Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1742: Who tells you the truth?

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Next to Yao Jiawen, Ye Yiyi’s female assistant arranged for her eloquently said: “Ye Bai! What do you want to do? You figure out your identity now! Your brother is no longer the president of the era of the gods, you are no longer the director of the company. There is no right to ask about the artist's business!"

The producer also echoed the opening: "I thought that I was the director of the economic department of the artist in the era of the gods? It’s ridiculous to take care of it!"

The director followed closely. "Miss Ye, I understand that you can't accept such a result, but I advise you to accept the reality. If you continue to be so entangled, I will be welcome!"

Seeing everyone sneer at Ye Hao, Gong Xu was so angry that he was so angry: "All of them shut up to Laozi!"

Although he is so angry that he can't wait to beat people at the moment, he can't, Ye Ge is still here, too dangerous.

He can't hurt her deeply.

After the death of Gong Xu, he covered the leaves of Ye Hao and lowered his voice. "Ye Ge, let's go, I am really fine!"

Yao Jiawen stood up under the help of the assistant and taunted. "Ye Bai, I am sorry to tell you that now I am the agent of Gong Xu, and you, nothing, you are not qualified to manage him. This Reason, no matter where you go, it is also here."

Yao Jiawen has a well-thought-out face and is full of fear.

Ye Hao sat on Yao Jiawen's leather sofa and drank the high-grade coffee handed to him by Qixing. The brow was slightly picked and an unexpected expression. "Who said that I came to tell you the truth? I don't have that interest!"

She is not here to reason with these people.

How can it be! Is she crazy?

Yao Jiawen looked at Ye Hao and looked at the two young and thin young teenagers behind Ye Hao, scornful and screaming. "What do you think of the director of Ye Ye?"

As long as she moves her mouth, she can throw them out directly.

But she didn't, she just wanted everyone to look at the scene where Ye Bai's myth was shattered in front of her!

Ye Hao looked at Yao Jiawen and blew his coffee in his hand. He smiled faintly. "Of course, it’s coming...


Not waiting for Yao Jiawen and others to react, Ye Hao raised his hand and gestured to the Seven Stars and Beidou. "Give me!"

After Qixing and Beidou received the order, they started to act without saying anything.

Beidou was so excited that he rushed to the front and then flew directly to trip the most expensive camera.

Everyone was almost shocked by the loud noise of "砰".

This Ye Hao, afraid that it is really crazy?

I ran with two little white faces... said to be awkward?

Yao Jiawen was scared and shouted, and then sneered, "Ye Bai, originally seen in a meeting, I want to give you a few face, since you are looking for death, don't blame me!"

After talking about the thugs arranged by a few Ye Yiyi on the side, "What are you doing! Give me a direct fight!"

The people on the set were all hurrying away, staring at Ye Bai and the two teenagers with sympathy.

This leaf white, take the money to hide abroad and not come out, isn’t it? Actually ran back to death...

Gong Xu was anxious, "Ye Ge! You have to let them come back! These are not ordinary bodyguards, they are mixed!"

Ye Hao nodded. "Oh, the road is mixed, is it terrible?"

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