Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 262 Colorful Supreme Realm

His body has been tempered in the sea for tens of thousands of years, and has already reached the pinnacle of the human realm. His body alone can kill the descendants of the Immortal King in the late stage of True Immortal, which is enough to show how powerful this body is. .

However, under the joint efforts of the two immortal kings, the flames born inside the Five Elements Furnace were so terrifying that even the quasi-immortal kings sitting cross-legged in it could not stop it.

This is naturally the case today.

In just a moment, he couldn't hold on anymore, and his body began to disintegrate. Even if there was a strong immortal power permeating it, it was useless and could not stop it.


Genjin's body exploded, and his soul was stripped away, tumbling in the furnace.

The tremendous pain caused his soul to let out a low roar.

"Hold on, stay conscious." Luo Mo's voice rang in his ears, making Gen Jin feel refreshed.

He could feel that his body had only exploded and decomposed, but was not really dead. It had been broken down into the smallest particles by a force, suspended in the furnace, and constantly tumbling.

Then, the lid of the Tao furnace was opened, and a mass of things was thrown in. The terrifying five elements of Tao fire instantly surrounded and decomposed it. The next moment, countless little Kui Niu appeared, rushed over, and collided with Genjin's flesh and blood particles. Together, annihilating and blending with each other.

Genjin only feels the severe pain in his body, and he can clearly receive the feeling of every particle. Previously, his body was a fixed human form, but now, he is in the form of the tiniest particles. In the furnace, he can't feel anything. Everywhere.

After a fierce fight, grinding and devouring, all the young Kui cattle were devoured and absorbed by him and merged into their flesh and blood.

Before Genjin could take a breath, there was a "clang" sound, and the lid of the Five Elements Stove was opened again. This time, Luo Mo dropped two objects.

They are the blood of the Immortal King-level True Dragon and the Immortal King-level True Phoenix.

"hold head high!"

After being baptized by the Five Elements Dao Fire, the true dragon blood group that was thrown into the furnace turned into a small true dragon that shook its head and tail, and the same was true for the true phoenix blood group.

Genjin's flesh and blood particles once again fought against him. He had relied on the blood fruit to fuse the essence and blood of the true dragon and true phoenix. Now, these two bloods no longer threaten him at all, and they can only be crushed and devoured.

Soon, inside the Dao Furnace, there was a faint black hole, and his swallowing talent appeared, swallowing up all the little true dragons and little true phoenixes, sweeping them away.

Next, Luo Mo and Wu Xing continued to throw parts of the most powerful creatures into the Dao Furnace, including horns ground into powder, blood-stained scales, blood masses, pieces of flesh, etc. They spent a lot of effort to find them. The ingredients are prepared strictly according to Diluo's ancient recipe.

The Eternal One does not reject those who come, swallows them all in its mouth, and accepts them all. It is not the devil bird that swallows the sky, but it is better than the devil bird that swallows the sky.

When all these raw materials were put in and all were swallowed up by Gen Jin, the two immortal kings activated the Tao furnace, chanted the ancient emperor's scriptures, and produced ancient and mysterious symbols, facing Gen Jin's physical body and Yuan Jin. God tempered it over and over again, like forging iron.

This process was very painful for Gen Jin. He was beaten and forged repeatedly like a piece of iron. Every heavy blow made him dizzy and painful.

However, the effect is obvious. His body and soul have begun to undergo qualitative transformation, his potential has further grown, and he is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but this kind of forging has finally ended. Wagyu has not returned to his human form, and is still in the shape of particles. However, he can clearly feel that compared to before entering the furnace, his physical body has become more and more unfathomable. , Yuanshen has also made great progress.

This was not over yet. Luo Mo and Wu Xing began to put in big medicines and various precious spiritual objects. They threw a mountain of raw materials into the furnace and stewed them in one pot.

Afterwards, the two used their huge magic power to activate the Dao Furnace while reciting the Ancient Emperor Luo Sutra, hammering and refining it over and over again until there was no flaw at all.

Genjin once again realized what life was worse than death, but he was in pain and happy.

After the joint efforts of the two immortal kings, both the soul and the physical body have been strengthened to a certain extent. Moreover, the barriers to the immortal realm have melted away like ice and snow, and immortal energy has spread out. .

Enlightenment and immortality are just around the corner.

At the same time, a throbbing feeling spurted out from the blood particles, as if something huge was about to be born.

Genjin has a hunch that if this "behemoth" really appears, his strength will skyrocket again, beyond imagination.

