Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Last death rose, Eric (supplement)

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Hearing this statement, eleven suddenly angry: "You dare!"

Sibo smiled and whispered: "I never like to kill myself."

As Siebel’s voice fell, not far away, a woman with a cold face slowly came out.

"Qin Ruoyu..."

After seeing the woman, eleven brows glimpsed.

"Mr. Eric."

Qin Ruoxi did not take care of the eleventh, but looked at Sibo, a very respectful opening.

"Oh..." Si Bozhen smiled at Qin Ruoxuan.

"I rely, you are not Eric... How did you become the boss boss?"

After hearing the words of Qin Ruoxuan about Si Bojun, Beidou could not understand the eleventh.

"Eric is not a name..."

Soon, eleven gives an explanation.

"Eric has two meanings, the first one, the English name Eric, and the other real meaning... is the leader... At the beginning, the boss, Spoel, secretly formed some forces in China, in order to let me in China. The country is more convenient to act and has the ability to kill the old nine, so I gave the name of the Eric leader to me... and in China, in my own name, I can’t call the senior mercenary... but the name of the Eric leader No. But..."

"I rely on it, for a long time, in addition to being swayed by the old man, it is still his jealousy... you are really good." Beidou raised his thumb at eleven.

"Oh, eleven, you are wrong again." Si Bojun looked at eleven, coldly laughed: "Eric is not only the leader's meaning... In the independent state, there is another layer of meaning...revenge Demon..."

"Eric... Eric... Is it..." At this moment, the elders are awkward.

It was the three elders. After hearing what the elders said, they couldn’t help but look a little.

"What do you mean." Ye Hao looked at the elders and opened his eyes.

All along, Ye Hao believes that Eric is a name.

"Death Rose..." The voice of the elders is extremely low, which is equivalent to the ear attached to the leaves.

"Death Rose?!"

Ye Hao slightly stunned, what does this have to do with the death of roses...

Death Rose, isn’t the character in the novel... The novels created by Nie, even the copyrights are sold to themselves...

Of course, although Ye Hao’s heart is doubtful, he cannot express it.

"Allies... you should know... Death Rose... The codename of the last death rose... seems to be Eric." The elders whispered as if they were afraid of a certain taboo.

Ye Wei: "..." What is this special death rose or hereditary? former? Is there still a first generation, a second one, and a third one? !

"Death Rose... In the independent state, also known as the vengeful avenger... Because the power is too strong, it affects the balance of the independent state, so the independent state can not tolerate ... and the last death rose... I remember It’s too clear, but it should be right... It seems to be Eric, and the translation is Eric, in the independent state... The last death of the rose is called the demon of the revenge... Eric, that means...” The big elder brows deep lock.

In the independent state, no one would deliberately mention the death rose, or even tell the truth about the death of the dead rose... Even, few people know how the last death rose was destroyed.

Ye Wei: "..."

Dare to love Nie nameless in the nonsense? What did the novel write... also cheated on his own copyright fees? !

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