Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 253 Killing the Immortal

Ten thousand years have passed, and the world has already changed. Time has changed, and everything has changed.

However, to a monk, ten thousand years is nothing.

On the embankment, Genjin wakes up leisurely, the dust on his body shaking off.

All in all, he has been sitting here for five hundred years since he returned from his last trip to sea.

Every time he went to sea and sailed an ancient ship into the Boundary Sea, he benefited a lot. The kind of training could no longer be described by the simple mist of the Boundary Sea.

As strong as a true immortal and immortal, a single oversight may lead to death, and as soon as one dies, he will be disintegrated by the power of the world sea and become a part of the vast ocean.

During the thousands of years he went to sea, Genjin encountered countless dangerous moments. According to Luo Mo, if he and the Immortal King of Five Elements hadn't left enough backhands on Genjin, Genjin would have died. The Tao disappeared.

Seven thousand years ago, when he sailed into the Boundary Sea for the first time, he was stared at by a fog and enveloped him.

The so-called fog is actually not a natural formation of water vapor, but an environment created by terrifying creatures living in the boundary sea.

That time, he almost lost himself and became a meal for a terrifying creature.

Six thousand years ago, Genjin drove an ancient ship alone, away from the dam and heading into the depths.

Everything was going smoothly, and the sea was calm, but suddenly, the wind was strong and violent, causing the ancient ship to creak, and the originally calm boundary sea suddenly became rough and the waves were huge.

A wave is even higher than the ancient ship.

In the end, the ancient ship driven by Gen Jin was overturned by huge waves, and the immortal-level ancient ship sank into the ocean forever. Gen Jin was not spared and fell directly into the sea. At that time, he endured the grinding of the endless world. The severe physical pain caused me to grab onto a floating deck and prevent me from sinking immediately.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

You must know that every drop of seawater in the Boundary Sea is a broken and abandoned world. Countless seawaters gather together. The terrifying pressure is difficult for even a true immortal to resist.

Gen Jin suffered a catastrophe, and his chest was almost completely wiped out, leaving only dripping white bones and no flesh and blood left.

At the critical moment of life and death, the backhand arranged by the two immortal kings and masters played a vital role in him. In the terrifying environment of the boundary sea, he forcibly opened up a piece of pure land to protect his beloved disciple and save him from death. Pulled back up.

Two majestic shadows rushed out from behind Gen Jin, covering the sky and the sun, and were so powerful that they were beyond measure.

They pushed away the water from the Boundary Sea, and then personally escorted their beloved disciple back to the dam.

This incident made Luomo on the embankment extremely scared. His carefully cultivated disciple almost died in the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries. Therefore, he exerted multiple back-ups on Genjin, and even gave Genjin a few drops of immortality. The king's essence and blood.

You must know that the king's essence and blood are of great importance, and cannot be compared with ordinary blood. It not only contains extraordinary power, but also contains great cause and effect.

Gen Jin did not refuse and accepted everything. He already owed this master a huge favor and karma, and it didn't matter if he had more.

Five thousand years ago, Genjin regrouped and went to sea again. His target was a reef on the offshore boundary sea.

It is very solid and immortal. It has stood on the boundary sea for an unknown length of time. It has withstood the impact of the power of the boundary sea day and night. The rolling waves and repeated slaps have not broken the reef. It has always stood there tenaciously. .

According to Luo Mo, such rocks or islands are of great significance in an environment like the boundary sea. They are natural barriers and habitats for the strong.

It is very possible that there are relics left by the supreme power, or inherited mantles, or supreme ancient scriptures, or nothing. Everything is possible.

No matter what, as long as someone has sat cross-legged on the rocks and achieved enlightenment, the years will leave traces and there are traces to follow.

Genjin set out. This time, everything went smoothly. After a hundred years of sailing, he reached the reef in sight.

He docked the ancient ship, stepped down, and landed on the dark stone bed.

From a distance, this is a lonely reef. In fact, it is quite large, almost equivalent to a small island.

The situation on the island is just as Luo Mo said, with all the traces left by the strong.

There are ashes, remains, and words left behind, but there are no living creatures.

Relatively speaking, this island is very close to the dike world, so generally speaking, king-level creatures will not land on the island, and the traces on the island are basically left by true immortals and immortals.

Genjin walked around the island and really found a lot of inheritance from powerful people.

