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Ye Hao took a look at Beidou. After the goods came to China, it seemed that they had already begun to release themselves. The money he owed, he had to come back himself...

At this moment, Ye Hao and the elders and other people walked toward the front of the Star Entertainment Division.

"Who are you looking for?"

Before Ye Hao and several people walked into the stars and entertainment, several staff members stopped Ye Hao.

The entertainment of Star Entertainment is very strict. Some entertainment reporters want to get some news from Star Entertainment, or capture some internationally famous stars, which is almost unrealistic.

Not waiting for the elders to speak, a luxury coupe in front of them quickly traveled.

Immediately, several staff members quickly stepped forward and pushed Ye Hao and others to the side to welcome the luxury coupe.

After a while, the luxury coupe stopped in front of the Star Entertainment, the scissors door opened and a young man walked down the driver's seat.

The man was wearing a white shirt with a pair of expensive luxury sunglasses, and he swept a few people around the leaf.

"Who are they."

The man looked at several staff members.

I heard a voice, one of the staff members said: "Fu Shao... We don't know, we don't know what to do."

Immediately, the man did not continue to speak, and went straight into the building of the Star Entertainment.

Ye Xie looked at the man's back, if you want to think.

This man, Ye Hao is naturally no stranger. The artists who are mainly trained by Star Entertainment are young and have won counts. They have been on the international stage and belong to internationally renowned artists.

"Hey...just the man, not Fu Mingxi." Beidou stared at the man's back and opened his way to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Beidou: "There is quite a lot to know."

"Feng Sister, of course... because of my goddess, I also always pay attention to the entertainment circle... Fu Mingxi, an entertainment star, just flip a wall and open a website to see... the cow can't." Beidou Said the opening.

Artists of Star Entertainment, in addition to those students, are mostly well-known artists, and they are also on the international stage, not limited to a certain country.

"Hello, we want to see Mr. Zhou."

Soon, the elders spoke to one of the staff members.


Several staff members were present at the scene. They did not hear the mistakes. Do these people want to see Mr. Zhou? !

Huaguo is in Star Entertainment, one has three large divisions, three divisions have three responsible persons, and the head of this division is Zhou Zong.

One of the staff members stared at the elders: "I haven't heard of any appointments Zhou has made today... Who are you, or I will help you first ask Zhou whether there is time."

When I came to the Star Entertainment Division, I would like to see Mr. Zhou, who is not a fool or a god. If a fool is okay, if it is a great god, if they are offended, they will not blame.

"Trouble." Ye Hao said to several staff members.

Immediately, one of the staff of Star Entertainment dialed the phone.

"Zhou has no appointments today and I don't know you."

Soon, after the staff hang up the phone, they looked at Ye Hao and others, and the tone was not good.

Hearing this statement, the three elders sank.

The elders are brows and micro-locks. What are the ghosts of the two elders, aren’t they all confessed?


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