Perfect Supreme

Chapter 968

“Ray Beads!”

The scorpion on the side of the scorpion condensed, chose to watch, and the body shot faster toward the void. They could see that Lin Ling was to be eliminated from the tomb. After all, Lin Ling is not a dark horse, but not a saint. The strongest, not to mention the two take action, Lin Ling is not dead but also serious injury!

Lei Bing double beads, is the elder sister of ice beads!

Lin Ling naturally saw it, it was a beautiful woman, exactly the same as the ice beads, which made him feel a strong anger!

He and the ice bead, the fair matchup, the ice beads will not give up the chance of the tomb, and he will not, then whoever loses is no wonder, but after the ice beads are lost, all the saints will regard Lin Ling as evil. Disciples, and the ice beads did not come out to clarify, this point, Lin Ling does not care, let him not think that, as this test key moment, the ice bead elder sister will unite with others, take action on themselves!


It was at this time that a cold voice rang in Lin Ling’s ear, and an incomparable terrifying red lightning flashed out.

Hong long!

In front, the huge palm seems to be shattered and turned into a glass-like piece!

“That is the glare of the Three Realms, the formidable power with a small amount of freezing time, actually broken!” The crowd shocked, who helped Lin Ling?

Under the lack of light, the silhouette of a white clothed wins snow appears beside Lin Ling, An Yu’er!

At the same time, with the help of An Yu’er, Lin Ling didn’t have to face the insidious take action of the two Great Sage children, and his left hand smashed out, the Lotus of Ten Side World with a rolling flame. It is confronted with Thunder giant finger on the other side!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The thunder fire collided, the sky broke out of the glaring of the rays of light, the clouds were torn, but the thunderfire melted away from each other.

If the sky is full of powerful sons, the explosion of power is enough to affect them, and at this moment, the sons of the sons are condensed, Lin Ling, good luck, it seems to have crossed a catastrophe, and then they think about the void channel. Crazy shot, no more, no time!

“Boundless Monster Pupil !”

Lin Ling looked towards the sneer white hair youth in the distance, the terrifying Soul Force showed up, as if the time was frozen, the white hair youth smile stopped instantly, and a blood spurted out, he was wary of forgetting Lin Ling’s Soul Force is gone.


Lin Ling couldn’t wait to say more, and took An Yu’er’s hand and shot it crazy toward the void channel.

At the moment, entering the ancient tomb is the top priority, and the revenge of Lei Zhuzi must be put temporarily!


Ray’s pretty face is extremely chilly, but she also knows that she missed the opportunity to frame Lin Ling, so she also shot toward the void channel.

As for another white-haired young man, he was not so lucky. When he reacted, the void channel became smaller and smaller, and the stronger road was getting closer and closer to him, which made his pupils grow bigger. Before, Lei Zhuzi invited him to help, and he immediately agreed to get the beauty of the heart.

After all, Lin Ling is powerful, but he is still not in the eye!

Who knows, at the most critical moment, Lin Ling countered him, although he did not beat him, but he lost the chance of the tomb!

“Do not!”

The white-haired youth roared and chased anxiously!

Unfortunately, everything is late, the opportunity, the moment disappears!

“Sadly Wuyou, he moved his own feet, but he was missed!”

Many people underneath secretly with a sneer, at the same time, the old man of the sword is rising from the ground, a sword seems to come from the void, 狠狠slashed towards the white hair youth.

“Sword, stop, do you dare to kill the Son of Alkaid Holy Land?”

Below, a middle-aged man yelled.

“Do not forget the rules of the Six Holy Alliance. Before the Scorpio era brought, any Son is precious, and must not take action against each other. He violated the rules of the Union!”

The sky came to the old man’s cold voice, the sword slash out, the white hair youth turned into nothingness, sadly.

In fact, if he catches up with the tomb, everything will be fine, because after entering, the old man can’t kill him. When he comes out, Alkaid Holy Land will also protect him, but unfortunately, he Take the wrong step, leading to the loss of the whole world!

Above the earth, the middle-aged face of Alkaid Holy Land was incomparably ugly, but the agreement of the Six Holy Alliance, and finally coldly snorted, recorded this hatred!

Hōng lóng lóng !

At the same time, among the ancient tombs, the saints were distributed on a corridor, which is a void corridor. Like the ancient tombs that Lin Ling had taken before, the Spiritual Qi could not be used, otherwise the channel would collapse. Everyone is going to die!

Lin Ling’s body appeared, looking at all around, and there are not many saints, look at the front of the eyes, old, mysterious, as if coming to a corridor in a city wall, the front is dim, can not see the end.

“Yu’er, thank you before!”

Lin Ling regained his gaze and looked at the peerless beauty next to him. He had held An Yu’er’s hand before, so he was together after entering.

“hehe, can help you once, I am honored, but unfortunately, the time was too late, resulting in separation from Younger Sister Mengyun!”

An Yu’er gently sats with a smile, she is not good at expressing feelings, giving people the impression that the fairy under the moonlight, so can say this sentence also represents her happy heart.

Lin Ling is also a smile. The hand holding An Yu’er is even tighter. He and An Yu’er haven’t seen each other for a long time, and this small movement is naturally detected by An Yu’er, making her heart like a deer. Collided.

“This is a void channel. It seems that you can’t use Spiritual Qi at will, you have to find the next exit!”

Lin Ling knows that in a mysterious place, everything must be careful, so he looks at the ancient corridor indifferently said.

“Go ahead!”

Later, Lin Ling took An Yu’er slowly.

The corridor is not dark, the ground has old dust, and it is even more faint to see some old bones. Obviously, this is what the predecessors left, and there will be a bronze door on the side of the corridor every distance. Lin Ling was cautious, so she didn’t open it at random. The two walked all the way, and they walked for an hour, but the corridor still had no end!

“This corridor is really long!”

An Yu’er gently said, but it didn’t feel boring, maybe with Lin Ling, even if she was so everyday, she felt satisfied.

Lin Ling smiled softly, remembering An Yu’er’s knowledge of Ancient Yan Sect. It is counted that An Yu’er is the first woman he knows, and among all women, An Yu’er is the most temperament. Elegant, like a fairy who is not shocked.

However, after Lin Ling smiled, his face was a little dignified: “Really isn’t the corridor is long, but there is never an end here!”


An Yu’er beautiful eyes.

At the same time, the bronze door was opened and three silhouettes walked slowly into the corridor. After seeing Lin Ling, the three were a little surprised.

“It’s still a corridor!”

One of them frowned and said one.

And Lin Ling raised a terrifying idea, the labyrinth corridor!

This means that the bronze door really isn’t connected to the exit, but to the next corridor, so continuous, and finally trapped people here!

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