Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1698: Absolute treatment

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At this moment, Xiu Luozhu and Ji Huang are the tip of the needle to the Mai Mang, so that everyone in the scene is so arrogant, the family who had been in love with each other before, now how without warning, full of gunpowder smell...

No one knows why the two suddenly became like this.

"Jihuang, the test has ended. If the emperor has something to do, he can leave first." Gong Lao went forward and opened the way to Ji Xiu.

After hearing the sound, Ji Xiu dyes a moment of silence, this is the way: "Alright."

After the dean of Akasaka Akira, Ji Xiuzhen looked at the master of Shura: "Master Shura, please."

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Ji Xiu-sin and Shura, the two masters, did not say anything, but left side by side.

On the stage, Ye Hao was speechless for a while, but the two men were surprised.

However, what makes Ye Hao’s heart puzzled is that the Shura Lord... knows himself?

If the Lord Shura is not a night, how can he recognize his makeup?

At this moment, Ye Hao did not think too deeply. Anyway, it is almost certain that the Shura Lord is the night of the night, and then thinking more, there is no great significance.

At this point, Ye Hao's look is slightly doubtful. In this comparison, the honor point of the mercenary who created his own record is 5,000 points. The first test of the martial art is 10,000 points...

Plus two A-level mercenary missions are 10,000 points, and they currently have a total of 25,000 points of honor points.

It sounds pretty good, but... what is the mercenary honor point?

"Hey, come over."

At this moment, the old man on the VIP seat, smiled at Ye Hao.

When I heard the sound, Ye Hao immediately walked to the side of the palace, and smiled and smiled: "Master."

"Well, hey, this time you participated in the martial arts training, it was very unexpected for the teacher, broke a record, and even took the first." Gong Lao looked at Ye Hao, full of relief.

"Master, I only have a few pounds, and the last few brothers and sisters let me, deliberately admit defeat, otherwise, how can I get the first." Ye Hao softly laughed.

Hearing the words of Ye Xi, the elders of Lei He not far away, looked at it quietly.

The last few people let Ye Hao, his apprentice, one was killed by Ye Hao, one was injured by Ye Hao? !

"Haha, good, not arrogant, very happy for the teacher." Gong Lao smiled and spoke.

Not waiting for Ye Hao to continue to open, the palace is old and said: "Hey, you now have 25,000 mercenary honor points, you can already raise your own mercenary rank, 25,000 points, just can rise For the A-level mercenary."

I heard the old interpretation of the palace, Ye Hao understands that in the Chiyan College, want to become a high-level mercenary, enjoy the highest treatment, in addition to their own strength to match, but also enough mercenary honor points.

Twenty-five thousand can be promoted to A-level mercenary, while S-level requires 50,000 honor points.

Of course, if you have insufficient strength and want to get enough mercenary points, you are crazy.

In general, only the top A-level mercenary missions are completed, but only a few thousand honor points.

If the strength is enough, you can even brush the task and become A or S. It is not difficult.

In addition to being able to raise their own ranks, mercenary honor points have much use.

For example, the dean of Akasaka can be a refiner, hire a super-high-level student of Akasaka College, etc. At Akasaka College, mercenary honor points represent everything!

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