They suffered a catastrophe on the Boundary Sea and could not survive. In order to prevent their secret techniques from being lost, they engraved them in some secret places on the island.

Most of them are immortal methods of true immortals, and only a few are inherited by immortal kings.

Just as he was absorbing these ancient inheritances, a string of words on the rocks suddenly flowed out with extremely bright red blood.

Genjin was shaken all over, bleeding from all his orifices, and his whole body was convulsing. He lay on his back, twitching non-stop.

Five-colored light bloomed, the power of blood in his body began to exert force, and the Immortal Sutra began to operate automatically, emitting immortal light.

At the same time, Luo Mo's backup also played an important role, greatly easing Gen Jin's changing situation.

After a long time, he regained his composure. He was sweating profusely and his face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood at all.

What a terrible ancient curse that disintegrated my soul and body. If I hadn't been strong enough, I would have become a fan. Genjin said to himself.

He clearly understood the source of the disaster. There were crazy beings who deliberately confused ancient spells among inheritances. If someone was immersed in the ancient characters and couldn't extricate themselves, they would be infected without knowing it, and then disintegrate and die without a burial place. .

Fortunately, he was very strong and had many back-ups, and the ancient curse was planted by a True Immortal-level being, and was aimed at True Immortals and Immortals. Otherwise, even with many back-ups, he would not be able to escape death.

Three thousand years ago, Gen Jin went to sea again. This time, he encountered a living creature, a powerful True Immortal monk, covered in blood. It seemed that he had just experienced a fierce battle, and his injuries were not fully recovered. He stood alone. On a section of the deck, drifting with the current.

The waves were blooming and undulating, making the deck under the feet of the Immortal shake violently, giving people the feeling that they might fall off at any time.

He saw Gen Jin driving the ancient ship from a distance. When he saw Gen Jin at the pinnacle of humanity, the true immortal was shocked.

Because the minimum requirement for sailing the Realm Sea is to be a true immortal, he has never seen a humane creature go to sea.

Then, the real immortal waved his hand and sent a message to Gen Jin, asking him to give him a ride. There would be a generous reward when he returned to the dam world.

For this request, Genjin should have refused, because the creatures sailing the world sea are not trustworthy, and they will fight with each other at every turn, and they will fall out of favor faster than turning the page of a book.

However, the true immortal was covered in blood, his breath was weak, and his injuries had never recovered. Genjin was at his peak, and he was not afraid of turning against him. It was just the right time to test the results of his cultivation.

So, Genjin drove the ancient ship over, opened the defensive barrier, and allowed the real immortal to board the ship.

At first, the seriously injured True Immortal looked grateful. He kept thanking and promising that he would be grateful once he reached the shore.

Later, after he found out what was on the ancient ship and confirmed that there was only Gen Jin and no other living beings, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the true immortal.

However, he was very cautious and careful. It was a bit strange no matter how you looked at it, for a humane creature to sail an ancient ship alone on the world sea.

He kept asking questions, intentionally or unintentionally asking about Gen Jin's background.

Genjin naturally knows what this creature is thinking, and is very cooperative and tells the whole story.

Finally, Zhenxian confirmed that there was no problem and could start.

He unknowingly came behind Gen Jin, revealing his fangs and true face.

Boy, I have to say that you are very bold and dare to follow your elders to a place like this. It's a pity that your elders died suddenly and you are the only human being left to survive.

I understand that you will not be able to survive on the boundary sea. In that case, I will send you to relief as soon as possible.

As soon as he finished speaking, the real immortal came over like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey. He felt that before Genjin's elders died, they must have left precious things to Genjin, so he wanted to snatch them away and make them his own.

However, Genjin has been waiting for a long time, and he is waiting for this moment.

He turned around directly, and a large millstone of chaos appeared above his fist, spinning the heavens and crushing time and years, which was absolutely terrifying.

A great battle broke out, and in an instant the ancient ship shook and the void exploded. This was an eternal battle against the enemy, and the opponent was a wounded and bloody true immortal.

This battle was extremely fierce. Being able to sail in the world sea was enough to show that this immortal creature was extraordinary. Even if it was injured, it was not something that a human creature could contend with.

However, Genjin's combat power has already reached the level of immortality. After the various bloodline powers were integrated by the bloodline fruit, he achieved a qualitative transformation and leap, almost sloughing out colorful bone marrow and blood, plus the immortal meridians. At the second level of Dacheng, he already had the strength to fight.

