Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1830: Showing flaws [plus]

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If this ring keeps following itself, if he is not careful, he may never have the chance to hand it over to her.

Not waiting for Ye Hao to continue to say something, but the night is a phone call, the look is slightly "tension."

Waiting for the night to hang up the phone, the sly scorpion stared at Ye Hao: "I am waiting for me in China... soon, I will come back."

"Well, I am waiting for you in China." Ye Hao said with a very comfortable opening.

The words, the night cold got up and left, but a few breaths of effort, it has disappeared.

Looking at the back of the night of the cold, Ye Hao mouth slightly raised, sketching a trace of incomprehensible smile, have to say, the performance of the night of the cold, really crush most of the film emperor, almost even himself was fooled.

All the excuses of the Secretary's night cold are perfect, and there is no trace of a loophole. It is Ye Hao himself, and he has several times to believe in the night.

However, the division of the night is a hundred secrets, and ultimately lost in the test of Ye Hao's very casual.

Fang Cai, Ye Hao seems to be a casual sentence, asked the Secretary of the night to recognize the Shura Lord, and the Secretary’s answer to the night is very interesting.

I don't know, but I have heard of it.

But the night is cold but ignores a small detail that is extremely inconspicuous.

Where is the Lord Shura? Independent state.

The Secretary of the Night did not know that she had traveled to the independent state before, but when she said the name of the Lord Shura, the Secretary of the Night had no reaction, and answered it casually.

Since Si Jihan didn't know that she went to the independent state, why did she not be very surprised when she said the name of Shura?

In other words, Si Yehan knows his former self and is in an independent state. Otherwise, the division night will not be such a reaction.

Even so, Ye Hao still admire the division of the night, the logic of the Secretary of the Night is very dense, it is difficult to find loopholes, and in this inconspicuous detail dialogue, but the Secretary of the Night Cold finally missed something.

What is even more regrettable is that the night is not clear, and Ye Hao has already known that she is Nie Wuyou of Nie.

Si night said that it was because he and the outsiders were married, which led to the division of the night and she was chased by the ancient family.

Kee Yee is Nie Wuyou, the daughter of Nie, one of the four major families in the independent state, and is not an outsider in the night.

I know too many things in the independent state, but the Secretary of the Night is not clear about this. In the imagination of the Secretary of the Night, he should be ignorant, but unfortunately, he is miscalculated.

When Si Ning decided to use this excuse, he had already appeared.

I know in Ye Xin’s heart that I am afraid that nothing is true.

He said that he was not cleaned before his memory was his wife, and that the independent state of the ancient Clan was chasing himself and the Secretary of the Night, all of which were nonsense.

If you really marry the Secretary of the Night, the independent state can't have no news in this regard. Moreover, she is Nie Wuyou, an independent state, not an outsider in the stagnation of the night, and the ancient Clan should be very happy with Nie Jiahe. The marriage of the ancient disciples of the Shishi, how could possibly chase her and the night of the cold.

As for the singer’s cold before he left, he specially asked himself to let her wait for him in China. The fear is true.

Nowadays, Ye Xie’s heart has been able to affirm that the Secretary’s night is the Lord of Shura. This time, Shura’s main character is to restore the status of the night’s cold, and he came to China specifically. I’m afraid that the purpose is to believe that the Secretary’s night and Shura are not One person, and hope that he can stay in China and not return to the independent state.

Nowadays, Ye Xie’s heart is more and more curious. What happened in the past, why did the Secretary’s night cold cover his memory, and... why didn’t he want to stay in the independent state...

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