Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1889: The beauty plan doesn’t work.

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For the focus of Beidou, the Seven Stars have completely lost their desire to speak.

Ye Hao held his head and glanced aside. "What are you two?"

During the talk, the car has already reached the door of the banquet hall, and Ye Hao has finished the hem of the clothes and stepped out of the car.

In order to face the only remaining face of the fearless alliance, Ye Hao did not wear a dress, or the usual dressing of the self-released ones, which is the last dignity of the Lord as a fearless ally.

Seven Stars saw Ye Hao, he was about to enter, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop at Ye Hao, "Feng Jie, wait..."

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao cast a questioning eye toward the seven stars.

"Feng Sister, this kind of occasion is really not suitable for us to participate, I think..."

After waiting for the seven stars to finish, Ye Hao’s line of sight suddenly crossed him, staring straight at the direction behind him.

"Maple sister?"

Ye Hao’s attention seems to have been completely attracted by the seven stars behind him. He spread his hand and moved the seven stars to the side. Then the corner of the mouth slid out an upward arc, and the mood opened quite pleasingly in that direction. "Hey, Master Shura, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Seven stars: "..."

At the moment when Ye Xie’s voice fell, the whole body of the Seven Stars was a stiff, and then he turned around and saw a black car parked at the door of the banquet hall in the next second. The whole person of Shura was like the ice of the extremely cold land. Block, standing facelessly in the face, followed by an ordinary attendant and guarding Jiang Yan.

The Seven Stars do not know whether it is their own illusion. When the Lord of Shura saw the moment of his own co-owner, the whole person instantly burst like a cold ice, and the surrounding air seemed to solidify in an instant.

Slow, such as Beidou, shook subconsciously. "Hey, how do I feel that Shura’s Lord saw our lord a little... angry look..."

But it is no wonder that no matter which beauty is wrapped up by a disciple, it will naturally be angry and angry.

However, the party of Ye Hao seems to have nothing to do with it, and he continues to say hello with a smile. "Oh, how can your adult look not look good? Who is irritating you?"

On the other side of the face of the constant cold ice appeared a crack in the road, it seems that the next second will get out of control, the cold-like scorpion is jumping fire.

"You..." The man almost gnawed his word with his teeth, and then used up his great self-control to finally stabilize his emotions. He did not let himself die on the spot. This appeared in the independent state and appeared. The woman in front of him.

"I am going to go, Ye Hao... She... How did she get back to the independent state..." The forest on the side was stunned by the belly.

As for Jiang Yan, he automatically attributed the attitude of his own family to the dislike of Ye Hao. He stopped the leaf in the front step on the cold face. "Bai Meng is pleased."

I couldn't help but I couldn't help myself. I whispered in the cold ears of the singer. "Where! Really... I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, and don't believe Ye Hao's mouth! Just turn your squad! On the phone, I promised it well, and my hind foot appeared in front of you! When I was young, my mother told me that the more beautiful a woman said, the more she couldn’t believe it. It really was awkward..."

Unexpectedly, Jiu Ge actually had a day of missteps.

What happened in the end, even the beauty plan does not work?

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