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As the Beidou voice fell, the eyes of Ye Hao and the elders and others fell on Beidou.

"Have you photographed?" Ye Hao stared at Beidou, his look was slightly strange, and there was an untrustworthy look in his face.

If they said that they were photographed by the elders and the seven stars, Ye Hao would never have any doubts, but this is said from the Beidoukou. I don’t know why, I always feel that there are some...

"Haha, Fengjie, I really photographed it, that scene..." Beidou swayed his head and hurriedly pulled out his hand from his pocket.

"I took the whole shot and took it with my mobile phone. I will show it to you." Beidou shook his mobile phone.

As the Beidou voice fell, Ye Hao and others quickly stepped forward and came to the Beidou side. Several people’s eyes fell on Beidou’s mobile phone.

"What about video?"

After a long time, the three elders couldn’t help but ask.

"Hey...the phone is out of power, wait for me to rush for a while." The Beidou look a little awkward.

Grand Elder: "..."

Three elders: "..."

Ye Wei: "..."

Seven stars: "..."

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Beidou’s mobile phone finally turned on.

As Beidou opened the phone, the elders and the three elders were stunned.

Somewhere in the hotel, the angle of view is about twenty or thirty.

Inside the hotel, it was unbearable.

Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi are lingering in bed...

"The third child, don't say it... Usually we didn't see it when we tracked it. The old ladies are pretty good..."

"Alright!" The eyes of the three elders stared at the video and never moved away.

Ye Wei: "..." these two old men...

I have to say that the video of Beidou is very clear, and the light is just right, but it is a pity that there is no clue in the case of Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting.

However, in this filming, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi also revealed some news.

For example, Ye Yiyi is the daughter of the two of them.

The duration of the video is not long and it has already finished playing in a few minutes.

"How about, okay."

Beidou took back the mobile phone and asked to ask Ye Hao.

"Not bad." Ye Hao indulged in a moment, then smiled.

"Feng Sister, should this video be put online?" Beidou copied a copy of the video to Ye Hao, and immediately asked.

Hearing the words of Beidou, Ye Hao pondered for a long time and finally shook his head.

The purpose of her returning from the independent state to China is not to expose the things of Liang Meizhen and Huang Mingkun, but to break through the birth of Ye Yiyi, but to make Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting innocent.

If this video is placed on the Internet now, although it will cause a great uproar, it will have a certain impact on Ye Yiyi, but it is absolutely impossible to kill Ye Yiyi and Huang Mingkun and others.

After all, Ye Yiyi now has complete control over Huangtian Entertainment. No one will care about Ye Yiyi’s birth, and once he does this, he will be amazed, and Liang Meizhen and Huang Mingkun will become the birds of surprise. At that time, I would like to make a fuss from the two people, set the news, and rescue Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting... It is difficult to go to heaven.

"Feng sister, then what is the meaning of this video I shot." Beidou is full of puzzles.

Ye Hao said: "Leave it first, it will be useful in the future. During this time, you will continue to follow and continue to shoot."

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