"What's this?"

He looked inside himself, sensed carefully, and finally determined the source of the throbbing feeling, which was two other colors besides the five-colored blood.

Each one represents a kind of avenue rule, which is not as simple as a simple superposition of colors.

In the bone forging realm, Genjin uses the divine liquid in the seven-color bone wood. Throughout the ages, few people have had such an opportunity. This is equivalent to a key to the seven-color supreme realm. Of course, whether it can really reach the seven-color realm The supreme realm still depends on the monks themselves.

Once upon a time, Gen Jin attempted to sublime the five-color blood into seven-color blood when he attacked the top of the Jida. As a result, he failed without any surprise, and his time to enter the top of the Jida was greatly delayed.

Now, about to achieve immortality, he finally saw the hope of advancing to the Seven Colors Supreme Realm.

Colorful supreme realm! In the foreign system, this is a sign that only giants have. His two masters, Luo Mo and Five Elements, were unable to complete it in more than ten epochs. At this moment, he actually has such an opportunity.


The refining of the immortal body came to the final moment. The two supreme immortal kings spared no effort to activate the Five Elements Dao Furnace. The densely packed Emperor Luo Ancient Sutras they recited had already enveloped the entire Dao Furnace, both inside and outside the furnace. Outside, everything is filled with the breath of time.

In that ancient era, when even the Immortal King heard about it, there was a peerless person who worked out such an ancient recipe that could help creatures create a peerless immortal king. However, throughout the ages, no humane creature has been able to withstand the horror of this ancient recipe. Power, many famous ancient prescriptions are separated from it. Even so, the effectiveness is incomparable.

At this moment, this ancient recipe is finally being fully interpreted.


Thunder was rolling in the sky, and thunder punishment actually appeared in the void, overflowing with astonishing power of cause and effect, making even the Immortal King slightly shocked.

Fortunately, they were prepared and paid some price to make the punishment disappear.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the entire Five Elements Dao Furnace terrain was shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse and be wiped out. The rocks cracked, and smoke and dust were everywhere. The original Five Elements Dao, in the fierce collision, directly evolved into chaos, filling the air. The breath of beginning.

In the furnace, the particle-like Gen Jin disappeared and returned to his human form. Around him, the Ancient Scriptures of Emperor Luo faded little by little, and the laws of chaos surged, drowning everything.

"Did you make it?"

Luo Mo and Wuxing looked at each other.

They were not sure, but at the last moment, Genjin's vital signs were still normal. Now, chaos has flooded the Five Elements Furnace. With the blessing of the power of the terrain, the Immortal King can hardly see the scene inside.

Of course, if the two supreme immortal kings are willing, chaos cannot block their sight, but doing so will inevitably disturb Gen Jin in the Five Elements Furnace, which they do not want to see.

The two people gathered around the furnace, quietly waiting for the "results" to be released.

Not long after, there was movement in the chaos.


The chaos surrounding the Five Elements Dao Furnace was torn apart, and like the creation of the world, a dazzling light rushed out.

These are seven colors, extremely magnificent and gorgeous, and contain an astonishing aura of greatness.

Luo Mo and Wu Xing, who were gathered around the Five Elements Tao stove, were surprised.

"Supreme Colorful Realm!"

The two supreme immortal kings were shocked. They longed for the supreme realm but could not get it, and worked hard for it for more than ten epochs. Their disciples spent 30,000 years to achieve it.

At the same time, an immortal energy filled the air, extremely powerful and shocking.

Immortal light erupted from Eternal's body, shining on the sun, moon, heaven and earth. This immortal brilliance could be seen even in very far away areas. Then, the infinite rain of light fell down, sweeping across the vast earth, deeply This shocked the foreign monks.

It's so brilliant, so glorious. No living being has ever been able to emit such a bright immortal light when it attains immortality.

Immediately afterwards, various sacred visions came, the sky was filled with golden lotuses of the avenue, nectar fell from the sky, and divine springs gushed from the ground. Even the shadow of the World Tree was alarmed, and extended over, lowering the ocean-like rules of the avenue to help Jin.


Above the sky, calamity clouds rolled and piled up into mountains, and a vast sea of ​​thunder had taken shape, emitting terrifying destructive power.

The tacit agreement between Luo Mo and the Five Elements to stay away is an eternal calamity, so naturally they cannot interfere.

