extremely weird. Where is the introduction of friends, it is simply to determine the location of their death rose headquarters!

Although I don't know what kind of purpose the Taoist person is in front of, Jiang Chengruo will not let him know clearly, and he will let him go.

"Miscellaneous things, dare to inquire about the news of my death rose!"

Jiang Cheng was so angry that his body shape disappeared instantly in the same place, and at most one breath of effort had already come to the Taoist side.

In the meantime, Jiang Cheng grabbed the Taoist arm: "If you don't make it clear today, I am afraid... can't live to leave!"

"There is no god, the old man, the fire is not so big, it will hurt the body." Between the words, the Taoist body moved slightly.

However, in Jiang Chengyu, there was a strange flash. This person... the force is unfathomable. It’s just using the body, it’s shaking himself away...

Jiang Cheng originally wanted to call people, but the speed of the Taoist people was extremely fast, and there was no trace in an instant.


Yuncheng, Nie District.

The four major families of the independent state each occupy a main area. For example, the area occupied by the Nie family is the Nie district. The area is also named after the surnames of the four major families.


After the divine Taoist man entered the mansion, he went straight to the main hall.

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