Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 251 The Immortal Pit of the Forbidden Zone of Life

After learning the coordinates of the Dharma-ending world, the master and the disciple set off without stopping.

The giant treasure ship set sail, sailing through the endless turbulence of the void and the broken universe, breaking through the chaos, riding the wind and waves, and finally approached the destination of this trip.

Looking from a distance, there is a huge thing in the void space, lying quietly in front of it, motionless and silent.

Around it, many broken universes and worlds are scattered, some have dried up, and some still have life.

Obviously, they are small fragments that split off from the giant. Most of them have drifted to the unknown chaotic area, and only a small part is still attached.

The giant treasure ship slowed down and stagnated in the void. The Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Ancient Invincible stood on the deck, looking at the vast ancient world ahead.

From the perspective of the great void outside the boundary, it looks like an ancient bottle that was broken and then forcibly bonded together. The boundary wall is full of terrifying large cracks, dark and deep, blowing the biting void storm.

The two of them were still far away from each other when they sensed a disgusting aura of apocalypse coming towards their faces. Even if there was a boundary wall, it could not isolate the terrifying power of rules.

According to the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, the End of Dharma is like an infectious disease between interfaces. In the normal world, as long as it is contaminated with a little breath, it is possible to enter the End of Dharma together.

Yes, this is the place. The aura of Mo Dharma is unusually strong. It's the only one I've ever seen in my life. It's just right for you to hone your practice. The owner of the restricted area said overjoyed after sensing it for a while.

Then, he approached in a giant treasure ship.

The closer it gets, the stronger the aura of Mo Dharma becomes. Before it really enters, the endless particles of ancient species in Ancient Invincible's body tremble slightly, as if sensing the oppression of the world.

The entrance they chose was not to break through the boundary wall directly.

Entering the world of the end of Dharma, the way of heaven swallows all living beings and excludes outsiders. If you directly tear open the boundary wall, you will encounter great resistance and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Under the control of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, the treasure ship moved forward, silently approaching the terrifying void cracks on the surface of the boundary wall.

Not only is it dark and deep, but it is also surrounded by all kinds of terrifying powers, such as the blood-red divine chain of order, the vast ocean-like rules of Tao transformation... there are too many to block the invasion of outsiders.

Anyone who wants to enter through the cracks must break through the obstacles of these forces of order.

Fortunately, the giant treasure ship was strong enough to carry the power of these rules, break through the shackles, and successfully descend into this law-ending world.

Its speed was very fast, and its surface rubbed against the laws of the law-ending world, igniting blazing flames and falling from the sky, like a huge meteor falling from the sky.


The treasure ship crashed to the ground, creating a shockingly large crater. All the land with a radius of 100,000 miles sank to a large extent, forming a deep crater with increasing depth.

This is still the result of the control of the owner of the restricted area, otherwise, it would be enough to sink a continent.

The reason why the treasure ship was allowed to fall was because this Dharma-ending world was extremely xenophobic. Anyone with an Immortal King-level power would inevitably be rejected by the most terrifying interface power.

Moreover, this world has a great cause and effect. Although it was defeated and became broken, it did not perish and became a dead world. This shows that the most powerful people who came out of this world are still alive, and they feed back the mother world, secretly. Blessed by the power of cause and effect.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone has just arrived, and he doesn't want to be contaminated too much. He doesn't care, he is just a skull and an obsession. The key is that the cause and effect of his contamination will be on his disciples in the future.

Therefore, he did not use the power of the Immortal King, but only slightly controlled the fluctuations of the treasure ship falling to the ground.

The place where they landed was a barren desert with little life nearby. The formation of the deep pit did not cause a loss of life.

However, such a big movement has attracted the attention of some major forces nearby.

Extraterrestrial objects!

Millions of miles away from the pit, on top of a majestic giant peak, such words came out. A majestic figure stood on the top of the peak, with his hands behind his back, and in his eyes was the horror of chaos, birth and death, and the birth of the universe. scene.

Master, do you want to take a look?

Naturally, in the past thousand years, alien objects from the sky have often fallen. Almost every time, it is a great opportunity that can be encountered but cannot be sought. The rise of several creatures is closely related to it.

The movement this time is so great, far greater than before, maybe the falling thing is something that existences like us need. The majestic figure spoke and decided to go to the direction of the pit to find out.

The same thing happened in all directions around the pit.

Many life restricted areas and major forces have sent strong men towards the center of the pit, hoping to get their hands on the opportunities in the alien objects in the sky.

