Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1759: Is that man not the Lord of Shura?

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The Beidou, who just ignited a cigarette, suddenly looked into the distance, licked his eyes and looked incredulous.

"I rely, isn't that man a master of Shura?!"

In the next second, Beidou immediately straightened up and pointed at the man in the distance.

Referring to the Lord of Shura, Ye Hao also looked at him and immediately looked at the direction pointed by Beidou.

In the distance, near the family, a man in a black suit appeared at the door of the division, and immediately turned and left, leaving only a back.

But this one turned, Ye Hao also saw the man's face, as Beidou said, and the appearance of the Shura Lord is exactly the same, but ... the hair is black.

"Sir is cold..."

Ye Hao’s heart twitched and muttered in his mouth.

"Not like the Lord of Shura."

The seven stars on the first officer, the expressionless opening said: "The two are indeed very similar, but the dress and look are different, and the man's hair is black."

"Catch up!"

Ye Hao immediately ordered.

"Feng Sister, rest assured." Beidou lost the cigarette in his hand, and immediately stepped on the gas pedal, and immediately chased up to the man.

However, when I saw it, I had to catch up with the man, but the man turned and walked into the side lane next to it. A blink of an eye, there was no trace in an instant.

Ye Hao immediately let Beidou stop to park the car.

Soon, a few people opened the door and chased them out, but they found a full quarter of an hour, but they could not see the shadow of a man.

"I rely on, change the magic... disappeared?"

The Beidou looked around and there was no one in the alley.

Ye Hao looked slightly confused, and both Beidou and Qixing Fang saw the man, so it was impossible for her to be blind.

And the dressing of the man is simply the original night of the cold, and the independence of the Shura master of the independent state, there is a big difference......

At this moment, Ye Hao brows deeply.

what on earth is it……

She just saw the night of the division, this is definitely not wrong...

If the Secretary of the Night is really still in China, who is the Shura Lord of the Independent State?

"The man, will it be the Lord of Shura, although dressed differently, but looks the same." Beidou was full of doubts.

"Not necessarily." The seven stars faintly open.

Hearing what Beidou said, Ye Hao fell into meditation.

It’s the man who is the master of Shura. It’s not easy to say that there is no point in guessing out of thin air. It’s only necessary to find out the person first.

Ye Hao originally wanted to look it up carefully, but at this time, the ringing of the mobile phone was ringing.

"The lord, the elders will do things, if the lord has time, let's take a look at it." The voice of the three elders came from the other end of the phone.

I heard the words of the three elders, Ye Hao slightly stunned.

The elders have done things... how is this possible?

A Hongxing Association in the district, the Grand Presbyterian Church will do... Is it something unexpected?

"What the **** is going on." Ye Xiaomei said.

"The lord, the phone will be unclear for a while, you still have to come and see." Three elders.

Between the vagueness, Ye Hao even heard a burst of mourning.

"I know, you send the address to Beidou, we will pass now." Ye Hao said.

After hanging up the phone, it was not long before Beidou received the message address and location sent by the three elders.

Immediately, the Beidou kicked the throttle and headed for the location.

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