The two fought for thousands of rounds. The injured True Immortal looked at the creature in front of him and couldn't help showing a look of horror. Is this really a humane creature? Why is it so powerful?

That kind of colorful, vaguely seven-color terrifying energy and blood, so huge that even the real immortals felt trembling and fear, it was simply a monster.

In the realm of humanity, he possesses the five-color blood that only the Immortal King possesses, and when he attacked the top of the extreme realm, he almost broke through to the seven-color supreme realm. Although he failed and wasted a lot of time, Genjin's Qi and blood The power has been further enhanced, and it is very close to the seven-color supreme realm.

That is the sign of a giant. Once he enters this field, Genjin can fight across the ranks and shake the world with just the power of Qi and blood.

After a fierce battle, the real immortal was executed and was killed on the spot by Gen Jin.

Before dying, the real immortal screamed unwillingly, angrily scolding Genjin for telling lies. There was no such thing as being taken to sea by an elder. With Genjin's strength, he was more than enough to go to sea on his own.

To this, Genjin simply responded.

This is the sea of ​​​​the world. Do you believe everything others say? You will learn from it. However, you have no chance. Be careful in the next life.

After saying that, the true immortal was beheaded and fell unwillingly.

The first time he killed an immortal, he was inexplicably excited. He defeated the immortal way with his human way. How many people in the past and present could achieve this kind of achievement?

Looking at it now, all the efforts were worth it and got the rewards they deserved.

A thousand years ago, Gen Jin went to sea for the last time. This time, he encountered crazy and bloodthirsty Dark Immortals. There were many of them. Each of them had blood-red eyes and crazy spirits. After seeing Gen Jin, they rushed towards him like hungry wolves. Go on a hunt.

This battle was the most brutal one since Genjin reached the top of the extreme realm. He tried his best to bring his tyrannical energy, blood and body to the extreme, fighting bloody battles with those dark true immortals who were in a state of madness.

He fought with his life, knocking down one immortal after another, until the oil ran out and the lamp ran out, and he was taken away by the shadow of Rama and returned to the embankment world.

Since the number of Dark Immortals was astonishing, almost reaching double digits, Genjin was not able to kill the Immortals for the second time. He just shot them down and fell into the sea. With the power of these Dark Immortals, it was impossible to kill them at this level. their lives.

As for Genjin himself, not only was the oil exhausted and the lamp was on the verge of death, he was also seriously injured, and his body and soul were almost collapsed.

After returning to the dam world, he has been recovering from his injuries and enlightening, and he only woke up today, five hundred years later.

are you awake?

Luo Mo also opened his eyes and looked at his disciple with concern.

Over the past ten thousand years, he has witnessed with his own eyes all kinds of heaven-defying actions, sailing the world sea, going retrograde to defeat immortals, fighting eight true dark immortals alone, and persevered until the end...

It is hard to believe that this is what a human being did. Genjin has done something that ordinary immortals cannot do.

As his master, Luo Mo and Yourong Yan also had great expectations for him.

Gen Jin nodded, then stood up and saluted Luo Mo as master and disciple.

For ten thousand years, Luo Mo had been waiting on the embankment to protect him, saving his life more than once, so that he could roam unscrupulously in the offshore waters of the boundary sea.

This kind of kindness is beyond words.

Luo Mo smiled and shook his head: As long as you can grow up, becoming the immortal king will be the greatest reward for your teacher.

Later, he told Gen Jin that from the perspective of the Immortal King, Gen Jin still had room for improvement and there was no need to rush to the immortal realm.

Because over the years, Genjin has been getting stronger, as if there is no upper limit, and has never been stuck at a certain bottleneck, unable to move forward.

This shows that Genjin’s Taoism has not yet reached the true pinnacle of humanity. Although this is somewhat incredible, Luo Mo is convinced that this conclusion is correct.

In this case, then continue to attack the pinnacle of humanity and see how far you can go. When you truly reach the pinnacle and there is no way forward, it will not be too late to hit immortality.

Gen Jin nodded, he thought so too. Although he can now fight against the immortal creatures, he is still a little behind and cannot control them freely and horizontally.

You can go deeper into the boundary sea. This time, I will be with you as my master.

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