Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: Isn’t my daughter worthy of him (supplement)?

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When Ye Hao just entered the kitchen, he was rushed out by Liang Junjun. "Hey, no, the kitchen is heavy, you are waiting on the sofa, there are fruits on the coffee table, you go to eat, let your brother do it!"

Ye Mufan, wearing an apron, nodded again and again. "How can girls do these rough work and let their brothers come!"

Ye Hao had no choice but to be rushed to the sofa.

Ye Shaoting, who had some words and stops all night, coughed at this moment and sat down to his daughter, tentatively opening. "Hey, Xiaojiu... Cough, I mean, Secretary? How have you not seen it recently?" What?"

The boyfriend of her daughter is actually the president of the Shishi Group. Until now, Ye Shaoting still feels like dreaming.

Ye Hao bit his mouth and said, "He is very busy recently, not in the country. I will bring him back next day!"

Ye Shaoting sighed with a sigh. "You, this child, such a big thing actually glares at us."

Ye Hao lightly coughed, "Dad, I haven’t been yelling at you, he really works at the Sis Group..."

Ye Shaoting looked at her daughter reluctantly. "You, don't know who you are, the courage is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Of course, I want to be your father, the tiger father has no dog girl!" Ye Hao was busy slap.

"Hey, you, the Secretary, the high weight, is he seriously with you?" Liang Yijun worried.

Wen Sheng, Ye Shaoting glanced at Liang Junjun: "What do you say, my daughter's identity, the gods era and Huangtian entertainment will not mention, or the BOSS of the Star Company, is it not worth the night?" joke!"

"Yes, yes, it is your reason." Liang Junjun smiled slightly.

Ye Hao looked at the family of four and had a good time.

Even though she already knows the truth about her life, she has never alienated her feelings from Ye Dao and Ma.

The warmth they bring to themselves is like what is missing and the corner of the blank is filled.

Before, she secretly went to check Ye Hao and learned that the real Ye Hao had been killed in a terrorist attack abroad a few years ago.

In fact, she also hesitated to tell them the truth, but on the one hand she was not sure about the current situation of her own affairs, and she did not know how to explain it. On the other hand, she really worried that they could not accept it.

Whatever the reason, after all, he replaced Ye Hao’s identity.

Out of jealousy, it is also a responsibility, and because they give their own warmth, even if she is not a real Ye Hao, she will certainly guard the Ye family and protect them.

At this time, Ye Mufan of the ear tip hurriedly ran with a spatula. "What? Work busy? Is it important to have a girlfriend when you are busy with work? Hey, my brother told you, don't believe that work is busy." I must be optimistic about him, lest he make mistakes outside! I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world, and don't believe men's mouths!"

Ye Hao heard a black line, please, you are also a man, are you talking about men?

"So, I am not going to find him tomorrow!" Ye Hao was too lazy to spit him, and he said.

Now she wants to leave China to return to the independent state, naturally need an excuse, so she simply told her family to go to her boyfriend.

It turns out that this is indeed a very good excuse.

"Hmm, this is right, we must look at the people seriously, the company has a brother here, my parents will take care of you, you can rest assured!" Ye Mufan vowed to guarantee.

Liang Shujun looked at his daughter lovingly. "No matter what identity the child is, I look really good. It is also very good for you. You two get along well."

What's more, you are also planning to make plans for your lifelong events. Let's talk about love, go out and have fun, relax, and don't worry about things at home and in the company. ”

Ye Shaoting also bowed his head. "Yes, other things are handed over to me and your brother. You can rest assured to play."

For her daughter, Ye Shaoting has always been owed, so she tried to make up for her.

The leaf surface is full of warm colors, "Thank you parents!"

Rest assured... she will definitely catch someone back!

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