Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1883: Return to independent state

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"Lord, I have already arranged for them to go back first." The three elders stepped forward and quickly said: "They have been away from the independent state for too long, they are very homesick and the state is not very good, so..."

"Not bad." Ye Dagger.

Upon seeing it, the three elders smiled and glanced at the big elders beside them. The look was a little provocative.


Independent state airport.

The plane slid smoothly and landed, turned several planes, and took two boats. Ye Hao and his party finally returned to the independent state.

Upon returning to the independent state, Ye Hao immediately released himself, threw a mask of sunglasses and a haute couture black windbreaker jacket, picked up his brand-name jewelry necklace, and wore only a loose black martial arts uniform worn in an independent state. The shoes are also directly replaced with flip-flops.

Oh, it’s pretty cool to have no idol baggage.

When she was in China, she had to keep her image in front of her own artists and her powder.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao could not help but smile.

When she first came to the independent state, she was a war, like a thin ice. From food and clothing to living and lodging, even a word must be carefully considered.

Today, in just a few months, she has gradually adapted to the life of an outsider who has sneaked into it, and even began to get mixed up.

Sure enough, even if the memory has been tampered with, the things in the bones cannot be changed.

At the same time, Ashura headquarters.

Lin lacked and sat leisurely in the garden's wicker chair to drink tea, while the man who was watching the document next to him said, "Oh, it is not easy, it is not easy, congratulations to the nine brothers, finally got the hoe!"

Originally thought that it would cost a lot of twists and turns, I did not expect that the nine brothers had a face to get it.

Lin lacks a dog's leg and slaps. "It's still a good guy. You are a horse. You don't even say that you can let the girl speak with your face!"

Before they left, they made a phone call and confirmed with Ye Hao, and repeatedly determined that she would not leave China, and finally finally left.

It was hard for the night cold to look at the forest shortage. Obviously, the mood was not bad.

"Notify Jiang Yan, call the leaders of each branch, and meet in the afternoon."

Lin sighed with anger. "You will work as if you are coming back. You only sleep for two or three hours a day. You are afraid to become a fairy!"

Suddenly missed the time when the girl was there, at least some people dared to go to sleep according to him...


Ye Hao and his party walked in a special passage and soon came to the pick-up port outside the airport hall.

"Hey, I haven't played enough yet, so I am back soon!" Beidou looked regretfully.

Qixingbai took a look at Beidou and ignored him. He has already begun to report with Ye Hao on the situation of the Fearless League and the future schedule.

"Uh huh..." Ye Hao just woke up on the plane, still a little confused, grabbed the hair, and listened absently. "Okay, I know it! Yes, seven stars, I will let you check about What about the emperor?"

This time, going back to China, mainly for the grandfather and father and the whereabouts of Cha Si’s night, the college task only completed an A-level mission to destroy the mercenary mercenary organization and received 5,000 honor points.

The last time I was at the Akasaka College, she created a record of mercenary honor points of 5,000 points. The first martial arts test scored 10,000 points. Together with the completion of two A-level mercenary missions, it was 10,000 points. 25,000 points of honor points.

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