Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1915: I am the most credited.

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Immediately, the chieftain of Akasaka’s brow slightly picked up: “Where you are like this, just paying off and owing it, then you are not as good as you are.”

"President, look, my wine, gift, you have received it... I brought it back from China, it is not easy." Ye Hao sighed.


Dean of Akasaka stared at Ye Hao with a stern look. It’s no wonder that he was giving a gift to the wine. He was waiting for him here. This is a soft mouth and a short hand... If you don’t let Ye Hao owe it today, This spread out, I thought I liked the small price of the students.

"Go over there, owe 20,000, pay off within a month." Dean Akasaka did not have a good air.

"That must be, you can rest assured, I am the most creditable!"

After seeing the promise of the president of Akasaka, Ye Hao smiled more and immediately lay in the chair of the office.

After the president of Akasaka approved the documents, he got up and walked toward Ye Hao, and the hypnosis technique was the same as the last time.

After answering a few questions about the president of Akasaka, he was dragged by the rhythm of hypnosis. If the eyelids of Ye Hao were heavy, it would not be long before they completely slept.

Between half dreams and half awakening, the spirit seems to be isolated from the body.

As if in a corner of the independent state, a girl wearing a cyan short-sleeved dress, bloody, lying on the side of the road, dark clouds, the rain continued to drip, the girl's body was soaked, blood flowing in the wet soil, No matter each other.

This shocking scene is unbearable.

In the face of a strong enemy, the girl almost did not resist, I do not know because of serious injuries, or I am not willing to resist.

"You... really damn..."

A little bit of a familiar voice made Ye Hao.

At this moment, Ye Hao looked forward, and everyone looked like a mosaic, and could not see clearly.

"Nie Wushou... I want you to die in my hands, you are 10,000 times dead, you can't pay the sins you committed, you are not enough!"

The man was faint, and came to Ye Hao's side, and his palm instantly caught Ye Hao's throat.

However, after a long time, this man failed to kill the girl.

"Why is tell me why this is happening?!" The man gnashed his teeth, almost hysterically roaring: "It's you... you are betrayal!"

The rain fell on the girl's face, and the red blood of the corner of the mouth was washed away. The girl's mouth rose slightly and closed her eyes, not willing to make a slight voice.

"Tell me, why do you want to do that!" The man screamed.

However, the girl does not say anything.

"Okay, don't you say yes... it doesn't matter, I will kill you personally... and then accompany you on the road, I can do it, and that's the way it is." The man smiled a little, and he did not give up. Be stern and decisive.

However, after waiting for a long time, the man still could not go down.

At most a few breaths, the man bit his teeth and threw the **** the ground, opening to an old man at the rear: "Gold elder, come, kill her!"

From the crowd of black people, an old man came out, the old man held a dagger in his hand, and the man returned to the car.

In the end, the dagger in the hands of the old man stabbed toward the girl's chest.

Not waiting for the dagger to fall, the scene is teleported, a black figure is approaching the limit, almost to the girl's side between the beggars, the cold scorpion seems to freeze everything, the whole person seems to blend into the night.

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