Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 243 Devouring the Heaven and the Earth, Unparalleled in Ancient Times

It is very quiet here, there is no Supreme corpse, and there is no dark abyss. There is only a dull mist. Coming here feels like arriving at the end of heaven and earth.

Holding the seven-colored Taoist golden halberd in his hand, Genjin opened his martial arts eyes, pierced through the layers of fog, and looked for the strangeness of this place. He did not believe that there was nothing at the end of the stone road.

Suddenly, the sound of iron chains shaking was heard in the void, and an arm-thick divine chain of order fell from the sky, wrapping around Gen Jin, circle after circle, and piercing deeply into his flesh and blood.

Severe pain surged from all over his body, filling Genjin's mind.

He was suffocating and out of breath, as if fate had strangled his throat and it was difficult to breathe.

The hope of enlightenment seems to be getting further and further away, and the light in front of me is gradually extinguishing.

At this time, Gen Jin knew that this thick divine chain of order was none other than his obsession.

At the age of eighty, he wanted to break through the shackles and realize the supreme truth. After all, he touched a red line drawn by heaven for all living things, which led to the most terrible disaster.

This is the last calamity, the calamity of obsession.

God has drawn a red line for living beings, but now, Genjin wants to break this rule, just to rise quickly, get close to the origin ancient artifact, understand the secret of the origin blood curse, and save his father.

The deeper the obsession, the more terrifying this disaster will be.

The source of power that restrains the eternal chain of order is his obsession.

Break it for me!

He roared and tried his best, trying to use all his strength to break through the restraints and gain freedom.

However, the more he tried to break through, the tighter the chain of the God of Order became, deeply embedded in his flesh and blood. From his limbs, head, chest, etc., colorful blood spurted out and dripped down like spring water.

A feeling of powerlessness came over him, and he felt that although Genjin's hematopoietic ability was extremely powerful, he could not withstand such an endless flow. Later, he would lose a lot of blood and essence, and he would be in danger of falling. Maybe he will become one of the hundreds of millions of bones of the Supreme Being.

At this moment, Genjin deeply realized how difficult it was to achieve supreme status before the age of five hundred. The previous calamities were nothing, but the final calamity of obsession was the most terrifying.

Why is it so difficult? Genjin said to himself. At this moment, he could hardly open his eyes.

The obsession is too deep.

In the dark, there was a voice responding, resounding from the bottom of his heart. It was not the voice of a certain creature, but the will of God. There was a majestic momentum that suppressed all living things.

The obsession is too what? I just want to become enlightened.

It can't be done. The voice of the great avenue responded again.

Genjin's face wrapped in the divine chain of order showed a sneer, disapproving of the voice of the great will of God.


At the moment of desperation, the deepest potential in Genjin's body burst out. His blood boiled like colorful magma, and one of his talents surged out like a torrent.

That was at the end of the sea waterfall. Genjin used the Devouring Cloud to devour part of the talent of the Sky-Devouring Demonic Bird Clan from Qinghuang. In addition, the Devouring Cloud that was slowly growing and developed, and the Devouring Power that broke out from Genjin's body. It was a complete mess.

Under the layers of Order Divine Chains, black light burst out from the tiny gaps, as if there was a black hole inside.

Since you can't break free, then return to me. Genjin roared, displaying his devouring talent without reservation.

As he tried his best, the black hole became more and more terrifying, swallowing up the sky and the earth, eating everything.

Even the indestructible chain of obsession fell into the black hole and slowly disappeared.

Later, Genjin swallowed all his obsessions, and his body and soul made a terrifying clicking sound, cracking and disintegrating.

The chain of obsession is not easy to swallow. If you eat it all, you will naturally pay an unimaginable price.

However, it's all worth it as long as you can regain your freedom.

His hair was flailing and his eyes were red, like a human-shaped porcelain that had been forcibly pasted together.

He endured the severe pain of disintegration, held the seven-colored golden halberd, looked up at the sky, and stabbed it out directly, making a hole in the sky with one halberd.

Genjin fought his way in and came to a place of chaos. In front of him, there was a mass of things spread out, like chaos and mist, evolving there and forming various patterns, such as vegetation, trees, fish, insects, all living things, etc.

He knew that this was the source of everything. If he had to give it a name, it would definitely be The Great Road.

While he was thinking about it, the Dao changed and turned into a majestic world tree. Each branch and leaf carried a star. Countless branches danced wildly, turning into spears one after another, heading towards Eternal Jin.

