Perfect Supreme

Chapter 986

“Lin Ling, come on!”

Suddenly, there is a saint who is excited and shouted. At present, Lin Ling is blocking all the different clansmen, as if it is the king of the Son!

“Come on, Lin Ling!”

After the Son, all the saints cheered and cheered. Perhaps they also knew that if Lin Ling died, they couldn’t stop the alien encircling to kill!

Lin Ling here, the imposing manner is also grand, all people seem to look at their king, and for Lin Ling, they have been convinced, six Holy Land First Son!

“Don’t die!”

Da Yanzhen also said gently, he is the first son of Holy Land, but at the moment is also convinced.

“They all support Lin Ling!”

An Yu’er was amazed. I want to know that the Son is Peak genius of Holy Land. It has always been proud and arrogant. No one can make them convinced that they are convinced, but now, and not one person, but all!

Lin Ling, even if he lost today, he also won endless honors!

“Lin Ling, come on!”

Inexplicable, An Yu’er raised a sense of happiness in her heart, that is her man!

However, Lin Ling at the moment did not care about the sound behind him. He looked coldly at the front, and the different clansmen were angry? But no one knows that at this moment he is more angry than the different clansmen. He has said that his loved one is his everything, his reverse scale, anyone dares to violate, even Nine Heavens God King, he dare to battle!

The old Flame Ancient Clan, the old Xiao Old Master, the former Youyou, these are the most important things in Lin Ling’s heart!

“I am more angry than you, let you see my angry fire!”

The low, hoarse voice floated out of Lin Ling’s mouth, and Heaven and Earth began to get hot, and the flame broke out in Lin Ling, rushing into the clouds and sweeping the clouds!


Heaven and Earth The most original fire, appear!

This kind of fire, thousand transformations, ten-thousand changes, has a variety of colors like flowers, but it is extremely hot and seems to be hotter than the sun!

“3rd-layer fire found truth!”

Among the countless sons, holding the sword’s black clothed girl Lai Qing beautiful eyes condense, she also has 3rd-layer profound truth, so know how strong 3rd-layer is, most terrifying is that she perceives Lin Ling’s foundation Truth is more skillful and more aggressive than her!

“What, this child will actually be the way to inflammation!”

The interracial dignity and the big Yuanyang pupils condense up, the flames in front of the sky, the youth has disappeared, but the terrifying flame gives them a sense of trembling in fear.

Fire, the imposing manner is too fierce!

Hōng lóng lóng !

At the same time, the flames rolled and intertwined, as if countless Fire Dragons were tumbling. Gradually, a human figure appeared quietly in the flames. This person is like a giant in the sky, sacred and majestic, angry and rushing to the crown, and a pair of eyes are not angry. Looking forward to the world!

Yan Di!

This Yandi is from the ancient treasure – Yan Di Bafang Stone, which is the discovery of the fire of the insight!

“Fist of Yandi, Yan Ri!”

The huge Yandi was cold and cold, and the flames grew up in the sky, with endless majesty, and a flame fist rushed to countless aliens in front!

The flame broke out and the sky turned into a sea of ​​fire. You know, the Emperor’s octagonal stone is from the oldest inflammatory field, which makes Lin Ling’s insight into the fire reach a new field. The Yandi punches, the formidable power is more than the Lotus of Ten Side World. Terrifying !

Bō bō bō !

The world-shaking punched out, the aliens in the distance, everyone’s pupils were big and dead, what did they see?

They saw Heaven and Earth’s oldest flame fist, the big fist, occupying a side of Heaven and Earth, letting them see the fire, there is nothing!


This, can not be called a fire, but can be called “inflammation”, really true inflammation!

The fire has passed, everything is burned, the clouds are burning, and Heaven and Earth are turned into fire!

“Good fierce flame, Yan Di!”

In the distance, the Son is full of dignity and a redness in the distance. It seems that no creatures can be seen. Only the Emperor Yan, who is tall and powerful, stands under the sky!

Anyone else can live?

Everyone has a thought in his heart.

For a long time, the sky flames sprinkled like rain. Sure enough, under the punch of Yan Emperor, all the aliens were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, even though the great spirit of Holy Spirit Realm Middle Stage could not stop the flame!

In the endless fire, only a slender silhouette is bathed in it, this moment shines the ray of light!

Who is the king?

The facts have proved everything, Lin Ling kills all the different clansmen!

“His strength really surpassed all our sons!” Da Yan whispered, he felt very dreamy, Lin Ling was not the strongest outside the tomb, but barely entered his eyes. At that time he told Lin Ling that your strength is not bad.

At that time, his tone was with a condescending!

Now, he wants to look up to Lin Ling!

Lin Ling is likely to get the biggest chance in the tomb!

“River Yuzhu was acquired by Lin Ling!”

Then, the crowd looked at the mysterious beads floating in the air, Worthy is the treasure, facing the fire like this fire, and it was held in the hands of Lin Ling. At the same time, Lin Ling right hand dragged a silhouette slowly. At the beginning of the big name of You Mengyun take action, Lin Ling let him finally die, and sure enough to do it!

At the moment, the big man was pale, decadent, and lost. He didn’t seem to believe everything in front of him.

“Treasure is unearthed, and each competes with its ability, but what I don’t like the most is to start with my woman!”

Lin Ling threw the big statue on the ground, indifferent started talking.

“We are all stupid!”

The Dai people sneered at themselves. Before, Lin Ling said that they were stupid. At that time, they were laughing at them, not knowing where they were, but now he knows, treasure is unearthed, and each competes for capability. Life and death are destined, but for You Mengyun take action, the result is different, it is all dead!

Everyone has a piece of net in their hearts, they need to guard it, reverse scale, never touch!

Touch it, the red crown is angry, the masses!

“Your people are dead, you can die too!”

Lin Ling sword slash out, the last big slay of the Yi people, so that many sons tremble, Lin Ling, not easy to provoke!

“The different clansmen are dead, and the other treasures can be returned to us!”

Later, the saints rejoiced and drunk.

“Lin Ling, great, you got the river figure jade beads, give it to me quickly, I will hand it over to Bodhi Saint Palace, let us Bodhi Saint Palace be fully famous in the six Holy Land!” At this time, Ma Yubai excited Shouted a word, but in exchange for countless sons disdainful eyes.

This Ma Yubai did not dare after the continuous fight, hiding behind everyone, Lin Ling won now, he did a great job, want to share the harvest of Lin Ling!

“You are talking to me? Are you qualified?”

In the distance, Lin Ling walked slowly, while constantly collecting all around the treasure.

“I am the first son of Bodhi Saint Palace. Do you say that I am not qualified?” Ma Yubai said, screaming.

“You are the first waste of Bodhi Saint Palace, roll!”

Lin Ling coldly smiled, the sword in his hand was smashed out, let Ma Yu’s face change dramatically, and madly retreat, but then found that Lin Ling is not trying to kill him, just play him.

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