Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Not worthy of mention

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At the moment of the filming of "Spring Breeze", the atmosphere at the scene was tense, and the smoke in the air was full of gunpowder.

Gong Xu’s hand was the chair that he had flipped over and the broken piece of the ground: “Yao Jiawen! At that time, you said that I didn’t say this before I signed this film! You have to use the kind of bad tricks to promote the situation, I have already I am forbearing you! You really want me to take off the film, just to get a 18-line perimeter! Who are you when I am?"

The actress of the show, Hongxinghui, a big lover, a small entertainer who is not in the stream, is now signed into the era of the gods, brought by Yao Jiawen personally.

If it was placed before, Gong Xu would not care about playing this kind of drama.

But now, Ye Ge has spent so much energy to push him to that position and help him transform. How can he tolerate such inferior and vulgar films ruining everything they have worked so long?

On a leather lounge chair, Yao Jiawen sat there with a cup of coffee in his hand, facing the anger of Gong Xu, and he was very disapproving. "Miyau, you are too naive, those who make big money in the circle, who is not doing this of?

It takes so much time and effort to shoot a film without a market, even if you take a movie emperor? The benefits it brings are far worse than taking off a piece of clothing and revealing a little more meat!

Ye Bai’s way of self-sufficiency, blind pursuit of professionalism and acting skills, is simply not suitable for this circle, and it should have been eliminated. ”

However, for a few months, Yao Jiawen’s body has not seen the shadow of plainness.

As an expensive performer as a celebrity entertainer, wearing luxurious jewelry on the wrist, a Chanel high-definition suit, and a personal assistant next to it, is a gold medal agent, confident and full of talk.

The director and producers next to the news all echoed and slap the slap: "Yao always sees you!"

"Yao is so brilliant, Gong Xu, aren't we going to make money in order to make money? Why don't you go with money? Yao is totally for you!"

Yao Jiawen listened to the well-known directors and producers who were not qualified in the past and were intimately attached to themselves. The heart was greatly satisfied.

If it is said that she still had some guilty conscience, then now, after a few months of the identity of the gold medal manager and the company's president, that point and guilty conscience have been completely stepped on.

She is the same broker as Ye Hao. Why can she be mixed with Feng Shui, and she can only do one follow-up?

In this circle, if you want to be a person, you have to use whatever means, no wonder she!

She must never return to the original kind of sloppy life...

Even if it is 跋扈张跋扈如宫旭, it is not yet to let her be at the mercy!

Gong Xu stared at the woman in front of her, sneer again and again, "Yao Jiawen! You are here to pollute the ear of this young master! Who do you think you are, really you are my agent? Just by you, Matching with my Ye Ge?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Yao Jiawen calmly and elegantly broken the mask, and the bottom is full of haze.

After taking charge of the company, her most taboo is that it was compared with Ye Hao by others!

The most disgusting thing is that these people’s voices are all remembering Ye Bai!

It is clear that the age of the gods is already her, and she is now their agent!

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