Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 259 Ao Sheng is confused

When the Immortal King was angry, he laid down hundreds of millions of corpses, bleeding and floating in the oars.

Ao Sheng became angry, and the result was terrible. The entire star field was affected, the stars trembled, the heaven and earth wailed, and all living creatures prostrate themselves on the ground, trembling, feeling the fear deep in their souls.

"Ancestor, calm down."

The real immortal who reported the news was frightened by this scene and spoke quickly.

Apart from the last time Wang Heng was so angry, this was the second time he saw Ao Sheng so angry.

In the ancient cave, chaos was roiling, and the Immortal King's fluctuations were as vast as the ocean. Ao Sheng stood up, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and his lips moved slightly, as if he was chanting some spell.

Not long after, two figures arrived here, and a breath of time filled the air from them. They were extremely ancient, as if they had just stepped out of the long river of time.

These are the other two top Immortal Kings in Ao Sheng's camp. For one era after another, the three of them have always advanced and retreated together. Together with some Immortal Kings related to the three of them, they have gathered together to form a force that cannot be ignored in the Immortal Realm.

At this moment, Ao Sheng had murderous intentions towards Gen Jin in the foreign land. However, he knew that the foreign land was dangerous and the number of Immortal Kings was terrifying. Killing him rashly was equivalent to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. He had to look for opportunities to take action when Gen Jin was not in the foreign land.

And the genius of Genjin's level must have the support of the Immortal King behind him. If he wants to target and kill him, one person may not be able to do it.

Therefore, he summoned his companions and made full preparations. He was bound to kill Gen Jin, so that those who provoked the Ao family could see what his future would be like, and also let the enemies feel the pain in foreign lands.

Eternal humanity's rebellion against the late True Immortal can no longer be described as defying the heavens. From the perspective of the Immortal King, this proper Immortal King seedling, and not even an ordinary Immortal King, is already capable of fighting against the Immortal King. Ao Sheng's great enemy Wang Heng is on a par with him. In this case, it is very necessary to kill him in the cradle in advance, which is also beneficial to the fairyland.

After Ao Sheng explained the reason and intention of summoning them here, the two stone statue-like Immortal Kings nodded without thinking for long and agreed to take action.

With the strong support of his allies, Ao Sheng was confident. Even if the Immortal King blocked him, he would not be afraid.

"Kill the genius, cover the sky with one hand." He said coldly, murderous intent rampant, destroying the sea of ​​​​stars outside the territory.

In a foreign land, the Immortal East Gate, Gen Jin, who had just completed the late stage of counter-slaying the True Immortal, was welcomed back by the stars like a moon. Whether he was the Supreme or the Immortal, they all regarded him as a god and respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the quasi-immortal kings who sit here are like this. They no longer regard Genjin as a junior. They know that sooner or later, Genjin will soar to the top and stand at the peak they need to look up to.

However, Genjin himself was not excited at all. He forced a smile, said goodbye to these immortals and supremes of the imperial clan, and then walked out of the ancient palace alone.

The next moment, his face changed and turned pale.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm having heart palpitations?" Genjin said to himself.

His body is so special, and its potential is so great that it even surprised the Immortal King. It has naturally derived some miraculous abilities, and predicting good and bad luck is one of them.

Today, his status in the foreign land is very high. To put it bluntly, he is second only to the Immortal King. Most quasi-immortal kings do not dare to underestimate him.

With such a high status, who dares to do harm? The only possibility is an alien enemy.

Thinking that he had just killed a true immortal of the Ao family who might have become a quasi-immortal king, Gen Jin had some vague guesses.

"Using the big to bully the small and smothering the talented is in line with that old man's style." Genjin said to himself, and a name appeared in his mind.

However, it is not that easy for that creature to kill him. As long as Genjin stays in the foreign land, the other party will not have any chance.

However, in the battle that just happened, he won four games in a row, winning three supreme-level universes and one late-stage True Immortal-level universe. At this moment, these universes are still in the chaotic area. Generally speaking, monks need to go there by themselves. Collect those places where the universe is located and leave your mark on the avenue of heaven and earth.

This gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Genjin pondered for a long time, feeling that if he went there rashly, he would probably be robbed. The warning from the flesh was by no means pointless, and the only creatures that could give him such a palpitating feeling were king-level creatures.

So, he came to the retreat place of Taoist Hui Sha and asked to see the immortal king.

Soon, Taoist Hui Sha's voice came, asking Gen Jin to pass.

Meeting the Gray Evil King again, Genjin first bowed and then told the situation in detail.

On the Taoist platform, the vague and majestic Gray Evil King looked thoughtful after listening to Genjin's description.

