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Yin Heng has a glass of wine.

Tonight is supposed to be his home game. It was the moment when he beat the squad, and he didn't expect everything to be disrupted because of the emergence of Yi Yunmo.

Because Yi Yunmo’s unclear attitude to the Secretary’s night cold, an invitation, everyone’s eyes fell on the body of the night.

There are even people who are saying behind the scenes, because the division night cold does not look at Qin Xiyuan, so Qin Xiyuan retreats to find him next!

And the words that Yi Yun Mo said tonight - "If I said there?"

Have? have what?

Is Yi Yun Mo really able to have the meaning of the Secretary of the Night?


With a bang, Yin Heng buckled the wine glass on the bar.

The confidant on the side was busy and comforted. "Yin Shao, I think you probably think too much. After all, Miss Yi is not a sure tone...

Miss Yi’s status is not so simple, and it’s not so vulgar. How can I just look at a man who just met at a dinner party? I think we still don't want to be self-defeating! ”

Yin Heng glanced at his confidant and said, "What do you think... What does Yiyun Mo mean?"

Analysis of the heart, "Young Master, Yi Yunmo, this woman, I know too much, the eyes are higher than the top, I look down on anyone from the heart, cold and proud, it is estimated to reject and dislike men, you see her tonight to those men The attitude will be known."

Yin Heng: "What does she say about the attitude of the Secretary?"

It is also for people to change the soup, but also for people to take blankets.

Because Yi Yunmo is too cold and arrogant, she is more versatile about the speciality of the company's night cold.

Heart-to-heart, "Young Master, you are in it, the authorities are fascinated. I see Miss Yi’s attitude towards the night of the night, but it’s just a little polite. It’s not a good thing. It’s just because I’m looking at the face of the president. Because the president is easy to appreciate the cold of the night, I want to make friends."

Although this explanation also makes Yin Heng very dissatisfied, it is better than Yi Yun’s look at the boss’s night cold.

"So, say young master, you still have to grasp the most important thing Miss Qin, if it is angered Miss Qin, that is really bad!" Persuaded.

Yin Heng has calmed down a bit at the moment. "You are doing a good job!"

When he encounters the night of the division, he is easily out of control. When he thinks about it, he does have some overreaction.

After all, Yi Yunmo still has no shadows, and Qin Xiyuan is already his own, and Qin has already arranged a position for him in this meeting, and can attend the meeting.

Although this position has no real power at the moment, it is already a pedal. After the summit, Qin Trace will help him arrange for arbitration.

When I was at the beginning of the night, I didn’t know how it was mixed into the position of the director. The position was equal to Yin Yuerong, so that his efforts in Yin’s family for a long time all fell, and he worked hard again. joke.

He must seize this opportunity and must not make any mistakes.


The next day.

The summit of the arbitration meeting officially began. All day is a tense meeting process, and all the high-level directors participated in the meeting.

In the evening, Yi Ling opened a party for her baby daughter, washing her dust for her, and also letting her make more friends.

Yi Ling is a party that loves women, this is definitely how many people want to come.

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