Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1755: Inversion mode is on

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Just a side of the seven stars, whispered to Beidou: "If this passage is recorded, Feng Jie will give evidence to the relevant institutions, and others will listen to what this recording will think."

"I don't know." Beidou shook his head.

"This kind of recording will only be used as a testimony under forced confession, and if Huang Mingkun and Liang Meizhen are revealed in a casual chat, it is perfect." Seven Stars explained.


"According to what I said, then you can sleep well, understand." The three elders looked at Huang Mingkun and Liang Meizhen, and immediately let them put them down.

At this moment, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meizhen, the psychological defense line has already collapsed.

"Huang...Huang Mingkun, you said, let's ask someone to kill Ye Shaoan, and blame Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting for things...will not be revealed?"

Liang Meizhen tried to endure the difficulties and turned to the yellow house.

Huang Mingkun: "Do not worry... No, this thing is seamless, no one can be aware of it, Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting are two idiots, they deserve it, their family, all idiots...

This family is also ridiculous. In the past, Ye Shaoan owed a huge amount of gambling debts, misappropriated a large number of company public funds, and took advantage of Ye Hongwei’s old things and the people on the road. Later, he blamed Ye Shaoting...

Ye Shaoan teamed up with Ye Yiyi and Gu Yueze, and Li should be outside, kidnapping Ye Hao... and injecting drugs into Ye Hao and taking a video... As a result, Ye Shaoting was really willing to be blamed because of his daughter. Say such a person, is he stupid? ”

As Huang Mingkun’s voice fell, the three elders smiled and turned off the recording.

"Yes, fast... let me sleep!!" Liang Mei snarled.

Probably it was really too painful. Both of them performed well and they passed the film once.

"Oh, yes." The three elders glanced at Liang Meizhen and Huang Mingkun. The dagger smiled and said: "This is right. If you say so, why bother to eat these hardships."

"I rely on, three elders, cattle fork!"

Seeing the success, Beidou immediately walked to the side of the three elders and gave a thumbs up to the three elders: "Three elders, you are more than a big elder!"

Originally, I did not intend to take care of the three elders of Beidou. I heard this and immediately came to the spirit: "Crap, the elders are old and immortal, can you compare with me? When did he win me?"

"That... Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiwei, how to deal with it? Let them sleep?" Beidou asked.

"go to bed?"

The three elders took a look at Beidou: "Are your brain rusting? Continue to give me sleeping pills and let them sleep after four hours."

“Why wait for four hours?” Beidou is slightly puzzled.

The three elders sneered: "Because it is four hours, it is the limit of human beings. If you don't sleep anymore, they will die. The lords will not be able to make a life, and I naturally have to strictly abide by the orders of the lords."

Beidou’s tongue: “Sure enough!”

Every second is not bad...

The three elders left the recorded recording and left the cabin without returning.

Soon, the three elders went back with Beidou with evidence.

The three elders sincerely pleaded guilty. "The lord, because you can't make a life, so I can't let go of my hands and I can only do this step."

After listening to the recordings and listening to the completion of the things from the three elders, Ye Hao was very indescribable. He touched his chin and muttered to himself. "This solution... Is it a bit too villain? Inexplicable I feel like I’m a strong thief....”

The Beidou on the side is inexplicable. "Feng Jie... Are we not the bandits and bandits?"

After listening to Ye Hao, the first thing was a glimpse, and then he couldn’t help but laugh.

Well, she only subconsciously thinks about the problem with the thinking of "Ye Ye".

Ye Hao glanced at Beidou and held his chin. He smiled. "Oh, you are right."

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