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I heard the sound, and the night was silent for a moment, but I didn’t know how to answer it.

The so-called marriage is just a lie that he made in order to let Ye Wei believe in the story he made. How can there be a son between them?

"What are you doing, take the night cold to me!"

Suddenly, Qin Ruoqiang, not far away, said coldly.

As the voice of Qin Ruoxuan fell, the secret guard of the family was eager to move.

Although the combat power outside the division is controlled by the forces brought by the division's night cold, there are still a lot of available combat power inside the division. Now, you only need to catch the night cold, everything is fine!

"I don't seem to have said it. Now I have to catch the night cold." Eleven cold looking to Qin Ruoxuan.

"Mr. Eric, can..." Qin Ruoxuan looked at eleven and frowned.

However, the eleven did not pay attention to Qin Ruoxuan, Xu Yi Road not far away: "Xu Yi, to prepare some wine, I and Lao Jiu, chat."

Smell the sound, Xu Yi's look to the division night cold.

After the division nodded, Xu Yi retired.

After a few moments, several people followed the eleven to the living room. The seniors of the company and Qin Ruoxi and others were all outside. Only the Beidou and the Seven Stars, as well as the Secretary of the Night, walked into the living room.

At the dinner table, eleven smiled and said: "Old nine, this dish is black heart, specially prepared for you."

Secretary night cold did not move chopsticks, just a faint look at eleven.

"Old nine, you must have never thought of it, I will change my face, hide in the division, become a small secret guard." Eleven staring at the night, smile slightly.

"I said Seven Brothers, don't be stupid. From the first time you went to the division to apply for the dark guard, Jiu Ge knows that you are the seventh brother." Lin Xiao, who lost a piece of fat in his mouth, Said the opening.

As Lin’s lack of voice fell, the eleven looks changed: “Impossible!”

"It's still impossible... Seven brothers, what kind of skills do you have, you don't know... just your skill, if you don't agree with the nine brothers, how can you get into the division?" Lin explained.

Immediately, the eleven fell into silence.

After a while, Beidou suddenly moved the chopsticks and went to the seven stars and the elders and other people: "Come and come, eat, drink... the food is not poisonous."

"How do you know that there is no poison?" The three elders did not understand.

"I definitely know." Beidou pointed to Lin deficiency: "This kid has eaten so much, I have watched it. If it is poisonous, he should die."

Ye Wei: "..."

Lin lack: "My grass... Why are you so wicked?! Take me as a mouse?"

"Talk to me, pay attention to your tone and attitude... Otherwise, I will let you go to the news, do you believe it or not?" Beidoubai Lin lacked a look.

At this moment, eleven mouths are slightly raised: "Is it... It’s the same... Old Nine, you can, see my identity but don’t say, let me stay in the house, under your eyes... this way You want to kill me, you can always."

"Kill you." The secretary who never spoke up was cold, and suddenly said: "Why."

"Why?!" eleven slammed up and almost slammed the table: "Old Nine, what are you specializing in with me?!"

Secretary night cold did not care, still sitting in the distance, looking at eleven: "You and I are brothers."

"Brother?!" With the news of the night of the Secretary, the eleventh is laughing at the sky: "Is it a brother? Lao Ba and you are not brothers? Is a brother... my girlfriend... Lin Biao, also died in you The secretary who sent the secret guard, now, you tell me, you are my brother?!"

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