Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 870: Waiting for Ah Ji to wake up and say

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For Sun Baicao to be able to diagnose with peace of mind, except for the old lady and Si Mingrong, everyone went out.

Outside the door, a group of people are waiting nervously.

Time passed by, the elders were anxiously squatting outside.

Ye Hao leaned against the cold wall without saying a word.

At the moment, Si Mingli was radiant and sneered at Ye Hao. "The homeowner is ruined by your stupidity and ignorance. Are you satisfied now?"

Feng Yiping looked ridiculed. "Unfortunately, the owner is confused, and the old lady is also soft. If the owner can believe in Miss Ruo, how can he get this point... It is really unfortunate...

I have said that if such a woman is our master mother, sooner or later she will make a big deal! This is not, have not yet sat in that position, it has already hurt the Secretary to this point! ”

Other veterans are anxious to turn around. "Hey, what can I do? Parents can't have anything to do!"

Si Mingli sneaked a sigh of relief. "How can it be all right? The old diseases and damaged organs in the main body are like the time bombs. They can be blown up at any time. Once they are attacked, they are life-threatening. It’s too late, I’m sure the homeowner is definitely a lot of fierce...”

Under the provocation of Si Mingli and Qin Ruoxi's party feathers, other veterans looked at Ye Hao's face more and more ugly. "If the owner has something long and short, you definitely don't want to leave the family alive!"

"This woman is not in the hands of the Secretary and I don't know what the purpose is! This thing must be checked!"



Ye Hao pinched the temples that swelled and painful, and Shuguang ran coldly toward those people, "Shut up."

The gaze is like staring at the dead, causing a chill in the back.

The veterans snorted for a few seconds, and after a moment they began to anger. "This woman really doesn't see the coffin without tears. This is still so arrogant!"

"It's too much!"

"Oh--", the door opened, and Sun Baicao finally pushed the door out.

"How about Dr. Sun?"

"How is the owner, is there any danger?"

The veterans suddenly surrounded them, and Ye Hao looked at Sun Baicao.

Sun Baicao's face is dignified. "The cause can not be determined temporarily. I have to transfer it to the hospital for further detailed examination. Please be careful."

Si Mingli screamed, "Da, what should this woman do? If it wasn't for her, the owner wouldn't make it like this! I have every reason to suspect that she is misbehaving, even deliberately murdering!"

The old lady blinked and looked tired and shivered. "Wait for Ah Ji to wake up and say..."

The old lady is full of thoughts on her grandson, and there is a mind to control other things.

Si Mingli heard the words and glanced at Ye Hao.

Hey, wake up?

I am afraid I will never wake up again!

This time he absolutely wants this woman to die!

There is also the entire division, and it is his soon...

Soon, the company was sent to a private hospital in the suburbs of Beijing.

After the night was sent, the entire hospital was martial, no one could get close, Ye Hao could not enter the ward, and could only wait in the hall.

Ye Hao quietly sat in the empty hall, and then it was late at night...

Ye Hao looked slightly cold, and worked hard to sort out the physical condition of the night cold in this period...

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