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Live broadcast, still going on.

Yao Jiawen swept through the audience and whispered: "The same, I am honored to be able to join Ye Zong's Emperor Entertainment. If there is no Ye Zong, maybe, our gods can't persist in the present, and I am very sorry, we are in the age of gods. The mistake made by the last CEO Ye Bai..."

With Yao Jiawen mentioning Ye Bai, the CEO of the Gods era, the audience was in awe.

According to Yao Jiawen's statement, Ye Bai took away all the funds from the era of the gods and left the country, disappearing, causing the era of the gods to fall into an unprecedented embarrassment.

And the fact is true, Ye Bai has been missing for a few months, and there has been no news.

"For the money that leaves the world in the era of the gods, what do you think about Yao?" One of the reporters looked at Yao Jiawen and said.

Wen Jiahui nodded and said: "This is an extremely selfish and irresponsible performance. It is also a crime. It is well known that Ye Mufan, the president of our gods entertainment, was arrested for murder.

Ye Bai is Ye Mufan's sister, including their father, who has a criminal history... Doing the same thing, perhaps, this may be a manifestation of a criminal gene, and I strongly condemn them here. ”

"Yao Zong, the era of the gods was created by Ye Bai, and created a certain brilliant achievement with the era of the gods. After you take over, there is not much pressure." The reporter continued to ask questions.

Hearing this statement, Yao Jiawen shook his head with a smile: "Yes, you said it is good. The era of the gods is indeed created by Ye Bai, and it has indeed made achievements. This is obvious to everyone, but...

I don't think that Ye Bai's ability will be stronger than me. On the contrary, I think that Ye Bai is relying more on luck than on his own strength. I am different. After all the funds in the era of the gods were swept away by the leaves, Still able to lead the era of the gods out of the woods.

The rise of Ye Bai is only a non-mainstream product of the transformation of the times. In the future, I can cultivate ten, one hundred, and even more leaves. Of course, the leaf I cultivated will certainly not have criminal genes. . ”

At this moment, Ye Hao’s forehead showed a touch of blue veins, and the cold light flashed in it, and he really raised a white-eyed wolf...

Beidou stared at the live broadcast, his face was boring: "This entertainment circle in China is really chaotic, the dog bites a dog and a hair... Maple sister, this is a good-looking one, you get up, let me see my goddess..."

Immediately, Ye Hao closed the live video.

good, very good, excellent.

Since it is said, Ye Bai has a criminal gene...

Then she will let them see, what is the real criminal gene after waiting for me to go back!

"Don't look at it, tell the seven stars, get ready, we have to go to China." Ye Hao snorted.

I heard the words of Ye Hao, Beidou slightly sighed: "Feng sister... So fast, I am not ready yet... Can you go for two days?"

Immediately, Ye Hao took a look at Beidou with a sigh of relief: "Do you think it is good to see your goddess online, or to see the goddess in China alone."

"Ah..." Beidou stared at Ye Hao, and immediately shot his thigh: "Yeah, why didn't I think about it! My goddess is not in China! I am Fengjie, you are so smart!" ”

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