Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1707: Provoke my relationship with the goddess

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Immediately, Shen Jiada’s face suddenly darkened and looked at Zhang Zuonian: “Who is killed by Meng Tian.”

"Death brother, the man is called Ye Hao, arrogant, it is estimated that you have never seen you in your eyes." Zhang Zuonian added oil and vinegar.

"Boss... No, the brother of death, according to this small machine spirit, the one named Ye Hao, did not leave any face for you, or find him, hammer him how." The top S-class mercenary said to the grandson of Shenjia.

Shen Jiada's son pondered for a moment, and immediately coldly opened his face: "Small machine spirit, where is Ye Hao, help me find him."

At this moment, the people in the vicinity have different looks. This year is really a clever tongue. In a few words, the goddess of death is remembered by Ye Hao, and the brother of death is called a small machine spirit...

However, it is not fun to be remembered by the son of Shen Jia Da. In Akasaka College, anyone who offends can not offend Shen Jia Dazi...

Many high-ranking mercenaries, looking at Ye Hao, are full of pity in the shackles, I am afraid that Ye Hao is unlucky this time...

"Death brother, she is Ye Hao..."

Suddenly, Zhang Zuonian pointed to Ye Hao.

Immediately, Shen Jiada and his top S-class mercenaries along the side looked at Ye Hao.

"The appearance of this younger sister... very character." Next to Shen Jiada's son, a S-class mercenary looked at Ye Hao and then nodded and said.

"She is killing Meng Tian's Ye Hao? It is actually a woman, it is really a human appearance."

Aside, Zhang Zuonian turned toward Ye Hao, his mouth slightly rising, his face full of cold smile.

This Ye Hao, how can it be more powerful, how to take the first martial arts to learn from the competition, how to be hated by the **** of death, how she is useless.

"I rely on..."

Just as Zhang Zuoian’s face was cold and smiling, he wanted to see how Ye Hao died, the goddess of death in front of him, staring at Ye Hao, full of excitement.

"Goddess, my little fairy, you really are at the Akasaka Mercenary Academy..."

Master Shen Jiada stared at Ye Hao and his eyes were golden.



"Little Fairy?!"

At this moment, everyone on the scene looked awkward.

This **** of death, shouting Ye Hao what... goddess, little fairy...

I have never heard of the heavy taste of the brother of death...

Do not want to say to others, at this moment, even Ye Hao himself is also a face.

Could it be said that the Shenjia Tucai owner recognized his identity?

I can make such a strong makeup myself. How did he recognize it? Isn't this scientific?

Zhang Zuonian looked at Ye Hao and looked at Shen Jiada’s young master. His face was full of strange colors. What happened in the end? What happened to the death **** brother shouting Ye Hao’s little fairy?

"Death brother... this is..."

Zhang Zuonian stared at the young master of Shen Jiada, and he was full of doubts.

"Oh, you are such a small machine spirit. You..." Shen Jiada’s young master smiled slightly toward Zhang Zuonian. This guy, with a deep heart, even provoked his relationship with the goddess!

Shen Tianchen said, immediately waved a hand to a few top S-class mercenaries: "What are you doing, give me a fight, and fight."

As Shen Jiada’s young master said, several top mercenaries were full of gloomy smiles and immediately surrounded Ye Hao.

"Who is playing, what do I want you to play this little machine ghost! I dare to provoke my relationship with my goddess! Give me a fight!"

Shen Jiada’s son screamed in anger.

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