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After Ye Hao came out from the dean, he immediately prepared to go to the night.

As a result, I did not expect to hear a group of people’s conversations on the way to school.

"Oh, it’s really an eventful autumn recently. This independent state is afraid that it will be a big mess!"

"How to say?"

"You still don't know! Ashura and Nie's fight!"

"The trough! Ashura and Nie's fight? Is it so explosive? Really fake, what is the situation?"

Ye Hao was already on the road. Hearing this, a sudden brake, thought he had got it wrong.

But think about it, isn't this a normal thing? The independent state is so chaotic. Today, several forces can't see a small fight, and tomorrow they can't see a big hit. No day, there is no war, what is there? It is not arguable that Ashura and Nie are fighting.

and many more……



What? !

Ashura and Nie’s fight?

Returning to the goddess Ye Hao, standing in the same place, a look of arrogance, this special... How does his man fight with his own family?

Isn't this big water rushing to the Dragon King Temple, and is it a family member?

And, what is special at home! !

I saw that the mercenary student who was talking about gossip was being surrounded by several other people and continued to speak. "Of course it is true, don't forget what my expertise is, this is the first-hand information I have heard. It is today's business.

Now the whole Niejiadu has been surrounded by the people of Ashura. The people on the Nie’s side are all on the way, and there is also a negotiable mercenary group. All the staff are at the same time. ! ”

This mercenary seems to be better at inquiring about the news. Seeing that he has a nose and eyes, all the people around him believe, and they argued in a noisy manner.

"I rely on the team under the hands of Nie Wuming. It is a metamorphosis. It is not wrong. Nie Jiake is not so good to provoke! Besides, Nie and Ashura have never entered the water without breaking the river. There is no intersection between the two, and there is no interest involved. As long as there is no interest involved, the top powers of independent states like Ashura and Nie will never be able to fight!"

"Yeah, the ordinary forces are very normal to play, but what level is Ashura and Nie's family? Once they start the war, it is a one-stop move, and how many big and small forces in the independent state will be involved!"

Looking at the suspicion of others, the students who spoke suddenly rushed: "Where, I swear, if I lie to you, I will smother one by one, you can feed me and eat it! Ashura really encloses Nie. , lie to you, I am a beast, can't you?!"

Hearing this statement, everyone has dispelled doubts.

It seems that Ashura and Nie’s family are really on the s...

Yes, what is the reason?

"Ashuro has been too arrogant since the comeback, even the Nie family dare to move? That is the first of the four independent families in the independent state!"

"Ashura is not weak, I don't think Nie is so good this time!"

"No longer weak, you can't provoke Nie's family. It's not a Ling family. Nie Shenji has the same temperament, especially Nie. The relationship in the independent state is complicated. Don't say Ashura, even the martial arts league guild. Dare to move the Nie family, and the curiosity of Ashura is too big."

"But Ashura is also one of the core forces of sin. This is the battle between dragons and tigers."

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