Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1946: Careless and record breaking

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Sure enough, it is a disciple of the old palace, the hero is a teenager! "Higher Akasaka instructor, gave a thumbs up to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s mouth twitched slightly and wanted to say something, but he didn’t open it.

This high-ranking red-collar instructor may have misunderstandings about "juveniles". What are their specialties, girls, girls, not teenagers!

Of course, the makeup of Ye Hao’s face on the face of the eyes is also not allowed to fight for gender issues.

"Great! Lying! Ye Shimei, how did you do this?"

Immediately, a group of high-level mercenaries, surrounded by an instant, full of curiosity.

Not to mention these mercenary trainees, some of the high-ranking instructors and the high-ranking red instructors in front of them, are extremely curious in their hearts, how this Ye Hao completed the seemingly impossible task.

Ye Yi glanced at the crowd, how to complete it, the task of the BOSS to help themselves complete the embarrassment, or how can it be done.

"Ye, you broke the two records of Chiyan College."

Soon, the high-ranking Akasaka instructor stared at Ye Hao, full of face.

I heard the sound, but Ye Hao came to the spirit immediately, and it was not important to record anything. It is not important, mainly whether there are mercenary honor points... This is the most concerned topic of Ye Hao.

“The first record, you are the fastest student in the history of Akasaka College to complete S+ and S-level tasks.”

The higher Akasaka instructor stared at Ye Hao and continued: "The second record, you are the School and S+ missions in the history of Akasaka Academy, and the fastest students."

“Is there a reward?”

Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

I heard that Ye Hao said this, the senior Akasaka instructor suddenly seemed to be incomprehensible. He said: "There is definitely a reward. However, the honor of breaking two records at the same time, is it important to not have to reward?"

Almost subconscious, Ye Hao shook his head: "You tell me how many mercenary honor points will do."

"One 10,000, a total of 20,000." The high-ranking Red Army mercenary instructor began.

As the instructor’s voice fell, Ye Hao’s face blossomed, and he could not wait to kill the Ashura headquarters immediately, holding her man’s mouth.

With 20,000 mercenary honor points, plus an S+ level mission and an S-level mission, you can immediately find the Dean for a deep hypnosis!


Ye Hao once again broke the record of Akasaka College, but half a day has already spread to the Chiyan College.

Many high-level veterans of the Akasaka Academy have gone to the residence of the old palace and congratulated the old palace.

These high-level leaders like Akasaka College are not subject to rights. Instead, they are disciples who have been taught by themselves. How strong they are and how many honors they can earn. This is what the top leaders are pursuing.

Gong Lao even put a banquet in the residence and took Ye Hao for a few days.

Originally, Ye Hao didn't want to waste time. It was obvious that Gong Lao was so enthusiastic, and he couldn't bear to refuse. He could only stay with the palace for a few days.

After the dean of Chi Yan knew that Ye Hao had won many honor points, he was very secretive and took a sip with Ye Hao, but was pushed by Ye Hao to deliberately hit haha.

How can I still pay back?

A few days later, Ye Hao took several tasks and immediately left the Chiyan College.

Fearless alliance

Ye Hao sat in the office chair and let the seven stars inform the elders that they had returned.

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