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At the same time as Gong Xukou’s hanging river and Ye Hao said their own inferences, Lin’s lack of almost all the same is true.

Lin lack: "Nine brothers, in summary, Gu Yueze is so afraid to prepare to marry Jiuyi! You can also bear this?"

If this can be tolerated, it is a bit unscientific, right?

Secretary night cold: "..."


Ye Hao brows slightly, propose marriage...? What the hell!

At the moment when Gong Xuan’s voice fell, Ye Hao’s cell phone rang, and it’s a coincidence that Gu Yueze came over.

"Ye Ge, quick pick up!" Gong Xu screamed, and his face was quickly rushed to Ye Hao's cell phone.

Ye Hao pressed the button and picked it up, "Hey?"

Gu Yueze saw Ye Hao pick up the phone and seemed to be in a good mood. He said in a gentle and fluent tone. "Hey, see you at the Kaidi Hotel at 8:00 tomorrow night. I have something important to look for. ”

Gong Xu immediately yelled at the leaf with a mouth shape. "Look, let me see it, I am right!"

Not waiting for Ye Hao’s opening, Gu Yueze has interrupted her and continues. “Don’t refuse. Hey, believe me, I know what you want, and I can afford it.”

After that, Gu Yueze hung up the phone directly, and a pair of ambitions must be won.

Ye Hao smiled and smiled at the hanging phone. "Oh, know what I want?"

Gu Yueze is probably because... she wants his Ming media to marry her?

If it was the former Ye Wei, it was indeed true. If Gu Yueze would give her such a grand proposal, she would be happy to pass out.

Therefore, Gu Yueze took it for granted that he had approved Ye Hao’s psychology and made this move to deal with her “ultimate killing skills”.

"Ye brother, are you going?" Gong Xu asked with a squint.

Ye Xiao smiled and looked at him: "Do you think I am free?"

It’s no problem, she doesn’t have time to accompany him to continue playing.

"Don't ye Ye brother, you are not idle, I am free, go play! On the spot, refuse to face the slapstick man, how cool is it?" Gong Xu excitedly suggested.

Ye Hao glanced at him faintly. "It's cool to hit that person's face?"

She is not interested in this kind of thing that is not challenging.

"Okay, okay, it’s boring..." Gong Xu screamed in disappointment.

Ye Wei: "Don't think about playing all day, doing business."

This time she returned to China, she has other important tasks, and she has no time to delay on such boring things.

Soon after, she will return to the independent state, and she needs to hurry to finish the matter here.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Gong Xu, went straight to Fei Yang's office, pushed the door in, and snarled, "Yang Ge, is the press conference ready?"

So many things have happened recently. The re-integration of Huangtian high-level, including the re-integration of the gods era, and a series of strategic cooperation with Xingchen Entertainment, need to convene a formal press conference to announce.

Fei Yang lifted his head from the computer screen. "OK, the location is set in the golden hall of the Yunfan venue, and the invitation list is being listed."

Ye Wei: "Good, hard work."

After Fei Yang listed the list, he immediately invited the major media and reporters to hold a press conference. Ye Hao went to Ye Mufan to discuss the specific process of the press conference.


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