A terrifying energy came towards him, and Genjin knew that he couldn't let this thing get close.

If you guessed it right, this is the most important part of enlightenment. To carry out the Tao, if you want to become the Tao, you must first carry the Tao.

However, the big road in front of him gave him an ominous feeling. If he got close to it or carried it, he would be robbed.

Facing the branches of the world that filled the sky, Genjin waved the seven-colored golden halberd without hesitation and struck out like a blazing sun.

With a boom, the rules of the avenue trembled, and the dao that transformed into the world tree was directly beaten back to its original form by Gen Jin with absolute power.

However, it didn't give up and turned into an ancient beast that opened the sky. Its whole body was filled with yin and yang energy, and it was extremely powerful.

Genjin will take action again to kill the ancient beasts and reveal the true nature of the Dao.

After that, Dao continued to change its form and rules, and continued to attack and impact, but every time it was annihilated by the colorful sun.

Finally, the seven-colored golden halberd arrived, and one halberd hit the main body of Dao.

With a pop, the Dao Dao disappeared into thin air and turned into powder.

I thought it was over, but who knows, its ghost lingers and reappears, and the Tao is even worse.

This time, Genjin no longer took action, but allowed the Dao to attack. It separated countless seeds and wanted to plant them in Genjin's body to achieve a certain purpose.

Haha, where do you think my physical body is? Can you come here whenever you want? He sneered and transformed into a black hole again, swallowing the sky and the earth.

Since the other party insists on entering his body, then just satisfy it. However, after entering, it is not up to it to decide whether it can or not.

This is Eternal’s body, and here Eternal is Heaven.

In the end, Gen Jin even opened his dark mouth full of devouring symbols, like a glutton, and swallowed the lump of things in one gulp.

Zai Dao? You are overthinking it. I am swallowing Dao and enslaving Dao. He said to himself indifferently, using the power of rules in his body to forcibly refine this mass of things.

At the beginning, Dao was still struggling, trying to take the initiative and make Genjin surrender. But soon, various forces came in and were refined together. Dao couldn't stand it any longer, and the will inside it was gradually erased. .

Finally, the Dao calmed down, was completely conquered, and became the thing in Gen Jin's palm.

That's all.

Genjin whispered, and the seven-colored golden halberd in his hand shined brightly, piercing through the surrounding chaotic mist, and there was no more trouble to find.


Above the sky, purple air comes from the east, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles, with billions of auspicious clouds forming a continuous patchwork. Endless golden light falls down, lotuses grow everywhere, sweet springs spring from the ground, cranes come to pay homage, dragons fly and phoenixes dance...

There are so many visions that I can’t even count them. This is the feeling of the great heaven and earth. An unimaginably powerful Supreme One has become enlightened. Therefore, I am sending blessings.

Moreover, because Genjin swallowed up the Great Road and conquered the Great Road, this blessing came extremely violently.

The light of the source and the infinite supreme energy descended on Genjin, allowing his body and soul to achieve a deeper transformation.

Oh my god, what is that?

It seems... the Supreme Qi. Someone has achieved enlightenment and has become a Supreme. However, the vision of heaven and earth and the auspicious colors of the avenue are too amazing, comparable to the level of dozens or hundreds of Supremes achieving enlightenment at the same time.


In the vast wilderness hundreds of thousands of miles away, an isolated city stood. Many foreign monks saw the strange scene there.

Some speculated that some kind of treasure was born, and some speculated that a certain immortal secret realm was opened. In the end, a supreme person sitting in this city revealed the truth. Someone was really becoming enlightened, and he succeeded, which caused a shocking incident. Vision.


A majestic figure stepped out of the city and walked in the direction of the Supreme Vision. In just one step, he crossed an endless distance and disappeared from the sight of everyone in the city.

At this moment, Genjin is bathing in the Supreme Qi and accepting the baptism of heaven and earth. Even the shadow of the World Tree has noticed that he is not simple and comes to help him.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise in his body. Driven by many factors, Genjin actually took another step forward and was promoted to the middle stage of Supreme on the basis of his first entry into Supreme.

Soon after, all the visions disappeared, and everything disappeared. Only Genjin stood there, realizing the powerful power of the Supreme Middle Stage.

Although he had just been promoted to the middle stage of the supreme realm, his body revealed the terrifying energy that the creatures in the middle stage of the supreme realm need to look up to, and he was extremely powerful.

Just the leakage of the normal supreme aura makes the whole world tremble, the mountains and rivers shake, the sun and the moon are blurred, and they seem to be falling.

