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Immediately, the Beidou and the Seven Stars looked toward Liang Shujun, who was tied to the chair.

"Auntie, what are you doing in the chair?" Beidou looked at Liang Shujun with a little doubt, full of incomprehensible color.

Immediately, the seven stars on the side took a look at Beidou. Isn't this obvious enough?

"Everyone is welcome, standing and doing everything, sitting, Feng sister will come back soon." Beidou smiled and opened the way to the people in the villa hall.

Hearing this statement, everyone in the room looked at each other, where did this come from the silly X?

"Oh, kid, where are you from?"

The middle-aged man headed, staring at Beidou, snorted.

"Where did you come from? Airport." Beidou answered.

Still waiting for the middle-aged man to continue to say more, Beidou suddenly looked toward the door.

At this moment, Ye Hao was carrying a big bag into the villa, and a red elder and three elders followed behind Ye Hao.

The big bag is packed with gifts from the mother Liang Junjun. There is nothing to do in the independent state. Therefore, it is possible to purchase in a shopping mall outside the villa. The Beidou and the seven stars are too dazzling. Therefore, Ye Hao They gave the two people an address and asked them to come to the door first.

Just entering the villa, seeing the home is so lively, even Ye Hao is also a slight glimpse, what is this...


When Liang Yijun saw Ye Hao, who had not seen him for a long time, he suddenly returned. The first thing was a glimpse. Immediately, there was a full of excitement in the sputum, and even some unbelievable.

Seeing that Liang Junjun was tied to the chair, the color of joy on Ye Hao’s face disappeared instantly.

"Oh, I thought who it was... It turned out that your daughter is back."

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Hao, and the skin smiled and laughed.

"Hey, hurry up... go to the police, these people are bandits!" Liang Junjun immediately shouted at Ye Hao.

"Tudor?" The middle-aged man shook his head: "Why are you talking about this, how can we be bandits, we people, the most reasonable, owe debts, money, righteousness... You owe us money, now how do we It became a bandit, I think, you are a bandit, haha."

"Oh... are you a usury?" Ye Hao glanced at the middle-aged man and other people.

"How, isn't it obvious?" The middle-aged man laughed.

"Very good, I like to make sense with others." Immediately, Ye Hao looked at the three elders: "Close the door, we will talk to them today."

When I heard the sound, the three elders slammed the door and closed the door to the door. The sound of the door was deafening.

"You are slow...the door has been shaken by you..." Ye Hao’s mouth twitched slightly and looked at the three elders.

Three elders: "..."

"Ha ha ha, interesting, you like to reason, that is the best." Middle-aged man stared at Ye Hao, with a smile of interest, as if, Ye Hao several people like the meat on the felt.

"Talk about how much money you owe." Ye Hao first untied the rope of Liang Junjun, and immediately took Liang Yijun to sit on the sofa in the hall.

"Not much, just owe us this villa, return the villa to us, we are very reasonable." Middle-aged man said.

"Oh... don't listen to him nonsense, your father owes them a loan shark before, almost all of them have already paid off, and they have lost more than 10,000 yuan. I have already given them just now..." Liang Junjun hurriedly said.

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