Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1388: Is this captain awkward?

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As the voice of the devil and the voice of the people fell, everyone in the room looked at each other.

They have also heard that the death rose does not exist, but it was not true at that time, and the right to listen to a joke.

In fact, after joining the death rose, most of the strong people in the field were slightly questioned, but they did not dare to say it clearly.

Until now, Nie Jiaqiang, one of the four great families, came here to kick the pavilion and personally said that the death rose does not exist.

"Don't... Death Rose really doesn't exist, we were cheated..." A man with a silver fox-shaped mask muttered in his mouth.

"Think carefully, the reputation of the death rose is great...but it is limited to rumors. None of us have seen the power of the death rose, and how the black widow of the leader of the death rose is so young..."

Jiang Cheng’s brows were deeply picked up, but the death rose clearly existed... some of their brothers, once in the six-level dungeon, had the privilege of seeing...

What the **** is this all about?

"Is really fake..." One of the pretty women, looking at the skeptical person with a little doubt.

"Oh, that's natural... In this world, where is the death of roses! You poor people, you are cheated!" God sneer sneer.

At this moment, Ye Hao’s heart was somewhat faint, and the front line of sight was blocked by everyone. She could not see who the person was, and what the situation was.

However, the copyright of this death rose is not theirs, shutting them down, why should they run to poke her?

Seeing that there was some town in the field, Ye Hao could only straighten his waist and whispered: "Whoever is here!"

As Ye Lan’s voice fell, the gods and the Nie and the unknown were slightly stunned, this voice... how to listen to some familiar...

After Ye Hao opened his mouth, soon, everyone in front of him retreated toward both sides.

When Nie Wuming and Shenxu Dao saw the woman in front of them, both of them were very different, and they were Ye Hao, and they were still in the same place.

"Look... what is the similarity between the woman and the famous boss?" Nie has no idea to touch the chin and speak to the devil.

Hearing the words of Nie’s namelessness, the devil’s mouth is gently twitching. Is this captain awkward...

"Captain..." The devil sees Nie Wuming: "Where is this... it looks like a twin, it is like a great!"

God blame, and stare at Ye Weidao: "You are the woman who pretends to be a dead black widow... You are very similar to a friend of ours in China!"

Ye Hao saw Nie Wuming and the deities of God, but there was still some excitement. However, with the voice of the deceitful person falling, Ye Hao’s face suddenly darkened.

These two people, isn’t it a problem with your brain? !

Can you recognize it face to face? I haven’t seen it for a few months...

"Little girl, you are very courageous, even the death of the rose dare to pretend ... you and tell me, who is giving you this guts!" God sinister stare at Ye Hao, cold smile.

Not far away, the little Loli and Ginger in the crowd looked at the scene and they were so aggressive, then...the two were not the masters who saved them in Myanmar...

How could they suddenly run over to make trouble and say that they pretend to be death roses?

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