More than a hundred years ago, an alien object fell from the sky. It was a huge piece of fairy gold. It was robbed as soon as it fell. In the end, after paying the price of blood, it was divided by various powerful forces.

In comparison, the fluctuations caused by the giant treasure ship crashing to the ground were countless times greater than the piece of fairy gold.

Therefore, the great forces gave it the highest attention in their reverie. Many forces came out in full force, and the most powerful ones came in person.

Even the forces outside this area got the news, and countless powerful people came swarming to get a share of the pie.

Many small and medium-sized forces that originally had ideas immediately gave up the idea of ​​participating when they saw this kind of battle.

The ancestors of those behemoths came in person, and there were many existences of the Supreme level. Even the usually dead restricted areas of life had supreme beings born.

You can imagine what kind of shocking battle will happen in that deep pit. We little fish and shrimps should not go there and join in the fun, lest we get caught in it and die without a burial place. The ancestor of a medium-sized force said this.

The Supreme is the most powerful being in this world. The ancestor of the great forces and the master of the restricted area are at this level.

They came for the giant treasure ship and wanted to carve up the extraterrestrial things. Other creatures could only stare and did not dare to step forward to intervene.

Soon, more than twenty tall figures appeared in the inner area of ​​​​the pit. Some were walking alone, and some were walking side by side in threes and twos. They were all silent and cautiously approaching the center of the pit.

The closer they got to the central area of ​​the pit, the more cautious they became. For no other reason than a faint coercion spread in the void, making even the supreme-level creatures a little frightened.

The Supremes looked at each other, a little uncertain. Even if they opened their martial arts eyes and looked towards the bottom of the pit, they could not see clearly what the falling objects were, only a blur.

Finally, they were approaching, and a huge glowing thing lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, filled with a strong aura of immortality and surrounded by unimaginable symbols. The power overflowing from it made the Supreme feel suffocated and realized his own power. Small.

What is that? A restricted area master said to himself in surprise.

It has something to do with the immortality. It should be a treasure of the immortality. A supreme leader spoke out and made a judgment.

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the Supreme Beings present were filled with excitement.

Thirty thousand years ago, things related to immortality could still be seen in this broken ancient world. Although immortality substances were scarce, they could still bring good longevity to all living beings.

Until one day, the world changed drastically, and the end of the law came. Most of the most powerful people died overnight, all living beings withered, and more than 99% of the monks died.

Anything related to immortality has been chopped off and its level has dropped a level.

Today, 30,000 years later, it is difficult to see treasures with such rich immortal energy.

Therefore, the Supremes are a little excited. This amazing immortal treasure in front of them may give them a glimpse of the secrets of the Immortal Way. In this terrifying age of the end of the Dharma, the years are the most ruthless. A powerful Supreme can only have a life span of more than 10,000 years. .

They long to become immortals and enter the realm of immortality, so the immortal treasures at the bottom of the pit are not to be missed.

At this moment, more than twenty supreme beings were on guard against each other, releasing their supreme auras one after another and keeping a distance from others. Only supreme beings who were very close to each other would not put any defense against each other.

There is only one Immortal treasure, so the one with the ability will naturally occupy it, but there are more than twenty Supremes. How to decide the ownership of the treasure is a difficult problem.

Just as the supreme beings were at war with each other and the atmosphere was tense, the immortal treasures in their eyes changed dramatically.

A figure radiating clear brilliance walked out of the fairy light, releasing a monstrous force that shocked all the supreme beings present in just a moment.

That unparalleled sense of oppression, like a true immortal coming to the dust, made more than twenty supreme beings freeze in place, feeling suffocated in their chests.


The word immortal pops up in everyone's mind. They are already the most powerful existence in the Dharma-ending world. Looking down on the human world and all living beings, only those who are also supreme can be their enemies.

But now, the mysterious creatures coming out of the alien objects in the sky have shown powerful energy that surpasses all the supreme beings present. It is terrifying and inexplicable. The only ones who can do this are probably the legendary true immortals who have disappeared.

The immortal in the eyes of the Supreme is the ancient invincible who came from afar. After he was promoted to the top of the extreme realm, he could fight against the creatures in the early stages of the True Immortal, and he naturally crushed all Supremes.

After the treasure ship crashed to the ground, because he was not a creature born in this world, he was troubled by the power of interface rejection. It took a lot of effort to make the lingering chain of order in the void disperse.

Unexpectedly, so many people have gathered outside the treasure ship, all of them are supreme-level creatures, and they are not ordinary supremes, they are all supreme beings.

