Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 2259: Looking for a big backer

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Although he has not liked this man very much, this time it was indeed that he saved the battle and prevented a big fight.

However, I did not expect Yin Yuerong to be his mother...

And the woman actually has an attitude towards her daughter!

Even if it is to oppose this marriage, it is the first thing to be optimistic about Yin Yuerong’s terrible style.

At this time, a black nanny car came over not far away.

Lin missed the car, then opened the door, I saw the car is very comfortable, drinks and tea snacks are readily available.

The Secretary of the Night Cold is open to the public and the outside. "The grandfather is seriously injured and can't stand for a long time. Let's get on the bus first."

The Nie family and Mrs. Nie came back to God, and the two quickly went to help.

Nie Huaili looked at the secretary's night, and his tone was polite: "I don't bother Mr. Secretary."

Immediately, I looked at my father-in-law. "Dad, we are ignorant, wait a moment, I will send a car immediately!"

The old man has experienced life and death. Although he has been obsessed with a lot of things, there is still some uncertainty about this son-in-law. "No need."

Nie Huaili heard that there was some embarrassing standing there, and Mrs. Nie did not know what to say.

The old man looked at the night of the division, his eyes fixed his eyes and looked a little, his face seemed to be better, and he said, "Go."

Nie Huaili sees the father-in-law waiting to see the secretary's night cold. Something in my heart is not a taste, but it is hard to say anything.

The Secretary was busy walking around and carefully guarding the old man: "Grandfather, you are careful."

When Ye Hao saw it, he hurried to meet the other side of the grandfather. "The grandfather is slow."

Looking at the nanny car, Ye Hao was quite unexpected. When did the night cold come to the road?

I got the approval and recognition of my grandfather... This is a big backing...


Ye Hao asked Nie Wuming to go to see Ling Xiao with Yu Shao and take care of his grandfather.

Although the grandfather said it is light, the special method must be very dangerous, and it is very harmful to the body.

Ye Hao did not trust, chasing the iceberg man for a long time, but unfortunately, the guy only nodded his head and couldn't ask, and he was so anxious that he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Grandfather, is he dumb?" Ye Hao frowned.

The grandfather glanced at the girl: "Jing Mu just doesn't like to talk. You don't ask him. Although the method is a bit dangerous, it's good to be shocked, I'm fine."

Ye Xie looked at the familiar face of the old man, sitting in front of himself, talking to her, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Ye Hao slowly squatted down in front of his grandfather: "Grandpa, sorry..."

The old man lifted the girl up and looked stunned. "I don't blame you. It was also a grandfather who was too excited."

He pinned all his expectations on his daughter, but his daughter married the son of the dead. For many years, he has been depressed and unsuccessful, and his mentality has already gone wrong.

He is very clear that the worry-free thing of the year is nothing but a fuse.

The old man looked at the side of the night, "What is your name?"

The Secretary was busy with the night: "The night is cold, my grandfather can call me Ah Jiu."

The old man sighed. "At the beginning, the person who sneaked in my secrets was you?"

The look of the night is slightly nervous, "Yes."

The old man’s face is more dignified. “You have a child with no worries?”

This time, the face of Ye Hao has also changed, and he swallowed his mouth and vomited. "Cough, grandfather, not his fault..."

Just when Ye Hao and Si Yehan both were nervous about the public, the door was shouted and a small figure came in.

The baby stood at the door and gave a soft voice, "Mom?"

(PS: Baby, the battle is finally finished. Basically, the plots I filled in are all paving and clues. Although some are just taken over, they are definitely buried. Some of them have carefully noticed, some have swept away. , there may be places that don’t quite understand~

After the war, there are still some endings and exceptions. The mother of the man will be written, and the master of the woman will also explain that the family of three will have a little more.

After writing the war, I feel that my body is hollowed out. I will probably rest while writing and rest. The update will not be too fast, but the plot will be more relaxed, not so brain-burning, and everyone will not wait. I am in a hurry~

It’s hard to do about the man’s mother, but everyone doesn’t have to worry about it, and there’s a better baby than Shun’s hair!


In addition, regarding the publication of "just like the cold and the sun", here are a few questions about the baby.

1 Because the 2000 signature version was quickly robbed, in order to thank the babies for their enthusiastic support, the publisher got another 2000 signature version, pre-sold in Tmall.

2 The first batch of 2000 is my autographed version, but this time the signature is not as much as before. Most of the recent cervical vertebrae are guilty. I have four pen names and more words. The cute version is more difficult. Write, several font switching is really written to the hand cramps, but this time I have a lot of personally poked a cute letter small signature ~

3 The second batch of 2000 copies, although not signed, but has a special custom-made pen name signature.

4 The number of signatures and signatures is limited, so the sooner you buy the babies you get, the better. )

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