Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1844: What can Jihuang do?

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Not to mention Beidou, it is the Seven Stars and the Great Elders, and the three elders, but also the faces of strange faces. The lord and the owner of this Chinese country are not male and female friends. How long does it take to become a husband and wife relationship? What?

"Why do you have you?" Ye Hao took a look at Beidou.

"No, ah, maple... No... sir... You said that if you play, then you can forget it. Boyfriend, this kind of thing, how many can do it... But my husband can only have one... 绾绾 sister you How can I marry a Chinese national family owner... This is not good, it is absolutely impossible, and I do not agree with this marriage!"

Beidou stared at Ye Hao and shook his head again and again.

"You have too many words." Immediately, the seven stars looked at Beidou, and they looked expressionless.

"What is too much." Beidou does not understand.

"This is a private matter of my sister." Seven Star Road.

"Hey, look at your doglegs. Do you know what is loyal? If you are faithful like me, I have to persuade me. This is good for my sister. You know a fart. You give me a go." The Beidou pushed the seven stars to the side.

Not waiting for Ye Hao to open, Beidou said again: "Sister, this is really not good... If you are married to this guy... What can Lihuang do?"


At this moment, the division’s high-level faces are opposite each other. This is the emperor... I have never heard of it, what is it? The name is quite awkward.

As Beidou mentions Jihuang, the side of the night is cold, and the gentleness of the original 消失 消失 disappeared instantly, as if it contained the horrible storm of the monks, the dark clouds thundered.

"If you can't do it, I can't do it... I think the Lord of Shura can do it too. I feel that you are also suitable for Shura and Sister... I rely on it, I understand, sister, you should not be crazy about Shura. Lord, I want it but I can't get it, so I saw this goods..." Beidou’s strange look to the Secretary’s night.

The appearance of the owner of the Chinese country, and the appearance of the independent state Shura, is almost exactly the same, the long seems to be twins... except for the different colors of hair, whichever is the same...

"Yes, it won't be wrong... It must be like this. You sister is the one who loves the love of Shura, and the love is lost. So, you will see this goods and marry him..." Beidou Holding his chin, he nodded while analyzing.

I heard that Beidou’s words, the face of the night cold, this has been somewhat eased.

"You can't get the master of Shura. You can see the master of the Shura. I can see the Emperor of the Emperor. The Emperor is no worse than the Shura. I will give you analysis and analysis... The value of the Emperor, it must have been said. It’s quite the same as Shura’s Lord... Money... It’s probably the same... Status... I think it’s not the same, the reputation is the same... Of course, I suspect that Shura and Jihuang are a pair... Even if it is Jihuang, my sister estimates that you can't catch it. I don't think Ji and Shura can't see you... but... Ji Huang and Shura are not good, and I am a brother..."

With the invincible chatter of the Beidou language, Ye Hao is full of black lines, sinking your uncle!

Shen Ge in the Beidoukou, the one in the independent state, Shen Jiada landlord...

In addition to Beidou, there is also a person who also strongly wants to match himself and Shen Dagong... Nie is unknown...

"How are you so much?"

At this moment, the three elders who have never been open, seem to be unable to stand the chatter of Beidou, the brows are deep, and the faces are unpleasant to look at Beidou.

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