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"Xu Yi, I see that your achievements are afraid of those who are Qin Ruoxi. You just rushed to the top. Anyway, I went out a few days later. I didn't have anything to do with you. You can't wait for your family to come back. You will pat your **** when you arrive. No problem, but what about my master?"

Eleven cold voice shouted.

"Eleven, you are a Wufu, you are in addition to the limbs, I think it is empty in my mind, I don't know what the situation is. When I go out, I will naturally find a way to save Miss." Xu Yi sneered.

At this moment, the Beidou and the Seven Stars looked at each other. The two men were really the soldiers who met the soldiers. It is reasonable to say that they are unclear.

There is something to fight for, this is a broken dungeon. It is easy to go out.

"Eleven, do you know Eric?" After a long time, Ye Hao looked at the eleven sitting on the side and asked.

I heard the sound and nodded at eleven o'clock: "Mr. Eric... I know this person, it is Qin Ruoxuan and Shi Mingli, their supporters, but they have never seen it, it is quite mysterious... Master, you will not be afraid. That Eric, I believe that as long as Jiye returns, he will be able to pick him up."

"Mr. Eric?" At the other end of the dungeon, there was a strange voice from Xu Yi: "Is there any supporters of Qin Ruoxi and Si Mingli? I have never heard of it... Miss Yan, what is going on? ?"

Ye Biao's brows are slightly stunned. From picking himself to this moment, Qin Ruoxi, or who is Mr. Eric, has not appeared yet...

In the dungeon, eleven and Xu Yi broke out a few quarrels from time to time, but Ye Hao was too lazy to take care of it.

The elders and the three elders closed their eyes and raised their spirits. They did not say anything more. However, Beidou gradually became impatient and completely incomprehensible. Why did Fengjie not kill the ring, stay in this ghost place and listen to these two people? Here the mouth cannon.

After about a few hours, the door to the dungeon was suddenly opened.

"Hey, Ye Hao, what do you say is not to say."

The captain of the dark guard walked into the dungeon, opened the lights in the dungeon, stared at the leaves, and was impatient.

"Why are you particularly annoying, isn't that obvious enough?" Beidou said.

If Feng Sister didn't order, he would kill the **** captain when he got a punch.

"Well, I have to see, how hard is your mouth!"

As the voice of the captain of the dark guard fell, a group of dark guards quickly stepped forward and opened the cage. The first was to pull out the eleven.

"Ye, don't you say, I will kill your apprentice. If you don't say it, I will kill you!" The captain of the dark guard was full of gloomy colors.

"You can kill them, don't kill us." Beidou said.

Seven stars: "..."

Ye Wei: "..."

Grand Elder: "..."

Three elders: "..."

Immediately, a group of members of the dark guards, with Ye Hao and others, together with Xu Yi, walked out of the dungeon.

"Miss Yan...what do they want to know?" Xu Yi walked beside Ye Hao, his brow was deep.

"Don't worry." Ye Hao whispered.

Do not give Ye Hao the continued continuation of the opening, the captain of the dark guards slammed the throat of eleven: "Ye, you will not say, your apprentice's throat, you can break."


At this moment, eleven faces panic, his face turned red, and his breathing was short.

However, Ye Hao did not respond. After a while, he smiled faintly: "Well, you pinch his neck."

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