Then, he answered: "This matter is not trivial. Ao Sheng is a narrow-minded person, and since you have shown great power in the ring and revealed talents rarely seen in history, it is not surprising that he has murderous intentions towards you.

If Wang Heng of the Immortal Realm has not grown up and shown his talent in the borderland, we will also have murderous intentions. Throughout the ages, there have been too many such things, and no one wants to have another great enemy in the future. "

After saying that, he thought for a while and asked Gen Jin to wait here. His two masters must be informed about this matter.

"Since he wants to target you, then we can use his plan to severely damage the Immortal Realm." King Gray Fiend said.

Genjin was shocked when he heard this. Is it possible that this old man Ao Sheng can be dealt with this time?

Not long after, several majestic figures came from the void and gathered at the Immortal East Gate.

They are basically the Immortal King that I am familiar with today, his two masters, Rama, and the Immortal King of the Five Elements, An Lan and Yu Tuo.

"Disciple, I heard that you killed a late-stage True Immortal creature from the Ao family. Haha, you did a great job. You deserve to be my disciple." The Immortal King of Five Elements came over with a smile and patted Gen Jin's face affectionately. Shoulder.

He was very proud to have such an amazing disciple, and none of the other immortal kings were envious of him.

Luo Mo also smiled and nodded.

As for Anlan Yutuo, he praised Genjin endlessly and spoke highly of Genjin.

After some pleasantries, the kings began to talk about business.

"Ao Sheng, this old guy, really can't afford to play with him. His descendants are not up to par, and my disciples rebelled against him. He beat the younger one to the older one. This time, he must be taught a painful lesson. It is best to give him a hard lesson." If you kill him, the Immortal Realm will suffer a huge loss."

The Immortal King of the Five Elements was very angry. An Immortal King like him, who had no tribe and walked alone, finally had an apprentice. Naturally, he regarded him as a treasure. If anyone wanted to target and strangle him, he would definitely get angry.

The same goes for Luo Mo. He has put the most effort into Gen Jin. He has led him to practice in Jiehai for 30,000 years, accompanying him throughout the process and teaching him carefully. Now, Ao Sheng actually has murderous intentions towards his disciples. This is undoubtedly touching. His reverse scale.

"Behead this old man. At the very least, he will be seriously injured and unable to jump for an era." Luo Mo spoke with murderous intent.

Hui Sha was also preparing to take action. Originally, he had sent a message to the giants in the foreign land, hoping to ask the giants to take action to severely damage the fairyland and kill them all.

However, the foreign land is preparing to attack the primitive ancient world and look for the seeds to unlock the ancient artifacts. The giant does not want to cause more trouble.

You must know that the Chaos Area lies at the intersection of the two realms and is very close to the Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm. Once a war between Immortal Kings breaks out, both sides will quickly know about it and then come to support. It is not that easy to quickly kill a supreme king. Moreover, Ao Sheng has never been a lone ranger. If the foreign land sends giants to ambush, the chance of killing Ao Sheng is low. Instead, it may escalate the situation and cause a war to break out between the fairyland and the foreign land.

This is inconsistent with the plans and interests of the foreign kings. Their goal is the primitive ancient world, not the fairyland.

Therefore, the giants do not intend to participate in this matter, and do not want to fight with the Immortal Domain at this time.

Luo Mo and Wuxing understand this very well. They also know that the most important thing at the moment is to find the seed in the primitive ancient world that can open the origin of the ancient artifact. As for Ao Sheng, it is enough to seriously injure him. If you want to survive in the immortal world, It is too difficult and unrealistic to kill a supreme figure on the border of the domain.

After several creatures discussed the plan, Gen Jin followed it up and went to the universe he had won to collect the results.

The two masters are here, as are An Lan and Yu Tuo, four top masters, and a Huishe Taoist, so Gen Jin naturally has nothing to fear.

He did not believe that the giants of the Immortal Realm would come out to rob and kill him. Even if there were giants, he was not afraid. With the presence of the five immortal kings and being so close to the foreign land, the possibility of him being robbed was very slim.

Not long after, Gen Jin set off. He took a teleportation array, left the foreign territory, and descended into the chaotic area of ​​the outside world. Following the coordinate instructions in the token, he quickly found the universe he had won.

There were no accidents in three supreme-level universes. He successfully collected them and put his own mark on them.

When it was the turn of the universe in the late stage of True Immortal, that feeling of heart palpitations appeared, and suddenly climbed to the extreme, as if some great terror was about to come. Genjin was so stressed that he couldn't breathe, and even breathing became a kind of Extravagant hope.

His expression changed drastically. No matter how hostile he was to Ao Sheng, he had to admit that the Supreme Immortal King was so powerful that he could instantly kill the quasi-Immortal King with just a thought.

