Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1808: Have you been beaten?

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Han Yuyu licked the lemonade and said, "Gu Yueze is afraid that Ye Hao’s heart has always regarded him as a white moonlight. He has no feelings about him. He thinks that as long as he throws an olive branch, Ye Bai will definitely pick it up."

Ye Hao heard the words and looked at Han Yuyu with a smile. "It's very brilliant."

Gu Yueze is afraid that he really thinks so, because the previous "Ye Ye" was too infatuated with him, and even did countless brain damage.

For Gu Yueze, Ye Hao loves his love to die and is a deep-rooted idea.

Even if she later knew that she was mixed with the night, she thought that she was trying to avenge him, and she still loved him deeply...

Beidou sat next to Gongxu and took a look at his mobile phone. He looked at the photo of Gu Yueze in the gossip news and said, "I am going...not! Ye Ge, are you eating too much?" This is also going to go?"

Ye Wei: " attention to your wording!"

What is it that she eats more fish and meat, and she eats big fish and meat?

Fu Mingxi has been mixing in China. Naturally, he knows Gu Yueze. When he listened to the co-owner, he still had a marriage contract with him. He was so excited. "Maple... Ye Ge, you actually have a marriage contract with Gu Yueze! Then I am! You and I obviously have married..."

We obviously have a marriage contract in the forefront!

Before Fu Mingxi finished this sentence, Ye Hao almost jumped directly onto the table and flew over his mouth.

Fortunately, the last seven stars sitting close to him did not complete her.

"Oh..." Fu Mingxi was forced to scream.

At this time, the waiters came to the wine.

In order to avoid the two scourges of Beidou and Fu Mingxi and gibberish, Ye Hao took a look at the two people, then immediately picked up the glass on the table and stood up. "Cough, well, today everyone. It’s rare to get together and be happy, don’t say anything that’s damaging the atmosphere!”

Ye Hao’s eyes softly watched the people gathered at this table. “I’m really happy to meet everyone, I’m very fortunate to have these friends! Come, I will honor everyone! We are not drunk tonight!”

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he took up the wine glass in his hand and looked up and drank it.

However, almost at the moment when Ye Hao was ready to drink this glass of wine, almost everyone jumped up -

Gong Xu: "Ye Ge! Don't!"

Luo Chen: "Ye Ge, no!"

Han Yuyu: "Ye Bai, wait..."

Jiang Yanran: "Hey!"

Fei Yang: "Ye brother is calm!"

Ye Mufan: "Let's put it down!"

Seven stars: "Maple sister!"

Beidou: "Boss! Don't leave it! Put down the things in your hand!!!"


On the whole table, except for Fu Mingxi, except for the situation, almost everyone stood up and exclaimed, and eight hands brushed the glass of Ye Hao.

The scene... quite spectacular...

After everyone made the same actions and reactions, Gong Xu, Luo Chen, Han Yuyu, Jiang Yanran, Fei Yang, and Ye Mufan subconsciously exchanged a look with the two new friends, Gong Gong and Beidou.

Beidou made a whisper to Gong Xu, and he said, "Little brother, I said... Have you seen the way Ye Ye was drunk?"

Gong Xuyi nodded in the face of a companion.

Beidou: "Are you also smashed?"

Gong Xu: "My new car has been smashed by a hole!"

Beidou: "..."

Gong Xu: "..."

After the two exchanged, the hands were tightly held together, and the expression of the same person at the same time.

As for the slap in the middle, Ye Hao: "..."

Ye Hao looked at the group of people who were still unpredictable. "Are you ashamed? I am not drinking a little after drinking... a little lively..."

Everyone is almost full of black faces with a face, is it a little lively?

Fu Mingxi, who has been outside the situation, opened his brow and said, "Yes! Don't drink some wine, how dare you be shocked..."

Fu Mingxi’s words were not finished, and he was again stunned by the seven stars. "Hey..."

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