Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1744: The world's first bulldog

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At this moment, Gong Xuan's eyes widened, and he glanced at the leaf scorpion incredulously. His mouth twitched slightly and seemed to want to say something. But the final words were not exported, his eyes were slightly moved, and he fell on Beidou again.

The flower peacock, the height and shape are very close to him. How could it have such explosive power? Is it possible to kill a cow with a punch? !

This is simply too horrible... too terrible!

"I rely on... I am going to go, I am not dreaming..." Gong Xu looked at the scene that was smashed to the face. The tall man fell to the ground, and his mouth kept mourning.

This is totally different from Gong Xu’s expectations.

"I rely on you, this bear, and still play black?"

After Beidou lost a black man, he swept over the audience and shook his head with disappointment: "Hey, really, don't be a face, one by one."

The seven stars stood beside Ye Xun, with no expression on his face, as if he were a god.

"Brother, you are so powerful..."

Gong Xu walked to the side of Beidou and gave a thumbs up at Beidou: "Brother, it’s too big."

"Brother, do you think that you are a North cow? This is where you have, you haven't seen your North brother's prestige, don't say these people, have you heard the dog chop? Dog chop saw your North brother, That must be detoured, do you think I am blowing with you?" Beidou is full of pride.

"Dog... dog chop?"

I heard the dog chopsticks in the Beidoukou. Gong Xu’s face is arrogant. What kind of ghost is the dog?

"Why, haven't you heard the dog shreds?" Beidou glanced at Gong Xu.

Weng, Gong Xu immediately straightened his waist, and quickly said: "I have heard, brother, I have also seen people in the world, dog mess, of course, I have heard, is a very large cattle, I know, brother Dog chop is the bit of the world's first bulldog. I still have one."

Although I don’t know what Beidou is saying, but in order to not lose face, Gong Xu can only make a face full of fat, a nonsense.

Beidou looked inexplicably and looked at Gong Xu: "Hey... it’s the dog of the independent state, you don’t know."

"Know, of course, I know, I don't know, the independent a relatively independent state, isolated from the world, a paradise, and there is a world's first dog bit on the island."

Beidou: "..."

Seven stars: "..."

Ye Wei: "..."

Not waiting for Ye Hao to say something, Beidou’s light glimpsed, and he saw the broken glass **** in his hand, and he stood up slowly.

Not waiting for the strong man to get up, the Beidou is a leg, kicking in the face of the black man, and kicking the strong man three or four meters away.

"Give me a good meal, I let you get up?" Beidou slightly dissatisfied with the brawny who was kicked by himself.

"Hey, you are quite tempered, and you still ignore me." Seeing that the black man is not snoring, Beidou's temper instantly ignites.

Not waiting for the action of Beidou, Gong Xu immediately stopped the Beidou, saying: "People are fainting, how to respond, or forget it."

Beidou nodded: "Give you a thin face."

Soon, Beidou looked at Ye Wei: "Ye Ge, you are finished, you still have to continue."

At this time, Yao Jiawen and others looked pale, and some of the staff on the set were hiding in the air.

The two young people brought by Ye Bai are simply terrible!

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