The starry sky in the universe suddenly froze, everything, including the tiniest dust, froze in place, and an indescribable momentum enveloped the entire universe.

Huge stars kept exploding. Unable to withstand the terrifying pressure, they turned into powder like fireworks.

This kind of momentum can only belong to the majestic existence of the king level, unparalleled in the world, shaking the entire chaotic area.

Gen Jin knew that Ao Sheng had arrived, bringing with him unparalleled killing intent, causing everything in the world to wither.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked up at the infinite star field. There, three majestic figures stood tall and majestic. All the momentum came from these three figures.

"Haha! I'm really proud of myself. The three great immortal kings are here to take my supreme life." Genjin sneered without fear.


Ao Sheng just said these two simple words, and murderous intent swept across the sea of ​​​​stars, and even the long river of time emerged, lingering around his side.

The next moment, he moved, and a big hand stretched out and patted him over. He seemed to be slowly but urgently, and he was close in the blink of an eye.


Gen Jin's body erupted with earth-shattering power, and the phantoms of Luo Mo and Five Elements appeared at the same time, blocking the big hand and opening up a pure land for him.

Then, two drops of essence and blood slowly rose up, releasing monstrous fluctuations and transforming into the shapes of Rama and the Five Elements.

"Ao Sheng, do you dare to kill our disciple?"

"Interesting, this little ant is actually the apprentice of two immortal kings. He was also given the essence and blood to protect himself. If you kill this ant, the foreign land will definitely feel sad." Ao Sheng sneered.

"You think too much." Luomo Xuying responded coldly,

"Even if you are here in person, you are still no match for me, let alone just blood and essence?" He moved, and his body was so majestic that it cracked open the entire universe and entered into annihilation.

On both sides of him, Taishi and Yuanchu also took action, because once the blood essence of the Immortal King was triggered, the other party would immediately get the news and rush over. Before that, they only needed to use all their strength to break through two drops of the Immortal King. The obstruction of essence and blood successfully wiped out Gen Jin. By then, even if the two immortal kings came, it would be useless, everything would be too late.

The three supreme immortal kings took action, the fluctuations were too violent, the long river of time boiled, and everything in the world was destroyed.

Two drops of the Immortal King's essence and blood naturally cannot block this attack. They can only sublimate it to the extreme and block it for one or two breaths.

At this critical moment, gray mist suddenly filled the universe. It was very fast and enveloped the universe almost in an instant. Before the three immortal kings could react, the immortal king, who had been crouching for a long time, Attacked, and in an instant, the four ultimates came out.

A golden spear pierced through the layers of void and struck. The golden light that overflowed was too sharp and the fluctuations were vast, like a vast ocean.

Above the sky, the great seal of the world towers, falling slowly, suppressing all enemies in the world. This is Yu Tuo's weapon, and he is taking action.

Luo Mo and Five Elements are also attacking, starting with forbidden secret techniques and no intention of testing them at all.

The battle between kings is so violent that it cannot be concealed from the Immortal Realm, so this battle must be quick and must be decided quickly.

After the Gray Demon King sealed the universe, he also used his natal magical power. Endless spikes flew out of the thick gray haze, and in just an instant, the universe was riddled with holes.

"What? You..."

The sudden attack and killing of the five immortal kings made Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu stunned. They never imagined that there would be five immortal kings in a foreign land to protect a human being. This was outrageous.

According to Ao Sheng's estimation, Gen Jin had at most the Immortal King's backup, but he didn't expect that this humane creature would have such great energy.


The figure transformed by the two drops of essence and blood was shattered, unable to stop Ao Sheng and the others from attacking with all their strength.

At the same moment, the attack of the five immortal kings arrived, overwhelming and terrifying.

Ao Sheng and the others were caught off guard. Although they tried their best to resist, they were still injured. The blood of the Immortal King flew everywhere, destroying a star field with just one drop.

Just when Ao Sheng was resisting the attack of the Immortal King and wanted to forcibly obliterate Gen Jin, he suddenly discovered that Gen Jin's body had been ignited with blazing flames, burning away the void and cause and effect, and he escaped in an instant.

That was the third drop of blood essence of the Immortal King, which led him to escape from the battlefield of the King.

Ao Sheng was about to pursue and give Gen Jin a fatal blow. As a result, Luo Mo and Five Elements came to kill him. The terrible offensive left Ao Sheng helpless and unable to do anything else.

In the blink of an eye, Genjin left the battlefield and disappeared without a trace.


Ao Sheng roared, he was not willing to give in. He just missed the opportunity to kill the seedling of the Immortal King. How could he be willing to let it pass? The purpose of this trip was to kill Gen Jin, but now he watched helplessly as he escaped.

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