Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1833: See what tricks they play

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At this moment, Beidou stabilized and stood up and gave a thumbs up to the three elders in the driver's seat: "A look at the three elders is the old driver!"

The voice just fell, from the small truck on the front rail, walked down a dozen men, walked straight toward it, and surrounded the car.

"I rely on, this is a few meanings, the drivers here are so fierce, if you don't agree with each other, you will fight?" Beidou looked at the dozens of people in front of him: "This place... the family also drives with the thugs. Is it... the driver in this place is too ferocious?!"

Hearing this statement, the Seven Stars took a look at Beidou: "This is obviously to find something."

"Looking for something?!" Beidou tiger body shocked, his face changed: "We have only been looking for something, we haven't come across to find us. I won't beat them today, I won't call Beidou."

After all, the Beidou is going to open the door and get off, but it was stopped by Ye Hao.

Among these men, two Ye Hao looked at some familiar, if they did not misread, these people should be the secret guard of the division.


The next second, the door was opened by the middle-aged man headed.

"come out."

The man glanced at the leafhopper and his voice was cold.

Immediately, Ye Hao’s mouth swelled slightly, drawing a smile that was cold and cold.

This is a bit of a meaning.

Before I returned to China from the independent state, I intended to even have a pot of the boss, but I saw that I was in the cold of the night, and I thought that I could handle it, so she did not have any action.

Nowadays, the Secretary of the Night is estimated to have ran back to the independent state. It seems that the Secretary has not asked the night of the night...

I didn't go to the top of the division, but they came to the door.

"Where are you coming from? Who knows who I am?!" Beidou instantly got a temper.

"I will say it again, roll it down, all." The head of the man's man emerged with an impatient color.

Not waiting for the opening of the Beidou, Ye Hao went straight down the car.

Upon seeing it, Beidou and Qixing, etc., quickly followed.


Immediately, a dozen people put Ye Hao and the elders into the van.

Seeing Ye Hao without the slightest resistance, Beidou’s face is arrogant, what is this?

Since Feng sister didn't do it... then should he should start... If he doesn't do it, what is it? ! But if you do it yourself, there is no speech on Maple's side... This is a century-old problem!

In this way, the Beidou, which was repeatedly entangled, was also loaded into the cargo box of the truck.

In a dark container, you can feel that the truck is driving fast.

"Feng Jie, why don't you beat them?!" Beidou looked arrogant. He was an independent state bully, and he was kidnapped into a truck's cargo box by a group of waste. !

If this is a special return to the independent state, how can he mix in the future? ! How can I stand in an independent state?

"Feng sister did not start, there must be the meaning of Feng sister." Seven stars open.

"What the **** is that... It’s too shameful. It’s such a shameful thing that I am difficult to face my mother who was in a hospital accident after a car accident.” Beidou sighed.

Seven stars: "..."

Ye Wei: "..."

Grand Elder: "..."

Three elders: "..."

"You don't have to act rashly. These people are coming to me. When you look at my eyes, you can do it." Ye Hao opened his mouth.

As for the senior level of the division, she would like to see what these people are going to play.

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