Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1812: Impossible to give points

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After the reporters’ short-lived horror, there was a loud noise.

I never thought that Ye Hao would actually say such a name!

The name, do they know more?

It’s just like a thunder!

Gong Xu stood there dumbly, thinking that he had got it wrong: "Sir... the night is cold... isn't it... not Secretary?"

Fei Yang: "My old swan!!!"

Unexpectedly, the biggest gossip of this year was not in any artist, but a word of Ye Bai.

Luo Chen is also amazed, even if he does not pay attention to the gossip and the news, he definitely knows the name of the night, although he never appears in front of any media and the public.

Han Yuyu was shocked first, then he thought about it, and seemed to finally understand what...

No wonder... I always feel that the identity of the man is not simple...

Probably Ye Bai’s surprise to him was so much that even though it was enough to shock everyone, he thought it was taken for granted.

What's more, Ye Bai is different from the past, he still has the status of the Star Group boss in China is completely no less than the status of the family.

On the contrary, Gu Yueze is self-satisfied and wants to eat swan meat, but he is ridiculous but does not know.

On the face of Fu Mingxi, the first time there was a sense of crisis, he knew, you know! ! !

How can the man who the lord look at is so simple!

I have only done challenging things, this is the nature of their family!

This... what can I do?

Not right... calm! calm! Secretary of the night is the Chinese people!

People in independent states are absolutely forbidden to marry outsiders, so the lord can only play with him in China, and it is absolutely impossible to give him a name! That's right!

Beidou’s face suddenly realized. “It’s no wonder that after returning to China, Feng’s sister has been letting us secretly inquire about the traces of the owner’s family! I didn’t expect it to have a leg!”

The seven-star brows were slightly stunned, and they sighed a little helplessly. The so-called strong dragons did not press the head snakes. The power of the family in China was extremely great. As the owner of the family, it was definitely not a good person.

He really is afraid that the lord will make something happen again, such as taking advantage of it... forcing others to be their boyfriends...

If Ye Hao knows the idea of ​​the Seven Stars at this moment, he will definitely spray his face. Is she forced to be the one?

Of course, this black history, she will never say...

at the same time.

The emperor is in a secluded manor.

Lin Wei finally recovered his original appearance and was happily brushing the gossip news with his laptop.

On the sofa in front of the fireplace, the man leaned his forehead and held a book in his hand, but his attention was obviously not on the book.

Lin lacks to brush his side and express his feelings. "Hey, Jiu Ge, you are a woman, you will not have a day to go back to China, and you will do things all day..."

"Hey, is this Fu Mingxi not the grandson of the second elders who are not afraid of the alliance? Look at that kind of ugly and blame, there is no attempt! You can do it, you can bear it!"

"Hey, this Gu Yueze face is really big enough. The ugly and ugly have already announced their identity. People are now the big boss of the Star Group. Can you still see him as a family? He thought that it was a ugly girl. This IQ is simply! Can you bear this?

"Oh..." Lin was missing and continued to groan, but suddenly his eyes widened and he didn't know what he saw. "Cushing! Nine brothers! Look at this!"

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