Perfect Supreme

Chapter 988

“Look at the time, we are here!”

Da Yanzhen is happy in the heart, they can rush into the void black hole before the arrival of the different clansmen encircling to kill.

“That may not be!”

However, Lin Ling frowned and said that all the Sons were suddenly changed.

At the same time, before the rolling black hole, a silhouette like Demon God stood there quietly, a white hair fluttering in the wind, gray skin, cold eyes, as if it were an ancient statue!

That mysterious powerhouse is coming!

He, he can let Lin Ling safely leave the tomb!

“You, grabbed the treasure of my garden of death!”

The icy voice came out like the Heaven’s Might, letting the Sons tremble, the imposing manner, the terrifying, did it reach the legendary extraordinary situation?

Transcendent Realm, legend, these powerful martial artists have arrived at the realm on the other side, coming to Martial Dao’s new Heaven and Earth, the power of the magic, extremely powerful!

“Hehe, not only grabbed the treasure of the Garden of Death, but also grabbed the river Yuzhu!”

Lin Ling stopped and looked at the silhouette of the distant place.

“You are an ants, but it is awful!”

The Demon God-like silhouette of the pupils emits glaring of the rays of light, so that many sons fall in a cold breath, Lin Ling actually knows such a powerhouse? And Lin Ling is so hard, and even grabs the treasure of this powerhouse.

“You must die!”

The Demon God-like silhouette was once solemnly, and the rolling magic cloud swept out, more terrifying than the previous great demon clouds, making the sky a darkness.

“Remember, after I left, you immediately shot at the void black hole!”

Lin Ling’s face is a dignified one, faintly facing the holy road of all around.

“Lin Ling, you!”

Da Yan瞳 complexion changed, guessing Lin Ling’s intentions, Lin Ling wants to attract the attention of Demon God, let everyone leave the tomb.

“Remove this road, no choice!” Lin Ling smiled and shook his head: “You don’t go, that is, die here, and his purpose is me, I leave, he won’t have time to pay attention to you!”

The hearts of the Sons tremble, this is the villain Lin Ling? In order to save everyone, sacrifice yourself!

“Okay, don’t waste time, everyone is ready!”

Seeing the expression of excitement, Lin Ling shook his head. These guys were arrogant, but after they fought side by side, they also treated each other honestly, and the temperament was good.

“Lin Ling, this big grace, I remembered, if there is still a chance to see you again, don’t say anything else, you can say a word, I will accompany you to the world!”

“Lin Ling, I am sorry for you!”

“Lin Ling, I wish you good luck, this grace, remember it!”

All the Sons are grateful to Lin Ling. Although they also want to fight alongside Lin Ling, they also know that the end of this side-by-side battle is the same. If this is the case, let Lin Ling attract the attention of Demon God and let everyone Leaving, and Lin Ling is also more mobile, perhaps not able to escape the pursuit!

After all, Lin Ling is a young man from the youngest son, the king of the Son!

“good luck!”

Da Yan licked Lin Ling’s chest. If he is grateful, he will not say much, and he will remember it in his heart.

“Take me all!”

Lin Ling faintly smiled, at this moment, he has a sense of pride, then strides forward and shoots in the other direction.

All the sons of the Son are shaking, Lin Ling, a real man!

“Lin Ling, I am with you!”

An Yu’er took You Mengyun to Lin Ling, letting Lin Ling shake his head and want to stop, but it seems too late!

“Are you running out of my palm?”

At the moment, the Demon God-like man ignored the Son, but chased Lin Ling. Obviously he also knew that Lin Ling had too many important treasures!

In the rear, there is a powerful man chasing, and in front of it is a large number of different clansmen, let Lin Ling smile bitterly: “Ancient devil, you let me not leave the tomb, it is not going to kill me!”

In fact, Lin Ling did not choose to leave. One: he couldn’t walk, so he used one person as a bait to complete all the sons. Second, Gu Yan Mou let him not leave, because there will be the most critical secrets!

But now, Lin Ling thinks, what kind of secrets are useless, and it is most important to keep your life!

He also listened to the Sons before, the mysterious man is afraid of Transcendent Realm’s powerhouse, so strong, obliterate he is indeed like a backhand, not to mention, Lin Ling grabbed so many people’s treasures.

“Peace, die!”

Indeed, “阎” is extremely angry at the moment, the junior is an ants, but he has broken his good things three times and four times, ruined his altar for the first time, let go of the ancient demon, and ransacked his garden of death for the second time. The third time, I grabbed the river figure Yuzhu, and people can’t wait to make the juniors frustrated!

“hehe, can kill me, come!”

At this moment, Lin Ling crossed An Yu’er in the sky. If you can’t avoid it, then face it!

“You don’t want to be too arrogant!”

Lin Ling’s words undoubtedly made “阎” even more angry.

“Lord, we will catch him!”

At the moment, there were a lot of different clansmen in front of them. Lin Ling was strong again, and they couldn’t stop them for a while. As long as they were stopped, Lin Ling would be caught.

“Lin Ling, what to do!”

An Yu’er is beside Lin Ling.

“You are optimistic about You Mengyun!” Lin Ling’s face dignified, thinking of the ancient evil spirits, can not help but dark cursed, this Old Ghost, want to kill yourself?

“Don’t you get the ancient Buddha Dipankara? It’s a rare Heavenly Soldier, more precious than your Three World Cloaks, but it’s a little broken. Pour the old spring into the lamp and use the Spiritual Qi to blow the light!” The sound of the ancient evil spirits Out, with anxiousness.

“Ancient Buddha Dipankara?”

Lin Ling’s pupil was condensed. When he got the Sanjie cloak, he also got an old bronze lamp. At that time, he felt out of the ordinary, but he didn’t see any effect. Right now, he immediately followed the ancient inflammation. According to the devil’s soul, pour into the old spring!

“Can you blow the light?”

Lin Ling asked some questions that he did not believe.

“Smelly devil, let you blow you and blow!” Gu Yan’s soul screamed.

“I still like you cold!”

Lin Ling shook his head, holding the lamp in his hand, and Spiritual Qi instilled it, and blew it out!

The ancient Buddha appeared in the explosion, bursting out from the bronze lamp, sweeping the world, the vast green flame with sacredness, as if the gods and gods came!

The ancient lamp blows out the terrifying flame!


The fire is boiling, purifying the world, and there are countless different clansmen scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front, even though the Great Spirit Realm Late Stage’s Da Yuanyang is also fallen!

“Good terrifying!”

Lin Ling’s pupils are so big, he never thought that this bronze lamp is so big.

“This light has been broken, and it needs to be quoted from the old spring, but there are still at least nine opportunities for display!” The ancient sorcerer was not surprised by the formidable power of the bronze lamp, and then saw Lin Ling in the hair, could not help but roar : “Run away!”

Lin Ling suddenly smiled, before he was surprised at the formidable power of this bronze lamp, but forgot to escape!

And An Yu’er is carrying You Mengyun, but the beautiful eyes are so big, Lin Ling actually has such a heavy treasure? There are so many secrets on Lin Ling!

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