If placed in the complete world, they can all attack the realm of immortality.

It is a pity that this is the Age of Ending Law, and it has just entered the Age of Ending Law. At this moment, the aura of Ending Law and the suppression of the world are the most cruel. Being able to become the supreme master at this time point is enough to show that these creatures have amazing talents. , otherwise, it would be impossible to reach this point.

Of course, some of these people are outsiders, or some sacred mountain, or some heavy weapon, brought them down from outside the territory, and then turned into a restricted area of ​​life.

Gu Wudi was actually surprised by this scene. In his understanding, in the ancient world that had just entered the Dharma Ending Age tens of thousands of years ago, it was extremely difficult to become a supreme being. It could even be said that it was basically hopeless. The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was too suppressed. Cruel, in the original work, the real dragon Gegu, the Ants, etc. tried their best but could not become enlightened.

However, in this ancient world, in this area, there are more than a dozen new supremes coming, which is really surprising.

After secretly communicating with the owner of the restricted area, he came to a conclusion.

The ancient world they came to is very special. It is vast and vast, almost catching up with the original ancient world in terms of size. The rules of the avenue are vast and boundless. It is because of this that masters of the level of the Supreme Dao can be born.

At this time, Gu Wudi sent out ripples of spiritual thoughts.

When he suppressed the Chain of Order just now, he gained insight into some of the secrets of this world. The language of this world is very different from that of the original ancient world and the fairyland. They are very different. It is not easy for them to communicate in the local language when they are new here. To do this, using Spiritual Mind Ripple is the most direct and convenient method.

From now on, this place is a forbidden area for life. You are not allowed to set foot. Violators will be killed without mercy. Gu Wudi's words were cold and powerful, and a terrifying coercion enveloped all the supreme beings present.

The supreme beings were trembling all over, and their hearts were horrified. They were confident that they were invincible, but they lost their confidence in front of Gu Wudi, because this mysterious creature was too tyrannical and very similar to the legendary true immortal.

Senior is he an immortal?

Someone tried to ask aloud.

Gu Wudi knew that if he said no, then these creatures might have some unrealistic ideas.

Not an immortal, but better than an immortal. I am a mortal immortal. He gave this answer.

Not an immortal? A mortal immortal? The supreme beings murmured in their hearts, how could one become an immortal in the mortal world? In their understanding, in the cruel environment of the Dharma Ending Age, it is impossible for living beings to become immortals.

Some people suspected that Gu Wudi was a strong man on the outside but a powerful man on the inside. He only had a formidable momentum but actually had no strength. Otherwise, they would not have been allowed to approach this place.

So, he tentatively said: Senior, this junior has never met the Red Dust Immortal. I want to feel the power of the Immortal. Can you give me some advice?

The person who spoke was a powerful person from a large force who had just risen thousands of years ago and became the Supreme Being.

After the words fell, the other supremes looked at Gu Wudi, wanting to see how he would respond.

Gu Wudi said coldly: Okay.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took action, and the ancient particles in his body burst out with vast potential, all concentrated on a finger on his right hand. Then, the finger continued to enlarge, and pressed towards the Supreme One who spoke.

The terrifying power made the Supreme Body stiffen, and he almost forgot to resist. He roared, and the power of the Supreme Dao burst out from his whole body, and he used the forbidden secret technique.

However, the final result made him unbelievable. This finger was too terrifying, crushing his means to pieces, and finally, it was imprinted on his body.


In just an instant, he was almost torn apart. He could feel that Gu Wudi was holding back, otherwise, one blow would turn him into powder.

Even so, that kind of force is difficult to resolve, directly blasting the Supreme out of the pit and flying into the deep space of the universe, leaving countless crystal Supreme blood along the way.

It won't happen next time. If someone provokes me again, it won't be as simple as being knocked away. Gu Wudi's eyes were blazing, he looked around and looked at all the Supremes.

When the remaining creatures saw this, they were shocked and did not dare to question it anymore.

Then, they exited the bottom of the pit like a tide and retreated separately.

Gu Wudi watched these creatures go away, the murderous light flashing in his eyes. If the owner of the restricted area hadn't reminded him not to kill, just scare the opponent away, he would have killed a piece of the Supreme Being.

Although this world has entered the apocalypse, they are not sure whether there are still Immortal King-level creatures existing and hiding. In this case, it is better to keep a low profile.

As more than two dozen supreme beings retreated, the situation of this deep pit was also made public. People knew that there was no opportunity here, but a new restricted area of ​​life called the Immortal Pit, which was not allowed to be set foot.

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