Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1391: Is it ok? [Seeking a monthly ticket]

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I heard the words of Ye Hao, the gods and the Nie and the nameless have been completely forced, and this kind of operation? !

"I don't buy you anymore, I will divide you into shares, let you buy shares. At that time, wealth will continue to flow... What Shen Jiafu can be an enemy country, all have to let one side, then, at that time, you are richer than Shen family!" Qilian took a lie.

"Captain, we have to make a fortune!" In the fog of the clouds, the gods are full of excitement, and the Shen family is completely entangled in the four great families by their rich financial resources...if they are more than Shen family rich……

"Shut up!" Nie Wuming glanced at the demeanor, and immediately looked at Ye Hao. His face suddenly had a flattering smile: "That... famous boss... you see this buyout fee. How much...and, how to divide it..."

"With our relationship, I will definitely not treat you badly. I am never slaughtered by me... twenty-eight points." Ye Hao smiled.

Hearing the sound, Nie Wuming looked a happy, not waiting for the opening, Ye Hao said: "I am eight, you two."

"I am two?" Nie has no name.

"Yes... you two." Ye Hao nodded very positively.

"Captain, let's have two..." The gods seem to be somewhat dissatisfied.

However, Nie was inexplicably pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "As long as there is money to make, I will be two of me... Is this means of making money legal?"

"It's just legal. It's just in line with international standards. When the death rose becomes a real big copyright, the whole world will know that you are the author of Nie." Ye Hao nodded.

Not waiting for Nie Wuming to continue to open, Ye Hao took out five hundred dollar bills from his pocket and gently placed it in the hands of Nie Wuming: "This is a transfer fee... you must hold it first."

"Only five hundred..." Nie Wuming is quite dissatisfied.

"When you make money later, do you still care about this? The eyes should be long-term, believe me, that's right." Ye Shuyu has a long-term heart.

"Captain, a famous boss in China is a well-known broker, but also brought out a few shadows of the Emperor, the credibility is extremely high!"

In the end, under the shackles of Ye Hao, the copyright of the death rose finally fell into the hands of Ye Hao.

From this moment on, her death rose, true and effective, no longer pretending.


After a while, Ye Hao and Nie Wuming and others, once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Nie’s name is full of seriousness: “I’ll say it, it’s like this... Before we made a mistake, you’re not pretending to blame this waste, and listen to it.”

The devil is silent, and the captain’s ability to turn his face does not recognize people...

"I still don't apologize to the widow." Nie has no name.

The wicked person looked at Ye Hao and apologized and smiled: "Women, I am wrong... I am very sorry, I must figure it out next time, I am really disturbed today."

Ye Wei: "..."

You are a widow, your whole family is a widow...

"But, I don't know who is not guilty. Today's business is just a misunderstanding. Everyone doesn't have to be true." Ye Hao calmly said.

Hearing this statement, only some of the strong doubts in the heart, no doubts, even the people of Niejia said so... Their boss, the black widow must not be wrong!

"Hey, you are too savage, next time you act, hope to think twice." Jiang Cheng black face, very unhappy.

"Well... I remember, next time I have to think twice, I will never find anything." The voice of God is somewhat guilty.

After a while, Ye said: "Since the matter subsided, I sent two to leave."

After confessing with Ginger and Xiao Loli and others, Ye Hao walked out of the manor with Nie and the gods.

"Don't be at home... okay..."

Halfway through the road, Ye Hao looked at Nie’s name and asked with hesitation.

[7.29 What is the end of the update?]

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