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Independent state.

A quaint European-style manor, surrounded by security.

If anyone knows what people are meeting in this manor today, they will be scared and bloodless.

For the concealed prison organization for many years, the core members of the three members, Ashura, Skymark, and Tumen, met for the first time after the disintegration.

Jiang Yan and Lin were silently kept outside the door until the sky gradually darkened and the twilight was four.

Waiting quietly outside the door, Jiang Yan’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Yan walked slowly to the side and connected the phone.

"what did you say?"

The person at the other end of the phone did not know what was said, and Jiang Yan’s face suddenly gloomy.

"Give me a stare!"

After finishing this sentence, Jiang Yan hung up.

Aside from knowing that Ye Hao came to the independent state, he has been seeing the forest in the image of Yi Rong, and glanced at Jiang Yan. "What happened? A pair of expressions that ate Xiang?"

Jiang Yan opened his face with anger: "White Maple left the independent state!"

Lin lacked the words, suddenly browed slightly, ah, Ye Hao left the independent state?

This Shantou has not been digging a hollow idea to uncover the small vest of the night cold? How did you suddenly leave the independent state?

"Where did she go?" Lin asked subconsciously.

Jiang Yan angered, "Hua Guo! I took a garbage mission to destroy the mercenaries! It takes three to five months, and it takes a month or two to complete it! That mission is not like what she imagined. So simple, you can't lose your life, you are ignorant!"

"Oh, you are not quite used to her? Why, she lost her life?" Lin asked with a smile.

"I control her to die or live! The Lord has a feeling of love. If there is no antidote within three months, it will definitely die. Now the antidote has not been found! If this time she died, then the Lord..."

Lin lacked a familiar expression and nodded. "So, do you want her to sleep with the Lord to detox?"

Jiang Yan’s face was stiff and a suspicious flush appeared on his neck: “Dream!!!”

Lin lacked his head and looked at Jiang Yan. Seeing Jiang Yan as a flood beast, I was afraid that she would tarnish the appearance of her own master. If she knew that her own family had already been slept, I don’t know what it would be...

However, the girl turned back to China, isn’t that...

Lin lacked his gaze and was sinking, and the manor’s door finally opened.

The man was slender and dressed in a night-time dark-black abstinence-style retro suit. The beautiful face was soaked with frost and slowly walked out from the inside.

"Lord!" Jiang Yan and Lin Xiao immediately greeted him.

Jiang Yan stared at his master and said nothing.

Lin’s lack of it is nothing to worry about. He smiles and says, “Exactly, there is a good news to tell you.”

good news?

The Shura Lord glanced at the forest and missed the indifference.

Lin lacked a smile and said, "The girl took a Class A mission to defeat the mercenary in Akasaka and ran back to China."

At the moment when Lin’s lack of voice fell, the man’s pupil suddenly shrank a little. In the next second, the man almost did not think, and he immediately said: “Arrange the trip to China.”

When Jiang Yan heard this, suddenly his eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.


When the master heard that the woman was in China, she would immediately go to China. What does this mean?

Is it true that the Lord really wants to be wronged and detoxification in that way?

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