The next moment, the Immortal Tribulation broke out, blazing lightning illuminated the gloomy sky, and all kinds of taboo thunder and punishment poured down desperately, completely aimed at destroying Genjin.

His body is too powerful, and the calamity caused is naturally terrible.

There were too many chaotic thunders and immortal lightnings, dense and endless, smashing into the earth in an instant and destroying the universe.

Luo Mo and Wu Xing witnessed all this, and their surprise was beyond words.

Compared with ordinary immortal catastrophes, today's immortal catastrophes are much more difficult and more violent. If they had faced such thunderous punishments back then, they would not be the supreme immortal kings they are today, and they would definitely die. Immortal Thunder Punishment.

"Is it true just now? This kid has achieved the supreme state of seven colors." The Immortal King of Five Elements said to himself, somewhat unbelievable.

It is true that there are too few beings who have achieved the supreme level of seven colors. They are all famous giants.

Genjin has achieved this achievement in the immortal realm, which is shocking.

"Yes, the Seven Colors Supreme Realm, that kind of aura is unmistakable." Luo Mo nodded, looking at Gen Jin who was being punished by the immortal thunder, his eyes showing extraordinary splendor.

This disciple is so amazing that he can no longer be described as a seedling of the Immortal King. To be precise, it should be a giant seed.

The power of blood has reached the supreme level of seven colors, and the potential is too great. If nothing unexpected happens, promotion to the giant is a certainty.

They have been working hard for so long but still cannot touch that field. If there is a disciple who is better than his master and becomes a giant, forget it and give up his obsession. There will be no regrets.

Luo Mo and Wu Xing looked at each other and smiled, they both had the same idea.

At this moment, Gen Jin's whole body is filled with seven colors of brilliance. Starting from the bone marrow, it begins to transform and sublimate. The two looming colors finally turn into substance, bursting out with huge potential and combat power.

The seven-colored bone marrow gave birth to seven-colored plasma, gurgling and flowing throughout his body. At this moment, his combat power was rising steadily, gradually reaching an incredible state.

The quasi-immortal king and quasi-immortal king who had to look up to and retreat from before could now look down and suppress him.

The sudden increase in strength made the Immortal Thunder Punishment even more terrifying. There were billions of thunders, and there were even dark red guillotines falling from the clouds to take away this body that transcended common sense.

Genjin roared and was unyielding, fighting against the mighty power of heaven in the immortal calamity... This calamity lasted for several days before gradually extinguishing.

The places where he overcame the tribulation, except for the retreat place of the Master's Five Elements and the natural terrain of the Five Elements Dao Furnace, were all destroyed into dust, forming a bottomless abyss.

Genjin stands among the ruins, surrounded by brilliant seven-color brilliance, and the power of immortality spreads, oppressing the inside and outside of the universe.

He successfully stepped into the realm of immortality and became a peerless and powerful immortal. His terrifying body had washed away all its mortal roots and transformed it into immortal energy. It was flawless and unsullied, and his magic power was endless. He possessed Mo The power of testing.

"immortal person!"

Genjin stood there and muttered to himself, feeling a little sad.

Carrying the hope of saving his father, he came to a foreign land alone. Starting from a young age, he rose up and spent more than 30,000 years before finally attaining immortality.

Along the way, he has experienced so much. He has two immortal kings and masters, and his reputation shocked the entire foreign land. He even got married in a foreign land and had a Taoist companion...

Finally, his efforts were rewarded, and he stood in the realm of immortality. Moreover, the power of his bloodline was promoted to the supreme realm of seven colors. If he is not counted as the immortal king, he can overlook the human world.

In terms of combat power alone, he is not only at the level of an immortal, but even facing a quasi-immortal king, Gen Jin can suppress him.

This kind of combat power can already be compared with the road of the Red Dust Immortal. Unfortunately, Genjin's soul is always a problem. If he faces the Red Dust Immortal of the same realm, he will definitely be the loser. The soul is too different. It's not a level at all in terms of potential.

With a long sigh, the two supreme immortal masters arrived. Their eyes looking at Gen Jin were filled with joy and admiration. If they could cultivate such disciples, what more could a master ask for?

"Is this the seven-color supreme realm? It's simply breathtaking." The Immortal King of the Five Elements sighed.

Luo Mo also sighed.

"Stepping into the Seven Colors Supreme Realm will raise the upper limit of your physical body again. You already have the qualifications of a giant."

"One day, you will be better than others, surpass us, and become an unparalleled giant." Wuxing added, having great expectations for Genjin.

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