Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1701: Can you spend money to buy it?

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But what happened in the end will make the grandfather so incapable of seeing the Nie’s mother and the family. Ye Hao is not known.

Also, vaguely remember, in the end, several middle-aged men came to the public and respected the foreign public, and called the grandfather the president...

President... What is the president...

"Ye classmates."

Just as Ye Hao thought deeply, the Akasaka, who was sitting in the office chair, shouted at Ye Hao.

Immediately, Ye Hao converged his heart and looked at the dean of Akasaka: "The dean, your hypnosis means, it is extremely powerful!"

If the dean can be willing to help himself, her memory... must be able to recover completely!

"Ye classmates, as you said before, your memory is indeed a lot lost..." At this moment, Dean Chih-chih did not stare at Ye Hao deeply: "Accurately, you are not lost in memory. And it seems that the memory has been replaced. Do you know this thing?"

Hearing this statement, Ye Hao nodded again and again: "The dean, I know this thing... So, I want the dean to help me recover my own memories!"

The president of Akasaka took a cup of tea and thought for a moment. Then he looked up and looked at Ye Hao: "The whole independent state, I am afraid that only me can help you recover your memory."

"Thank you, Dean!" Immediately, Ye Hao’s cockroaches showed a strong excitement.

She guessed it well, Dean Akasaka, indeed has this ability...

As long as you can restore your memory, then everything can be true!

"Don't rush to thank me." Dean Akira stared at Ye Hao and smiled slightly: "It can be seen that Ye is a person who attaches great importance to the rules. It happens to me that Ye, who wants to restore memories. Just follow the rules."

Ye Wei: "..." I don't pay attention to the rules...

The so-called emphasis on the rules of the president’s mouth should be the words that Ye Hao’s dialectical innocence after killing Meng Tian in the ringade today...

I really dig my own pick.

If I have said it myself, I can’t beat my own face. Ye Hao can only admit it with a stern look. “The dean’s adult is right, I really value the rules... Then, I would like to ask the dean, I will recover. Memory, what rules do you need?"

"According to the rules of Akasaka College, I am looking for a refining device or a guide. They are 25,000 mercenary honor points. Hypnosis takes a little effort and needs 55,000. According to Ye’s situation, it is estimated to be At least three times of hypnosis, that is, at least 150,000 mercenary honor points, this time is also 50,000, Ye classmates, you still owe 25,000 honor points." Dean Akira laughed.

Ye Hao "..." Why is there a feeling that life is not as good as death...

90,000 mercenary honor points, plus 25,000 points owed by themselves, that is 170,000...

It’s not your own life to go to the mercenary honor points of 170,000 points.

Similar to defeating the difficult A-level missions of Beidou and Qixing, it only gained 5,000 points, the super-dangerous S-class mercenary mission, completed once, and estimated that it was only 10,000.

It's not that every mission is as easy as this one, unless the super-hazardous task will get more objective mercenary honor points.

175,000 honors logarithm...

Say, this thing, can you pay for it...

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