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Ye Hao looked at the smiling director of Akasaka, and his mouth twitched slightly. How do you say something...

Ginger is still old and spicy, this old **** skin, actually set yourself!

"No worries, more than three million mercenary honor points are not a small number... You should know, you see that you have left the independent state for so many years, I have not reminded you, you are coming back now, definitely for mercenaries. Let's count."

The elders of Akasaka looked at Ye Hao and smiled.

Ye Wei: "..."

At this point, Ye Hao does not refute, let alone more than three million honor mercenary points, that is, seventeen or eighty thousand, I have not gotten together until now, I can imagine that more than three million honorable mercenary points, equivalent In an astronomical number.

However, what makes Ye Hao somewhat incomprehensible is how he might owe so many honorable mercenary points.

"No worries, why don't you talk," asked the president of Akasaka.

"The dean, it doesn't matter. I have another identity besides Nie Wuyou."

Ye Hao stared at the dean of Akasaka and smiled slightly.

"Another identity?" Akasaka’s dean looked strange: "Then let’s talk."

"The dean still remembers Ye Hao." Ye Haodao.

"Ye Ye... is the little girl who owes me tens of thousands of mercenary honor points?" Dean Akasaka slightly decapitated.

Ye Wei: "..." who owes him mercenary points, it is really clear.

"The dean is an adult, I don't care. I am Ye Hao." Ye Hao smiled.

"You are that Ye Hao?"

The president of Akasaka is slightly surprised.

"Not bad." Ye Hao slightly decapitated: "President, the reason why I let you hypnotize is because I lost my original memory."

Since I have lost my memory, how can I still remember the more than three million honor points that I owe to Akasaka College...

"Wait and so on." Dean Akasaka stared at Ye Hao. After a moment of contemplation, he frowned and said: "So, you mean, you lost your memory and owe more than three million mercenary points. Don't you have to pay?"

Ye Wei: "..." Although there is this idea...

"No, no, no." Ye Hao repeatedly shook his head and stared at the dean of Akasaka: "The dean, you misunderstood, you still don't know me, I am not worried, is this kind of person?"

"Yes." Dean Akira nodded without hesitation.

Ye Hao’s look is a little embarrassing. Is it so shameless in the past that he left an indelible impression in the heart of President Chi Yan...

"President, how can I be a person who does not pay back the debts? You see, it is better to help me recover my memory. As long as my memory is restored, then I owe all the mercenary points of Akasaka College. They will pay off." Ye Xiaozui smiled and looked at the president of Akasaka.

Dean Akasaka looked very suspicious of Ye Hao: "I don't believe it."

"President, you see, I have more than three million mercenary honor points, and this is not bad... I promise, once I restore my memory, I think of the points I owe, I must pay off all!" I am sure of my face.

Dean of Akasaka is slightly helpless. It’s going to be an account, how can it be so difficult.

Whether she owes a debt or not, two identities, each owing to the servant honor points of Akasaka College.

Dean of Akasaka was full of helplessness, and he should not have set this precedent in the first place.

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