Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1704: That is called a ferocious

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"Sister, do you want to sprint directly to the S-class mercenary?"

The female mercenary looked at Ye Hao slightly.

It stands to reason that Ye Hao’s obtained mercenary honor points is enough for her to rise to the A level. At this moment, Ye Hao’s wearing is still the lowest D-class college clothing at Akasaka College.

"You ask my sister how to do so, don't take a look at a curious baby, my sister did not use the mercenary points to upgrade, it must have the intention of her sister." One of the A-level mercenary.

Hearing this statement, the female A-level mercenary turned a blind eye at it, this is a slap...

Between the words, Ye Hao has already walked forward.

Several A-level mercenaries are behind Ye Hao.

After seeing Ye Hao appearing in the mission release area of ​​Akasaka College, many mercenaries around him looked at Ye Hao.

"Hey... Ye Hao..."

"I rely on... I just came back from the mission. I heard that the second disciple of Elder Rega was killed by a new disciple of the palace. I heard that the name of the new disciple of the palace is called Ye Hao. It will not be She..."

"Can it be her, a D-class mercenary, mad at the limit in the ring, must be an enemy two, at the same time on the two Meng class and Meng Ke S-class mercenary students ... ..., Meng Tian was given by her Killed, Meng Ke was seriously injured, no loss in dozens of games, broke the record of Nie Lingzhen’s sister-in-law to participate in the martial arts conference, and took a first place..."

"So cruel?"

"You are not on the scene, the scene is called a ferocious..."

After seeing Ye Hao have come here, the people who originally discussed have quickly closed their mouths.

Some D-class mercenaries and C-level mercenary trainees present, after seeing Ye Hao, subconsciously retreated toward the left and right, giving Ye Hao a position.

At this moment, Ye Hao looked toward the task release column.

Most of them are C-level and B-level tasks. After they are completed, they receive mercenary reward points ranging from one to two hundred to three hundred and four hundred.

This kind of C-level and B-level tasks is a waste of time. The honor points of the mercenaries given after the completion are only one hundred to four hundred. It is simply terrible!

If you want to do this kind of C-level and B-level tasks and want to save 170,000 honorable mercenary points, it is estimated that your hair is white.

C-level and B-level tasks, Ye Hao has completely abandoned, this life is impossible to pick up...

As for the A-level missions, the average is only more than a thousand points of honor points, medium two thousand to three thousand, top four thousand to six thousand.

And this value, for Ye Hao, can still barely accept, but if you only accept A-level tasks, it will not work.

Take an average of two thousand and five counts. If you want to get the 175,000 honor points, Ye Hao needs to complete eighty or ninety A-level mercenary missions...

If you do A-level tasks, it is definitely not practical.

Want to get a lot of mercenary honor points, and in a short time, then only complete the top S-level tasks, S+-level tasks, even SS-level tasks...

These tasks are too difficult for the current stage of Ye Hao.

S-level mission: Get a hair from Shura's master, and reward the mercenary with 10,000 points.

S-level mission: Get the emperor's carry-on objects, a bronze ring, and get 10,000 points of mercenary after completion.

When I saw one of the tasks, Ye Xiaokong shrunk and opened his mouth in an incredible way.

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