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After the four agreed, they left.

At the entrance of the bar, Ye Hao asked Ye Mufan. "After resigning, the apartment must be moving here. Where are you going to live?"

Gong Xu has always had his own residence. Luo Chen had already bought his own house before he could move away at any time.

Ye Mufan said, "Nature is going home. I have long wanted to move back to live with my parents. Now it is right. I have already told my parents that my parents are very happy! What about you? Do you want to go back together? ”

Ye Hao said, "I think too, but my identity in the entertainment industry is Ye Bai. It is definitely not convenient to go back to live. I have already bought a yard at a low price in Beijing, although it is a bit old, but It’s pretty good to trim it, and the environment is very quiet!”

Ye Mufan frowned. "How do you feel at ease when you live so far?"

Ye Hao didn't care, "Don't worry about me, I hired a servant, and then my boyfriend will come over with me often."

The mercenaries she rescued in Myanmar have been concealed as servants and arranged in the garden.

Ye Mufan: "..."

The latter sentence is the point!

Hey, the woman is not staying...

The luggage of Ye Hao Apartment has already moved to the new residence when she went on a business trip abroad. After she separated from Ye Mufan, she went directly to the suburbs of Beijing.

Ye Hao drove off the courtyard door.

I saw a small two-story building in front of the house. There is also a glass flower room in the yard. Although it is slightly old, it is very well-dressed, with a bit of idyllic retro atmosphere. It is far away from the city, but it is a feeling of paradise. .

It used to be the residence of an architect. The layout was very good. It was just that the couple moved abroad in the early years, and this was abandoned.

As soon as I heard the sound of the car engine, I immediately rushed out of the yard with a petite figure. "Master, you are back! Ah..."

The mercenary Xiao Loli was wearing a cute maid costume. When she just rushed out, she saw a man's leafhopper. The eyes were straight on the spot. "Ah! The master is so handsome! I have to faint and faint... ”

Although the owner has already explained to them, she said that she still has a man's identity, but I did not expect the owner's men's clothing to look so handsome!

Soon the other four people also came out of the yard, the fat man in the chef's suit, the old man dressed as a butler in a tuxedo, the long-haired man wearing a rain boots holding a large pair of scissors, and the beard man dressed as a security guard.

Several people stood in a row and said in unison: "Master! Welcome home -"

Ye Hao nodded in satisfaction and looked quite good. It was much better than the MLM group...

"Master, Heidi has prepared the meal, when will I dine." The mercenary veteran asked with respect and respect.

Ye Hao replied: "After half an hour."


In the living room, Ye Hao sat on the sofa and thought about the mobile phone.

Send a text message to Nie Wuming and ask, why haven’t there been news for so many days?

For the sake of convenience, she added the WeChat of five of them and established a WeChat group.

So, Ye Hao sent a sentence directly in the WeChat group -

[Is anyone here? ]

Ye Hao waited for a long time, the group was quiet, no one responded.

Are you busy?

Ye Hao held the chin and waited for a while, but no one responded, so the finger clicked, and a red envelope of money was sent in the group.

[Nie Wuming has received your red envelope]

[A flower has received your red envelope]

[God sinister has received your red envelope]

[爱新觉罗小甜甜 has received your red envelope]

[The dead have received your red envelope]


Ye Wei: "..."

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