Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1711: What my little nephew said

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Can think carefully, Ye Hao finally gave up this idea.

If the people who do not fear the alliance are dispatched to do the task, it will inevitably lead to suspicion, and the fearless alliance cannot remove a large number of people from the headquarters.

Thinking about it, only the method of Shen Jia Dazi is feasible, hiring a large number of top and high-level mercenaries to help them complete the task, in addition, there is no good way.

As for the employment expenses, if it is not too high, the problem should be small.

Today, Death Rose has begun to make a profit, and has not continued to rely on the financial resources of the fearless alliance.

"Goddess... or else, you marry me, you just marry me, I will help you hire mercenaries, how much you want to hire, you don't have to worry about money, I will solve it." Shen Jia Dagongzi Ye Hao grinned.

Ye Hao took a look at Shen Jiada’s son: "I have no money."

Hearing the sound, Shen Jiada’s son can smile, no matter what, his goddess is still a fearless ally, and should not lack this money.

"And, how did you recognize me?" Ye Hao was full of curiosity. It is reasonable to say that Shen Jiada’s son should not be able to recognize himself.

"Ha ha ha, goddess ... I can recognize you when you turn into ash, what is so strange." Shen Jia Dagong smiled slightly.

Seeing Ye Hao’s eyes hooking on himself, Shen Jiada’s son smiled with some guilty conscience: “Well, it’s the news that I bought with my big sister...”

"Big scorpion?" Ye Hao looked a glimpse.

"Oh, of course, Nie is unnamed... In addition to Nie Wuming, who can be my big sister, goddess, you are not Nie Wuming's righteous sister..." Shen Jia Dagongzi stared at Ye Weidao.

After learning that it was Nie Wuming’s secret, Ye Hao’s mouth was slightly twitching, and it was really her brother’s acting style... It’s for money, it’s all right.

"Goddess, my big nephew is still very satisfied with me... Otherwise, I will not tell you your news, but also said that you have made a huge ugly makeup... I have looked for the entire Akasaka Academy, not so much. Ugly, so I recognized you at a glance." Shen Jiada son snorted.

Ye Wei: "..." The entire Akasaka Academy... is she the ugliest...

After chatting with Shen Jiadazi for a while, Ye Hao left the cafe and returned to the mission release area.

"Sister, I heard that you just picked up the defectary mercenary mission in China?"

Suddenly, Li Xin did not know where he came from, and went to Ye Hao.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao looked at Li Xin inexplicably.

"Sister Sister, that task can not be answered... I heard that the elders judged the wrong task level, although it has not been determined, but it is not accepted as a second!" Li Xin quickly explained.

However, Ye Hao did not care much. He immediately returned to China. The task of taking the opportunity was one. If it was as Li Xin said, he would give up the task at most, and there was no loss to himself.

"Li Xin, you go to help me find the top mercenaries in the college." Ye Hao stared at Li Xin.

"I? Call those top mercenary students?" Li Xinyi screamed at himself: "Hey sister, are you too embarrassed to me..."

Ye Hao thinks about it. It seems that Li Xin, like himself, is only a D-level student. I am afraid that I will not see the top mercenary students.

Ye Hao pondered for a moment, and made a move, so that Li Xin helped him to summon some low-level mercenary trainees, and then released the news that a high-cost mercenary mission appeared. Then, Ye Hao moved to the chair and stool, and kept the task. Release area.

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