Perfect Supreme

Chapter 960

“big brother !”

Ye Xiao’s whole body trembled, the first time he saw such terrifying means, the big brother was stronger than he thought, and the big brother saved him, he should pay for it, but the big brother helped him keep the Martial Arts, and Martial Arts method of cultivating, passed to him with a special Divine Ability, and gave him a reborn medicine pill!


Ye Xiao once again squatted down and stared at Lin Ling: “big brother, thank you!”

His eyes shed tears, and the icing on the cake is important, but the timely help is the most important thing. When he is helpless, the big brother helps him and gives him the opportunity to rise!

“This kid!”

Lin Ling shook his head helplessly, taking a step forward and raising Ye Xiao.

“Okay, we have something to leave, so it is not convenient to stay. Those who have bullied you before, I have left it for you. I believe that you will wash away your own shame, remember, unless it is dead, otherwise ,never give up!”

Lin Ling indifferently said, leaving with the Yang and the dry, at the same time, the soft voice came from afar.

“He, your strength, you can come to me, get back to Martial Arts cultivation technique, my name is Lin Ling!”

Ye Xiao seriously remembered the name, then looked at the leaving silhouette and once again squatted: “One day is a teacher, life is a father, Lin Ling Master, you will be the most important person in my life!”

Subsequently, he buried the medicine pill on the spot, ready to stay in the evening to swallow the medicine pill cultivation, and he immediately returned to the sect, ready to convict, after all, the silk clothed youngster died before, this can be different, of course, people really Isn’t He killed, he is at most a little punishing!

At the moment, he has a strong capital, so he plans to grow in cultivation!

Going all the way back, on the way, he heard the powerful martial artist of the passers-by talking, one of the names made him feel shocked – Lin Ling!

The young youngster from the middle three domains, born in the ordinary, but in the Rain Forest Holy Land, has become the first supreme talent of the seven Martial Arts halls, the existence of countless Land of Hundred Territorys and the young youngsters, and their inspirational idols!

“It’s him!”

Ye Xiao’s body trembled nervously, and the depth of his eyes, a tearful flow again!

. . . . . . . . . .

“hehe, Lin Ling, I didn’t think you were so approachable!”

At this moment, the Lin Ling trio flew toward the mountain magic sea. On the way, the sun dried and said with a slight smile, it was also a surprise to attack the moon.

Lin Ling’s name, the famous Rain Forest Holy Land, this person is arrogant, overbearing, anyone who dares to violate, immediately drawing sword to destroy the whole family, but they did not expect Lin Ling to resemble a tiger, sniffing roses, and rumors different.

“Hands can help, it naturally helps. This Heaven and Earth is a lot of unfair things. I can’t change everything, but if I see it, it will help!” Lin Ling smiled lightly, not the previous one. Things are in my heart.

“You don’t have to be bullied, but when you meet strong, you are strong!”

Yanggan smiled and said, then the mind fell on the “Large Law”: “This Martial Arts is a bit of awesome, but unfortunately, there is no exploration of the found truth, the fundamental cultivation does not come out!”

“This Martial Arts, very strong!”

There were few words in the attack, but an assessment was added.

Lin Ling’s pupils are flickering, and the Yanggan and the attacking moons are from Bodhi Saint Palace. The knowledge can reach the terrifying boundary. They also have a strong evaluation. That Martial Arts is out of the ordinary.

Thinking about it, Lin Ling took out the tarpaulin, and his eyes changed quietly. Eye of Time appeared. Gradually, the missing upper part appeared. This meant that the tarpaulin was complete long and long ago. For some reason, people were torn off the other half.

The missing half is the found truth insight!

“Heaven and Earth are righteous, and they are confusing. Under the river is Yue, the upper is the sun…”

A voice floated into Lin Ling’s ear, letting Lin Ling shudder, familiar, this is a righteous song! I didn’t expect this Heaven and Earth person to know this!

“Hao Ranzheng is righteous, straight and straight, and the evil spirits do not invade. The so-called righteousness, this just righteousness is the righteousness of the human beings. It is the righteousness of the great righteousness, the sorrow of the world, the joy of the world, and the happiness of the world!”

Above a mountain peak, a man who can’t see the picture is lightly standing, looking forward to the world, the wind!

Righteousness is also a kind of Heaven and Earth power. My heart is still, my heart is firm, it is righteous!

And want cultivation out of the right, one: follow the foundation truth insight to cultivation, this is the other person’s prototype truth Martial Arts. Second, borrow another key to open the door to righteousness!

“This Martial Arts is too complicated, Ye Xiao is currently cultivation, can only wait for the strength to be stronger and then find me, I will point to him again!” Lin Ling muttered, let the two people next to the shaking his head, though This Martial Arts formidable power is not weak, but it is clear that the cultivation is not enough. I don’t know why Lin Ling is so confident and can point to others.

“The world is full of worries and worries, and the happiness of the world after the world should be the source of the righteousness of Ye Xiao father, but I can’t do this, so cultivation does not come out of this discovered truth!”

Lin Ling talks to herself, but then she looks bright!

If you want to open the door to righteousness, you don’t have to be worried about the world. You will be happy after the world, because it is the most masculine thought, but in fact, there are many ways to get rid of this. Can give birth to righteousness, such as kindness, such as just right, and like life!

Lin Ling has a shudder!

Life, yes, it is a life!

Vitality is also righteous, moisturizing the earth, fraternity, and the profound truth of life, although not able to worry about the world before, but after the world is happy, but it has the power of Purdue!

“I have the discovered truth of life, perhaps, you can make the profound truth of life into awesome!”

Lin Ling raised his mind.

The three people went all the way, on the way to stay in an Inn, it was night, Lin Ling was cultivation in the room, and his circle of life swelled out, vibrant, continuous, nourishing all around life !

At this moment, he is sacred and holy!

Profound truth, the defense is very strong, but because it is too kind, except for the extraction of vitality, so the attack power is not big, but if it is converted into awesome, then Lin Ling can be straight and straight, and then with fleshly body power, Lin Ling’s sword will be more terrifying!

Can break a sword!

Time passed by, and the changes in rays of light on Lin Ling became golden. It was so majestic, as if Vajra was coming, the imposing manner was straight, and the evil spirits did not invade!

Everything is like Lin Ling’s conjecture. It has the found truth of life, fraternity, and Kuanren, and can open the door of righteousness!

Righteousness isn’t kindly, really isn’t the Purdue beings in Buddhism, but a kind of Martial Dao that keeps my heart, as long as there is righteousness in the heart, any demons and ghosts, sword slash kill!

The ancients have the righteousness to rush!

Righteousness is like a sword, just right!

“The profound truth of life is transformed into awe-inspiring!”

After a long time, Lin Ling’s pupil was condensed, and there was a singer sword in his hand. He found that the singer sword was more overbearing, the great sword, the cold light, like a righteous banner!

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