A single thought can cut down the sun, moon and stars, fill hundreds of millions of miles of ocean, and it is impossible to do anything.

Is this the Supreme?

Gen Jin lamented in his heart that it was a fluke that he was able to defeat the Supreme Being when he was half-stepping to the Supreme Being. If he had not chosen a special place and suppressed the Supreme Supreme Being's ability to control the sky and the earth, it would have been impossible to kill the Supreme Being.

Just when he was sighing, a voice rang in his ears. Genjin looked towards the source of the voice. It turned out to be the city lord of an ancient city hundreds of thousands of miles away. His cultivation was in the late supreme stage.

Genjin, I have met fellow Taoist.

he responded.

At this time, the city lord of the ancient city was horrified and felt suffocated.

He was convinced that this creature had just become enlightened, and there was still that special energy left in the world, just like when he attained enlightenment.

However, Gen Jin is so powerful, beyond imagination that even a powerful man who has been enlightened for hundreds of thousands of years and is already in the late supreme stage cannot see through it. He only feels that the other party's strength is unfathomable, like the vast ocean.

Suddenly, the ancient city lord reacted.

Gen Jin... did I hear it correctly? Fellow Taoist said his name is Gen Jin?

Yes, my name is Genjin. It's true. Genjin responded with a smile.

After receiving the confirmation, the Lord of the Ancient City took a deep breath.


Isn’t that a disciple of the ancient ancestor Rama and the five elements? Decades ago, Genjin's name spread to every corner of the foreign land, and he was known as the number one person of the younger generation. If I remember correctly, this creature is not yet a hundred years old, right? Now he is already a powerful being in the middle stage of Supreme Being.

Oh my God! The Supreme Being who is less than a hundred years old. The ancient city lord was shocked beyond measure.

In his opinion, it is impossible to become enlightened before five hundred years old. God does not allow it, and heaven and earth do not agree. How can manpower defeat heaven?

Even after talking with Gen Jin, the Lord of the ancient city still found it difficult to calm down. He knew that the name Gen Jin, which had been silent for decades, would soon shock the ancient world again. This time it would be greater than any other time in the past. All are vast.

For a Supreme who is less than a hundred years old, no one has succeeded, let alone this era. Even if it goes back to the distant Emperor's Fall era, no one has succeeded.

There are indeed people who have broken the five-hundred-year-old taboo line. In this regard, Genjin is not the only one. However, those people broke it when they were three or four hundred years old. There has never been anyone like Genjin who broke the taboo before he was a hundred years old and stood high. , overlooking the red dust ants.

After talking with the Lord of the Ancient City, Gen Jin left without stopping. He went straight towards the Five Elements Dao Furnace.

Both masters were very kind to him, so he couldn't favor one over the other. He would go to the one closest to him first.

The purpose of traveling before was to fight, hone in the world of mortals, and attack the barrier of the Supreme. Now, with all his success, there is no need to do this. After all, he can kill the Supreme before he reaches the Supreme. Now that he has been promoted to the middle stage of the Supreme, he has already reached the ultimate level. If you continue to travel with invincible hands, you are just killing other supreme beings, which is meaningless.

When Genjin approached the Five Elements Dao Furnace, the Immortal King of the Five Elements immediately sensed it and used great magic to pull him in front of him.

At this moment, the immortal king's mood swings were very violent, which could be said to be the most violent in several epochs.

His eyes glanced up and down Gen Jin's body several times, and Wu Xing praised loudly: Okay, okay, okay, Luo Mo and I's hard work has not been in vain. You really succeeded. It only took eighty years to achieve the supreme enlightenment, and , rushing into the supreme middle stage in one fell swoop is truly unprecedented and unprecedented.”

Hearing this, Genjin shook his head in his heart. Shi Hao from the ancient era had achieved enlightenment in a shorter time than he did.

However, this is not his complete true body, but just a spiritual body. It is very rare for him to survive for eighty years without developing a new system.

The five elements laughed and felt very happy. If the disciple is like this, what else can the master ask for?

As long as Gen Jin does not die prematurely and no accidents occur, it is inevitable that he will become the immortal king in the future. Various factors add up, and no one is more hopeful than Gen Jin.

When the time comes, the master and the disciple will become immortal kings, and it will surely become a wonderful story that will last forever.

Thinking of this, the Immortal King of Five Elements felt uneasy and secretly used many back-ups on Gen Jin to protect his safety.

Of course, all this was done without Gengen's knowledge.

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